Wes Annac

~Earthly Heaven~

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

The world around us holds a great deal of beauty and amazement. We only need to open our eyes and look around to notice the miracles that are everywhere, and when we do, we’ll understand that heaven has always been here. Heaven exists right here, right now, waiting to be realized again.

With all of the pain and nastiness that exists here, our planet brims with full consciousness. The earth is able to take a great deal of damage and destruction and still provide an unflinchingly pure vibration for all of her creatures, so what stops us from anchoring and expressing the divine qualities despite our experience of the same pain?

The earth offers us the strength and support to keep moving in a harsh reality.

One of the most interesting things about our world is that both heavenly and hellish qualities are magnified here, but we have the ability to remain balanced in the midst of the chaos. What we give our attention to will continue to manifest for decades, perhaps centuries, down the line, and our little planet has been intensely dualistic for a long time.

~Visualizing Change~

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Imagine and feel yourself standing in the middle of a peaceful meadow on a warm summer night. Look up and notice cosmic works of art in the sky above, and notice that the entire universe seems visible instead of a few simple stars. Feel the calm, peaceful nature of this nighttime meadow, and envision different types of trees and flowers giving off energy.

Humans haven’t destroyed this environmental masterpiece, and life joyously blooms everywhere you look.

Notice the bold and vibrant look of the plants and trees, as well as their shining nighttime glow. Every facet of consciousness in this meadow is intricately linked, and if you try, you can connect with the consciousness of each tree and flower. What does the energy you can visualize emanating off of the trees and flowers look and feel like?

How does it feel to know that you’re linked with their consciousness in such an intricate way?

From this visualized place, unprecedented insights and revelations about your life can flow to you, and you can receive them in an open and undistorted way. The stress and pain of the physical earth just aren’t present here, and in their place is an immensely expanded perception and a desire to explore this landscape.

Wes Annac ~ The Next Step ~ 4 February 2014

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wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

From here on out, the flow never stops.

The material I intend to produce will never stop flowing in, because I recognize that I’m here to use writing to help change the world. As some of you might know, lately I’ve been asking myself what role I want to play in humanity’s awakening (while encouraging others to do the same) and the answer has just hit me in an amazing way.

Any seeker who classifies themselves as a “wanderer” probably moves about from task to task asking themselves what they really want to do in a time of heightened consciousness, and I’m no different. I constantly question if what I’m doing in any moment is beneficial, to myself and others, but now, I feel secure that writing is the path I want to take.

Like a musician who uses melodies to impart the message of spirit (music is also a creative outlet for me), I want to use writing to help uplift the conscious public and the world abroad. Hopefully, some of you are going through something similar, because I have to say that it feels great.

~Balance and Divine Justice~

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Spirit is calling us to remember it in the face of pain and adversity. We’re asked to remain in a clear and balanced place in the face of the lower-dimensional sludge that’d otherwise make us forget about the place we’ve come from, for in staying balanced, we anchor heaven onto a lost planet.

With our balanced actions and intentions, we help others awaken. As we find it in ourselves to see beyond the pressure of lower-dimensional life, we provide a shining light for those around us to use to navigate their way through the same pain we experience.

We’re all one, and we’re all handling the weight of the lower vibrations in our own ways. What’s amazing about the Earth is that amidst all of the pain and intensity, unbridled beauty exists here. Immense joy and happiness can be felt in a place of pain and suffering, because our planet hosts an intensification of duality.

~The Conscious Seeker’s Mission~

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

In everything we do, we serve Source and humanity. We, the light bearers and truth bringers, seek to help humanity understand their greater potential and evolve into brimming states of infinite and everlasting consciousness.

We wade through the difficulty the earth has to offer, remaining committed to our goal of rediscovering the higher dimensions and helping the rest of the planet do the same. We recognize and act on our potential to inform and uplift swathes of people, and as we connect with a flow of divine energy, we bring through works of art that are intended to inspire others.

Lately, I’ve been wondering what I really want to do in this new era. I love writing, but I’ve been searching for a “muse” – something I can passionately do or write about. Like most seekers, I’ve been questioning and questioning, when all the while, the simple answer has been right in front of me.

My role, and perhaps yours, is to act as a conduit for Source. I’m here to bring through energy and insight from the other side that all of you can hopefully benefit from, and sometimes, a muse isn’t needed. Knowing I’ve been able to offer as much of myself to the awakening of humanity as possible is inspiration enough, because it feels great to be of service.

~For the Weary Traveler~

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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

“They can’t hold a lion on a leash” – Kae Sun

You’re never alone on your journey back to the Source. There’ll be days when you feel as if the massive weight you’ve taken on has become far too much to handle, but you should know that you walk with constant companions.

In this moment, millions of others walk a similar path as you. No two awakening starlights will ever be the same, but we all share the common theme of dealing with the demanding pressure of lower-dimensionality while we develop a multidimensional perception.

It’s easy to succumb to the pressure, but far more rewarding to stay strong and face every challenge with the understanding that you’re more than a peaceful spiritual being.

You’re an incredible force of strength, but some of us don’t realize this yet. Some of us wade in and out of the waters of self-oppression, occasionally buckling under the weight of this experience, and all the while, our true strength waits for us to remember it.

~Being the Example~

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Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness

It’s time for a shift to take place. This shift can’t be delivered to us – we have to take full responsibility for bringing it about. We have to become the examples in an example-less society, because we can only change the planet if we change ourselves.

It’s time for us to start acting on the intense love we feel and talk about. As more people understand that this reality won’t change if we can’t cultivate inner peace and see beyond our differences, they step up to the plate and start living the change they want to see.

The rest of the world will follow suit in due time if we can start loving ourselves and each other, and nothing stops us from respecting our fellow man.

The conscious public can make potent changes if we see beyond our respective differences in belief and come together, and if you advocate the spiritual ideas that might’ve led you here, you carry the sacred responsibility of moving beyond the ego and living the qualities of peace, joy and unity.

We have to be the ones to make this change, because nobody will do it for us. We have to be willing to put our egos on the backburner and unite, and presently, far too many conscious camps are divided because of their differences in belief.

Free-Flowing Unitive Consciousness ~ Part 3/3

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Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness

Concluded from Part 2

Archangel Michael tells us about the worldwide cooperation that’ll result from the expansion of our clarity and inner drive for unity.

“…What you are also going to see with the expansion of this gift is more cooperation in terms of, ‘If you do this, I can do this piece. And if you can do this other piece, I can take this.’ That is a truly human creation and the building of Nova Earth. It is groups coming together.

What you have formerly thought of as companies or corporations got off track. They came together because they have a mission, a purpose, a vision — they wished to create something. And then, of course, they got enmeshed in greed and control.” (1)

Whereas most corporations bring people together with a self-serving purpose, the energy and clarity we’ll feel will drive us to work together for the betterment of the planet. We’ll want to bring our civilization into the light and do away with divisive greed and self-service, and instead of swathes of people working for one CEO, we’ll all work for ourselves and each other.

Free-Flowing Unitive Consciousness ~ Part 2/3

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Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness

Continued from Part 1

Worldwide unity will be an aspect of our rise into a greater state of consciousness and a result of the effort we make to reintroduce awareness to the rest of society. Even if our message isn’t heard, we’ll know that we did our best to help others understand the importance of coming together to address and solve the issues we face.

As long as we make an effort and show the universe we’re serious, we’ll reap the fruit of our labor.

Archangel Michael tells us that the children who’ve been born in recent generations already understand unitive consciousness and are ready to be part of a global community.

“The New Indigo and Crystal children already know this and they are ‘wired’ to live their lives as Global Citizens, beyond the limitations of borders and boundaries. The New Earth will allow for the recognition of One Planet rather than many nations. It is the next step in the Collective Evolution of the Global Community.” (1)


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