Expanded Consciousness

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Allowing the Vibrational Change


by Zen Gardner

Many of the symptoms we’re witnessing amongst those around us can be explained in terms of the vibrational change we’re undergoing. The shift is on, and people are responding by either welcoming or resisting it at all kinds of levels. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon to behold, as well as a bit disturbing as people who don’t get it lash out at whatever influence they perceive is the culprit for their disorientation.

Fascinating stuff, but intrinsically important to what’s happening here at the surface level.

Most importantly is the personal level of this transformation that’s happening whether people want to acknowledge it or not. Fighting the structural degradation of old paradigms is always a messy affair, with seeming little to support our old viewpoints, except desperate grabbing on to old thought patterns and resultant behaviors which have shaped our lives. Such is the death of the old.

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Creating our Universe


by: Nicholas John Stoodley| New I Ching

Our world is so insignificantly small it hardly registers in the universe; in fact it’s almost completely impossible to comprehend just how irrelevant Earth appears when viewed in comparison to the enormousness of just our galaxy alone. The Milky Way is 100,000 light years across and since, as you surely know, light travels at 186,000 miles a second, you can then calculate its utter immensity. Yet this galaxy is only but one among billions of others – hundreds of billions of others – strewn out among the universe like rough and scattered diamonds that glitter in a background of unending darkness...
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Why Comparison is a Poor Strategy for Finding Personal Happiness


We all do this.

We compare our insides to other people’s outsides. When we get sucked into it and believe the idea that we are not doing enough or aren’t this and that enough, we lose our power. We forget who we are as a whole person. We focus on where we are falling short and compare that to other people’s strengths. We may inevitably find ourselves in a battle between our preferred self -that is lovable and our perceived self -that needs to work hard to receive love and approval – including our own. No one comes out alive out of that war, at least not without deep self-inflicted scars...
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A working hoverboard, it’s finally here

So where does the HENDO hoverboard stand today? Well, about 1 inch off the ground. As you can see from the video above, the prototype is real and it works! But to see it hover in person, and better yet, to defy gravity by riding it, is something you need to experience as well.

The magic behind the hoverboard lies in its four disc-shaped hover engines. These create a special magnetic field which literally pushes against itself, generating the lift which levitates our board off the ground...

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How to Breakthrough The Top 10 Obstacles of Meditation


By Ashley Turner

In beginning a meditation practice, there are common (almost universal) challenges that arise. Some of these have to do with common “myths” of meditation. Others are common negative habit patterns of the mind – “mind traps.” If we are not aware of these – we may become easily discouraged and feel like quitting. Once we “normalize” these tendencies, realizing they affect nearly everyone, we can learn how to work with them and even use them as support in our practice.

Let’s start with the 5 BIGGEST MYTHS OF MEDITATION...

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Former Canadian Minister of Defense Claims Aliens Exist


“They don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing,” Paul Hellyer...

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11 Essential Things That Can Make Your Day More Meaningful


By: Jose Andres Arvide

Our society has gone through many changes in the last century. It has been subjected to changes of perspective at how we look at nature, rights, morals... Not only have we gone through a demoralizing process but we have also become a rushed society, which appears to be in a pendulum between the past and the future without acknowledging the present. The society in which we exist, where things such as appearance, wealth and politics are really important factors, we start focusing all our energy in these few things which are extrinsic to our real needs and desires. Because of this, many of us have unconsciously overtaken a monotonous routine of life which doesn't inspire us to thrive, grow better and fulfill our every day existence; even though that's the nature of our being...


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5 Ways to Help Manifest an Amazing Life in Alignment with Your Soul Purpose


By Free Spirit  Life Mastery Coach Website www.keystomanifestation.com

The Law of Attraction works best when one is living and creating from a place of inspiration. The same inspiration is a natural result of aligning yourself to your True Purpose (aka ‘soul purpose’). Manifesting from a place of alignment to one’s Higher Self is joyful, easier and more abundant than manifesting from a place of obligation, resistance and plugging away at something you do not really want to be doing. Once you understand this – you will find that creating your ideal life can be a more joyful, light and expansive endeavor...


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