Collective Evolution

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This Ancient Babylonian Map Of Jupiter Just Changed History

A historian has just decoded a mysterious trapezoid from ancient Babylonian astronomical tablets. After analysis of the tablet, it has been concluded that Babylonian astronomers had calculated the movements of Jupiter using an ancient form of geometric calculus. Keep in mind that this is approximately 1500 years before we thought this type of math was invented by the Europeans.

The tablet was translated by astroarcheologist Matthieu Ossendrijver of Humbolt University in Berlin.

As Science Alert points out:

“This means that these ancient Mesopotamian astronomers had not only figured out how to predict  Jupiter’s paths more than 1,000 years before the first telescopes existed, but they were using mathematical techniques that would form the foundations of modern calculus as we now know it.” 

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Take A Look At This Self-Filling Water Bottle That Turns Air Into Drinkable Water

The implications of this technology are huge, especially for regions of extreme poverty where people do not have easy access to clean drinking water.

It’s a self-filling water bottle that actually turns air into drinkable water by using the condensation of the humidity which is contained in the air.

It was designed by Kristof Retezar, a designer based in Vienna, whose intention was to provide more than one billion people around the world, in water-scarce areas, with clean drinking water.

It’s called Fontus, and it works by using the simple principle of condensation. Basically, when humid air flows into the contraption, it hits a series of hydrophobic ‘teeth’ which help turn the water vapor into actual water droplets. What’s even better is that it’s completely solar powered, and has a device attached to it that helps keep bugs and dust out. Unfortunately, at this time it cannot filter out potentially harmful contaminants.

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Under-Ocean Military Bases: There Is More Than Just One Area 51… See For Yourself

“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer (Former Canadian Defence Minister)

In was only three years ago (2013) that the Central Intelligence Agency finally admitted to the existence of Area 51. Although it didn’t ‘officially’ exist before the CIA made this admission, it was pretty clear that something secretive was going on in the Nevada desert. That secretive something would be the testing of secret aircraft and technology that the public has absolutely no idea about. Take for example the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1996. An f-111 jet was used, which had been operational since 1983, but its existence was still kept secret for a number of years after.

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Billionaire Governor Taxed The Rich & Increased Minimum Wage: Look What Happened

When Minnesota governor Mark Dayton took office in January of 2011 he inherited quite the difficult situation to turn around. The midwestern state was drowning in a $6.2 billion budget deficit and had a troubling 7% unemployment rate.

Coming in on the heels of Tim Pawlenty, a leader who failed to generate any substantial new revenue and created only 6,200 new jobs, the pressure was on for Dayton to do better. As the billionaire heir to the Target fortune, many didn’t expect Dayton to be capable of much of anything, but now, over 5 years in office, he has effected real change for the North Star State.

To do this, Governor Dayton implemented two key factors that to many may seem commonsensical: he implemented higher taxes on the rich and increased minimum wage.

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Go To School, Get A Job & Fit Into ‘The System’: Animated Video Illustrates The Madness Of Our World

We live in a world where everyone is always trying to keep it together. Our appearance, attitudes, bank accounts, and lifestyles are massive factors in how society views us. We are constantly pressured to be “on,” leaving little to no room to fall apart. Family, friends, and jobs are always relying on us, making the pressures to perform incredibly high.

As we’ve all experienced, life is not simply made up of a bunch of highs. The lows come roaring in sometimes when you least expect it. Life doesn’t allow us time to deal with troubles, physically, mentally, or emotionally, leaving us frantic as we try to put the puzzle pieces back together.

But can you imagine if we were “allowed” to break down? What if we lost control and everyone around us let it happen? We might find resolve much sooner, since, in real life, we find ourselves pushing away the inevitable, as the storm slowly accumulates inside until it hits you that much harder in the face later on.

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The One Thing We All Do In The Same Language (VIDEO)

by Christopher Tan, Collective Evolution

When I was first compelled to make this video, I was inspired by a quote which naturally ended up being the title for the film: “WE ALL SMILE IN THE SAME LANGUAGE.” I saw intimate, up-close headshots of a span of colourful faces displaying the beauty and diversity of our species. The mission was simple: to epitomize the message to the viewer that despite our differences, we all are fundamentally the same and we should unite in this fact and embrace it. I elaborated and deepened the importance of that belief by writing and recording a poem, riffing on humanity’s potential (as well as the possible consequences of not uniting as a universal species and moving forward, together).

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20 Profound Quotes By Carl Jung That Will Help You To Better Understand Yourself

One of the things I love about Carl Jung is the fact that he was a deep philosophical thinker who examined all aspects of the self when writing about the human experience. As you will see in the quotes below, Jung was clear on the notion that we are spiritual beings, and that having a spiritual relationship with oneself truly helps us to understand the deeper aspects of who we are.

To some, this idea translates to religion — to finding solace in the existence of something greater than yourself — but I believe this to be a fickle form of spirituality, and one that does not truly help a person get to the core of who they are (or, alternatively, who they are not).

According to “Carl Jung was one of the creators of modern depth psychology, which seeks to facilitate a conversation with the unconscious energies which move through each of us. He contributed many ideas which continue to inform contemporary life: complex, archetype, persona, shadow, anima and animus, personality typology, dream interpretation, individuation, and many other ideas. He had a deep appreciation of our creative life and considered spirituality a central part of the human journey.”

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The Secret To How The Universe Works Lies Within This Geometrical Pattern. What Is The Flower Of Life?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

images-1 The Flower of Life is most likely something that you have seen before. It is a common symbol of many spiritual and religious teachings around the world. The Flower of Life has been found all over the world in many different religions. It is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man. It is a geometrical shape that is made up of multiple overlapping circles of the same size. There is a huge amount of information and knowledge that can be gained from understanding the Flower of Life. It is considered to be sacred geometry that contains ancient religious value and to sum it up it depicts the fundamental forms of space and time, but there is a lot more to know. Let this be an introduction to The Flower of Life.

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Full Moon In Leo: Aligning With How We Shine Best

We are having a Full Moon in Leo this weekend, which will occur on January 24th at 1:46am Universal Time (January 23rd in the Americas). Full Moons are a time when we can feel a push and pull by the energy of two opposing signs. In this case it is the polarity of Leo and Aquarius.

The themes build up in the 2 weeks leading up to it and then resolve themselves in the 2 weeks following by facilitating changes and/or some sort of release. The actual days of the Full Moon are generally the most lively, revelatory, and emotionally charged periods of this process.

The Moon is associated with our emotional needs, and in Leo these needs will be centred around our creative self-expression, our love life, our passions, or having the spotlight. Leo is about being a ‘shining star’ by putting our heart into our passions, whether it is in our careers or related to our hobbies, our relationships to the children in our lives, our creativity, or even in sports/athletics and other areas of our lives.

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A Supernova 570 Billion Times More Powerful Than Our Sun Just Pushed The Laws Of Known Physics

Scientists just observed the largest supernova in recorded history, PBS reports.

The massive explosion, titled ASASSN-15lh, belongs to a very rare class of “superluminous supernovae,” and is only 3.8 billion light years away, making it the closest superluminous supernova observed thus far.

To put it in perspective, the explosion produced more energy than our own sun will produce in the next 10 billion years. Yeah, it’s big.


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