Spirit Science

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How to Cleanse your Aura by Absorbing Nature’s Light Field

I was fifteen years old at my best friend’s house, she had her family over for dinner. I was munching unassumingly on a salad, when the older man sitting across the table looked at me and said, “ I can see people’s Auras.”

Coming from your typical American family, I had no idea what Auras were so of course I had to ask,” What are Auras?” He told me Auras are an energy field that radiates from the different chakras or energy centers from within a person and then surround each person with what some can see as a visible color halo. If you focus enough you can see this halo of these colors a few inches from the person’s body. Kind of like if you would squint your eyes when someone is in front of you their outline would double. I asked him how he began seeing these colored energy emissions? He said that he had gone to visit his brother one night, his brother was into taking heavy drugs. When he had arrived at the front door of his brother’s house his brother hallucinating that he was a robber, accidentally shot him from a few inches away with a shotgun. His torso was immediately torn to pieces, he fell to the ground and went into shock where he blacked out. He said he remembers ascending into the afterlife but that is a story for another time. After a journey through the spirit kingdom, he was told by a white omnipresent being that his time wasn’t done on Earth and sent back into his earthly body.

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What is at the Core of Addictions?

What is it at the core of addiction that keeps pulling us back in? Be it video games, drugs, tobacco or watching tv, there is something going on that keeps us coming back for more.

Often we engage in these behaviors because in that moment they feel good. We feel happy, satisfied or even safe. But in the end perhaps there is more going on deep inside that is the core to all addictions, no matter how they show up in our lives.

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Do You Have These 6 Psychic Senses?

Just like a river, spiritual information is constantly flowing by.  Sometimes sensitive people naturally reach out and touch these rivers of information.

Sometimes these abilities are also related to radio waves where we tune ourselves to pick up different frequencies.  This information is received by our higher or psychic senses and we typically are more dominant in one or two of these senses.

Some people who naturally tap into these senses can be a bit overwhelmed by it at first.   It takes time and practice but it can become a controlled and even fun experience over time.

We have five main senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  We also have psychic senses.  Typically we align these with our 5 basic senses because it makes them easier to understand and to train.  We also add in a 6th sense into the psychic sense list because there is a higher sense of intuition that is important when studying psychic abilities.

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Free Yourself from the Past

Our past need not dictate our present and certainly not limit our future. We can truly be free. The trick is to live life fully in the present and not allow the past to control what we do now.  But how do we do that?

Alan Watts uses the example of a boat to explain the impact the past has on this moment. The wake of a ship is like the past, we remember it but over time the wake fades back into the ocean. The wake doesn’t determine where the boat will sail it simply shows where it has been.

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Proof Of Life After Death!

 It’s no secret our consciousness continues to exist after we leave our physical body.

Countless people around the world have experienced a near death experience where they leave their body and come back, with full memory of what happened.

Everyone experiences the exact – or very similar things! There’s no need to be skeptical, when you chose to realize everything exists, this isn’t that farfetched!

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Could Social Pain be more Intense than Physical Pain?

Is it possible that social pain, emotional pain and being alone can have just as powerful an impact on the pain centers of your mind as physical pain?

“Neuroscientist Matthew Lieberman explains that through his studies he’s learned that our kryptonite is ignoring the importance of our social superpowers and by building on our social intuition, we can make ourselves smarter, happier, and more productive. In this TEDx Talk, Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience that reveals that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental than our need for food or shelter and that the social pain and pleasure we experience has just as much impact as physical pain and pleasure.” -Ted Talk

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How To Break The Cycle Of Hate

This video is so inspirational!

Celebrities and people from around the world are coming together to discuss the reasons behind why people hurt other people.

The answer: they are hurt! Hurt people, hurt people.

It’s the cycle of passing on the negative energy that can only be broken thorough communication. We are all waking up, that includes coming together and talking about why and how we feel they way we do. The better we understand each other, the better we can understand ourselves...

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10 Mind Blowing Mysteries of the Universe

“The Universe… The incredible difference in scale between the tiny world we live in every day and the vastness of all time and space begs the question of whether we will ever be able to grasp the fullness of the cosmos. But that doesn’t stop us from trying. In fact, contemplating the great unknowns must be one of the oldest hobbies in human experience. The pursuit has given rise first to religion, then to philosophy, then to people who make fun of religion and philosophy.” -Glen Taylor

There are so many interesting and mind blowing mysteries in the universe around us. Here are 10 that we find to be the most intriguing! Check it out!

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Still Unsure About Alien Life? This Settles It!

Are you still not completely convinced that there’s alien life in the universe, let alone on our planet? There’s SO much evidence proving there are many different species that have been visiting Earth for centuries, and now government officials are finally disclosing that they have been in contact for some time now.

People around the world are having similar abduction stories, coming together in support groups to share their experiences...

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The Twins Who Share A Body

Have you heard of Abby and Brittany Hensel, the twins who share a body?!

I remember watching documentaries on them years ago and absolutely loving them. They are such sweet souls, sharing a single body! On many levels, they are very psychic.

They have an innate knowing of how to move and work as a single unit. They can drive, ride a bike, and do anything they want!...


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