Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

The coming of the Christ consciousness ~ White Cloud ~ Leanne Kerrison

Lia's picture

The coming of the Christ consciousness.

The energy shifts you are all so patiently waiting for, draws closer. For your world is evolving as we speak. Ever evolving, shifting slowly, but surely, as we await the full fruitition, the expansion, the new growth, of your planet.

This new consciousness, is the Christ love.  This love energy vibrates with a frequency that bring you many gifts.

The time has come for you to now, acknowledge your true selves for who you really are. See yourselves as the bright shining light always.

This Christ consciousness will uplift your world to the higher dimension. Your world is growing toward this new energy, this new way. Think of the growing child, moving towards adulthood, embracing who they have become, from the small child. This is your world, fast approaching adulthood, with new knowledge, new wisdom, new energy.

The Creator Writings - Taking Flight

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



When a bird takes flight, there is no war going on within itself about whether it can fly or not, no act of concentration. It is just something a bird does without thinking. If you will only allow yourself to know you can, you will be able to do anything! ~ Creator



Let Go Of All Excuses By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

MomT's picture

pleiadedolphininfos Monday, September 23, 2013



Open the gate to the Allness that you have forgotten that you are.  Open the gate to all that you keep yourself separated from in thoughts, in fears, in longings, and in your heart’s desires.  Open the gate that keeps you from a future in which you are totally healthy, in love, in joy, in beauty, in youth.  For it is only your belief system that decays the body. 
It is only your belief system that keeps you from moving forward in leaps and bounds.  It is your dead end canyon that seems never-ending in a sky that seems continual.  Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, to swim,  to tunnel deep in the earth.  Open the gate to everything that your parents, your teachers, and your lovers told you that you could not be. Set yourself free.


Adjusting to the New Earth in TRUTH

Lia's picture

There has been much “hype” around the influx of the New Earth energies and much emphasis has been placed upon the both the date and the equinox. This creates “expectation” and this is a tool of the old earth in that the expectation is that something “amazing” will happen to you. Something amazing IS happening to you but at the rate of unfolding that is beyond the perception of the human logical mind. I cannot highlight enough the need to look beyond what APPEARS to be your life experience for the waking reality is moving at a slightly different rate than you are moving at at an energy level. The transition process that many have now begun seeks to align BOTH the waking reality and the energy that you are to the SAME SPEED of unfolding. Again this is something that is well beyond the range of the human logical mind and the human eyes. This may allow frustration to set in if it is not put in check, how do you put this in check? by moving fully into the heart space and listening to the HEART and not the human logical mind. To those around you today you will APPEAR to be the same person, but in TRUTH nothing is the same for ALL on and upon this planet have taken a leap in ENERGETIC signature.

Aisha North ~ A Short Update On The Energies

Lia's picture


AishaNorthDear friends!

Yesterday ended with a massive injection of energy for me. As I have already commented under the previous post, I sat down last night, connected to the Pond and tuned into the Equinox energies. It was SO powerful. I ”saw” us all turning into these individual white flames that formed a blazing circle around the turquoise waters of the Pond. I heard the word ”fusing” as I felt a strong current of particles surging through this whole circle, and the image I got, was that we were something similar to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I collapsed into my bed after about 40 minutes of this, but the energies kept rushing through me for another two hours or so. This morning, I felt so full of energy, I had to go and literally dig in the dirt on my vegetable plot for several hours before I sat down to channel today’s message. I still feel full of energy and ready to DO things, so I really, really hope this is has come to stay ;-)

Here is the message I was given today from the CCs:

Visionkeeper ~Take A Deep Breath ~ 23 September 2013

Lia's picture by

Music to read by below:

I don’t know about anybody else, but the energies sure have been powerful lately. It feels like riding a roller coaster ride all over the planet and then into space and back. I hope most everyone has learned the art of going with the flow for to do otherwise would make for a very challenging journey. It is that old letting go of having to have life be a certain way to attain our balance. It is time to learn how to balance ourselves under any situation! It all generates in our minds anyway and our minds can go anywhere with us, everything in the new world is portable versus bolted down tight in the old world. Somewhere in time we became frozen in the illusion we had to keep doing things a certain way in order to maintain balance. Nope! We can learn to balance ourselves even when the world is blowing up around us or falling away beneath us. That balance is created in our minds by how we look at life and what we believe in.


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