Collective Evolution

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Got Hemp Milk? The Benefits Of Hemp Milk

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

One thing has become very clear over the past couple of years regarding the value of cow’s milk, particularly pasteurized, in our diets. And unfortunately, it’s not good news. A very seizable study came out late last year in the British Medical Journal which revealed a truth many of us had been speculating about (and perhaps fearing) for decades: Milk does not do a body good, and in fact contributes to a greater risk of mortality in men and women as well as bone fracture in women.

The search for palatable and sustainable alternatives to milk has been going on for years now, with more people becoming conscious of how their food is produced and what effect it has on their bodies. As we learn more about the practices involved in the unnatural mass production of milk, the choice to step away from purchasing cow’s milk is increasingly becoming an ethical one. The market shows this sentiment as well, as almond milk sales have soared to $700 million in 2015, up 40% over 2014. [2]

Hemp milk is another incredibly nutritious and tasty alternative to cow’s milk which supplies the body with essential nutrients without causing harm to the body like dairy milk does. Whatever the reason you are considering abstaining from from cow’s milk, hemp milk is one option you should consider. Here’s why.

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This Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse Is Key To Our Wellbeing

Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you would notice it big time.

That isn’t to say there isn’t huge benefit in being in nature, putting down your phone or even practicing some like earthing, instead, I’m saying there is a deeper connection we all have to this planet that we may not be aware of.

The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life.

“Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life”

In 1952 German physicist Professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the earth itself has a frequency — a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere there is an electrical tension that is created. Since the negatively charged earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the earth. This frequency was 10hz.

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Affordable Net-Zero Pre-Fab Home Is Solar Powered & Constructed In Only 3 Days

There’s a new net-zero, off-grid capable home on the market, and this beauty is a pre-fabricated house that pops up in just 3 days -they are also designed to stand the test of time, lasting for centuries. Now, doesn’t this just make a whole lot more sense?

The 1620 square foot, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is a great example of how we can use sustainable forms of energy to suit our every need and modern lifestyle. It is built to LEED v4 Platinum and net zero energy standards and also impressively is outfitted with the largest selection of Cradle to Cradle certified building products ever used in a residential project. Cradle to Cradle is a name given to products that have a regenerative design, modelling human industry on nature’s processes, viewing materials as nutrients circulating in a healthy and safe metabolism.

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Lost Christianity: Following The Threads Of Ancient Wisdom To A Deeper Psychological Reality

One of the things that always intrigues me is the historical basis for certain philosophical and metaphysical concepts. We often simply take for granted that the memes or ideas of our time have always been the basis for “truth” – and in our scientific age that can be a huge distortion.

I remember when I read A New Earth and Oprah hosted Eckhart Tolle in a webcast series, and many people calling in wondered at his references to the parables of Jesus, and whether there was a connection with Christianity.

Oprah tried to soft pedal the fact that Eckhart’s teaching is secular, which is problematic for fundamentalist Christians – but is there a connection going further back?

One of my favorite ideas from Eckhart’s work is his interpretation of the notion of the “Kingdom of Heaven” not as “someplace else” or in the sky, but rather as a state of being resulting from questioning, and ultimately not believing your thoughts.

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Report: Here’s How Many People Fatally Overdosed On Marijuana In 2015

Marijuana legalization has been the talk of North America for years now. It’s arguable that one of the biggest campaign promises made by Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was his goal to legalize cannabis countrywide. In the US, cannabis is legal in some form in 23 states, and with that we see a staggering number we should all consider. The number of Americans who fatally overdosed on cannabis in 2015 was: 0.

No one. Not a single person.

This of course is a huge increase from the year before which was also, zero. So it begs the questions: why is marijuana illegal? And why are other substances like alcohol and pharmaceuticals legal, yet they actively contribute to killing people in large numbers?

Hemp and cannabis became illegal back in 1937 for an all too common reason, it threatened the businesses of powerful people. You can grab the full ridiculously political story on that in an article I wrote about hemp and how they used cannabis to outlaw it back in 1937.

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16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2016

The new year is just around the corner and during these times we often begin thinking of ways we can adjust ourselves and our habits to grow and evolve in our lives. Whether you are the type to create resolutions, or you prefer to look back on the prior year and see how you can improve upon it, there are always things we can do to expand ourselves, and in many cases make our lives both easier and more fun.

Here is a list of 16 things that I personally feel we should all put an end to in 2016: (and yes I chose 16 things to specifically match the year 2016)

1. Running From Your Problems 

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Non-Stick Cookware Proven Toxic & Why You Should Use A Cast Iron Skillet Instead

Cooking has become a cherished pastime of mine over the last several years. It began in college when I found I could no longer stomach the meals the cafeteria was providing me. I knew I wanted to know what was in my food, so I moved off campus into my own apartment and began calling my mother incessantly for recipes, and then calling her back after mulling over what it meant to julienne an onion. And to be honest, as time has gone by my questions have only increased in number — though, to be fair, this is most likely because I am becoming increasingly familiar with the intricacies of the subject. But one thing I’ve noticed in the past year is my ever-mounting desire to understand what I should and shouldn’t have in my kitchen for efficiency as well as health purposes (yes, I have replaced all plastic food storage containers with glass ones).

I’m the clean type. I don’t like dirty dishes soaking in soap to slowly soften residue for removal  hours later. I prefer things to get clean immediately, hence my affection for non-stick cookware. But, as many of us know, there’s a not-so-secret staple in it that is a major danger to our health: Teflon. This synthetic polymer is found in metal pans to ease the process of cooking and cleaning. But at what risk? From health dangers to environmental hazards, the cons of cooking with it outweigh the pros. Even manufacturers warn their consumers of cooking at too high of a heat when using Teflon due to the emission of toxic particles and gases from the coating breaking apart. Take a look at the below chart to get an in-depth look at exactly what happens when you cook with Teflon at certain temperatures:

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Vibrate The Cosmos – Your Thoughts & Intentions Can Create Your Path

We are such slaves to our 5 senses. And it always takes science to ultimately demonstrate that what we do perceive with our sense is, in fact, not true. And it will be science that will show the masses what many of us already know – that our thoughts have energy and vibrate, just like everything else. When they are aligned with the order and perfection of Universal Mind, the sky is literally the limit of what we can attract into our lives. For the laws of vibration and attraction are inextricably linked.

The Science of Energy

We now know, thanks to breakthroughs in quantum physics, that everything which exists, when broken down into its base elements, is nothing but energy. At the sub-atomic level, there is no matter – only energy and vibration. And because everything reduces to just energy, all that we see in the universe, including ourselves, is made up of the same stuff, just at different vibration levels, to form the matter around us.

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Are These Remnants Of A 9,000 Year Old Stonehenge At The Bottom Of Lake Michigan?

Have scientists stumbled across a structure similar to Stonehenge at the bottom of Lake Michigan? Insanely this story is not new, it’s actually old but it went so under reported that nobody knows about it. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan where the Grand Traverse Bay Underwater Preserve is, Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University College, found the site with his colleague Brian Abbot after voyaging across the lake in a ship that contained sonar equipment, which is generally used to examine old shipwrecks.

After several passes they found a row of stones that piqued their interest. When they sent down divers to visit the site and obtain photographs, they were left somewhat discouraged. “It was really spooky when we saw it in the water,” Holley said. “The whole site is spooky, in a way. When you’re swimming through a long line of stones and the rest of the lake bed is featureless, it’s just spooky.”

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The Four Elements Of ‘True Love’ According To The Teaching Of The Buddha

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

What is love? What is ‘true’ love? Can it even be defined? Our idea of what true love is today most likely comes from a fairytale, movie, or reality TV show, and the definition has likely changed many times. But we all have certain conditions attached to our idea of what love is, or some sort of criteria drawn up for what our ‘perfect match’ would look like. The right partner is required to have certain things, be a certain way, and like certain activities – and that’s okay.

But perhaps true love is simpler than popular culture would have us believe. As Thich Nhat Hanh (a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk) explains below, if there is love/kindness, compassion, joy, and inclusiveness, according to Buddhist teaching, you are experiencing true love. It’s pretty simple. True love doesn’t necessarily have to be something magical that sprung out of a fairy tale.


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