Wes Annac

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True Abundance

Credit: daily-inspirational.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

A lot of people talk about the Law of Attraction and the ways we can manifest abundance, and the book (and movie) ‘The Secret’ usually comes to mind when this subject is brought up.

If you’re as much a part of the spiritual community on the internet as me, you’ve probably seen all kinds of advice about manifesting abundance and eliminating lack from your life. While most of it can help, it’s incomplete if we don’t keep a few things in mind.

One is that our level of abundance is determined by our connection with Source and our relationship with our inner universe.

If our connection with this part of ourselves is strong and we’re grateful for life, our inner abundance will naturally express itself in the external world. If we hunger for abundance but our connection is depleted, our hunger will never be satisfied – even if we win the lottery or find a life partner we think is perfect for us.

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Persecution in the Name of God

Credit: aattp.org

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I don’t like to use the word ‘God’ when I write about our creator. I don’t have an issue with the word itself, but it reminds me of hardcore religious fanatics with hatred in their hearts, who judge people because of an imbalanced sense of self-righteousness and an apparent need to call out ‘heathens’ for their ‘sin’.

It isn’t the fault of the word itself, and it has more to do with these people’s close-minded hatred.

Unfortunately, many of them have been driven to it by their religion. I won’t target modern religion specifically in this piece, because it’s entirely possible to be a Christian, Catholic, etc. and still be a good person. I know people who needed religion to get off of drugs and find their life’s purpose, and they certainly aren’t rude, hateful or judgmental.

Instead of beliefs, I’d like to focus on people and how we make religious excuses for our inexcusable hatred. I’d also like to focus a little on the word ‘God’.

As a spiritual writer who wants to reach everyone, regardless of their beliefs or their outlook on life, I try to avoid this word because for a lot of people, it instantly throws up alarm bells and signals that they should distance themselves.

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Effortless Enlightenment: 5 Pieces of Advice from Lin-Chi

Credit: oselshenphenling.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Most ‘conscious’ people know by now that the love and spiritual awareness they seek are found within, and we’ll make ourselves miserable if we search for them in the external world. Once we understand the futility of searching for these qualities in the world and discover them within, we can appreciate the earth for its beauty and the lessons it teaches us.

While the earth is a wonderful place, we’ll be disappointed if we scour it for enlightenment instead of relaxing and letting our awareness flow from within, with no resistance or restriction. Even when we’re in nature, we have to already be somewhat connected to get the most out of the experience.

Here, we’ll look at five quotes from Lin-Chi about bringing an end to our search and turning within for enlightenment. As we’ll learn, we really don’t need to search for anything because love and awareness lie in our recognition of the value of the present moment. When we realize that these qualities come from within, we learn to stop seeking them and let them naturally surface.

I think this is the best way to find enlightenment, and plenty of people who’ve experienced its benefits would agree.

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Where’s the Inspiration?

Credit: newhottopics.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

How can we get excited about creating a new world? How can we inspire ourselves to pursue our purpose in the collective awakening and make sure the inspiration sticks?

A lot of people talk about a new way of life, the meek inheriting the earth, and various other concepts that point to a worldwide transformation, but I wonder how many of them are willing to put in the massive amount of work that’s required. We can’t wait around for anyone else to make a change, especially our governments, and we have to take responsibility for our planet’s situation and work together to find solutions to our seemingly endless problems.

Be the Change, Make a Change

We can talk, write or sing about collective enlightenment or the fall of the corrupt elite all we want. But until we enlighten ourselves and strive for change in direct, tangible ways, the elite will continue to ravage the planet and the world will stay rooted in the lower consciousness that causes suffering and allows them to get away with their crimes.

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Approaching a New Earth: The Fall of the Cabal

A new earth. Credit: greatcomissionschool.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

David Wilcock recently released a new article about the cabal’s inevitable demise, and as usual, it’s packed with information about the ‘cosmic drama’ as he calls it, that we’re going through.

I’ve followed David’s work for years, and he’s been a major force in my awakening and my interest in spirituality, extraterrestrials and the fall of the Luciferian cabal. In his latest article, he continued to offer tons of information from various news sources to make the point that the cabal is falling and trying to take the world down with them.

An assortment of unsettling things are happening that ultimately point to the cabal’s defeat and the establishment of a new way of life that takes every person’s needs into account, and we’ll want to prepare for the amazing things we’ll learn and the revolutionary things we’ll have to do to change the world.

Signs of the Cabal’s Defeat

David describes some of the things that are happening right now. While they seem bad at the surface, keep in mind that it’s all leading to the cabal’s defeat, the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, the release of advanced technology that’ll eradicate poverty and hunger, and so much more.

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The Mission (and Purpose) of the Spiritual Revolutionary

Credit: theshoeshineguy.wordpress.com

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it”  ― Gautama Buddha (Credit: Good Reads)

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

All around the world, people are awakening to spirituality, the corruption of the people in power and the necessity to change our ways, and whether we realize it or not, we’re all on a mission to wake up and help the rest of the world become aware.

I think there’s a difference between our ‘mission’ and our ‘purpose’. In my opinion, our mission is to spread love, knowledge and awareness so the world can wake up and make a positive change, and our purpose is whatever medium we use to do that. Some people choose writing; some choose music, painting or something similar; some speak publicly on a number of issues that have to do with a new paradigm; and some share the information and art that’s offered by the rest of the conscious community.

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Unconditional Love Will Heal the World

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If we have love, we have everything we could ever need and we no longer have to search for something that’s always with us. Love might seem distant or unattainable here on earth, and the lack of love we see in the world results from a lack of love in our own hearts and the hearts of everyone who struggles to find any real joy or happiness.

Love is unconditional, and it doesn’t rely on circumstance. It doesn’t require certain conditions, and in any moment (even our darkest times) we can bring it up from within and use it to heal ourselves and the world around us. We can access it at any time, but we usually choose not to because of whatever negative, dull or painful thoughts stop us.

I wish I could offer a remedy for the daily struggle to get out of a negative mindset and into a centered one that departs duality and realigns with true, transcendent, unconditional love, but the best thing I can recommend is to find certain external things that help us get back into that space, such as nature or an inspiring piece of music.

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Introducing… The Phoenix Lights – Part 1/2

A photo of the famous Phoenix Lights. Credit: nationalufocenter.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wonder how many UFO enthusiasts have heard about the Phoenix Lights, which were a series of unidentified lights that appeared over the skies of Phoenix, AZ, as well as various other nearby cities and towns, in 1997. I’m sure most people who are even somewhat passionate about UFOs have heard of them, and like the Rendlesham Forest incident, this was one of many breathtaking sightings of something that people still can’t explain.

Of course, an ‘official’ explanation was given for at least one of the sets of lights that were seen, which is that they were from flares the Air Force fired off in the area that night. However, some witnesses are convinced that what they saw had nothing to do with flares or any other excuse that debunks the idea that the lights were explainable or could be attributed to coincidence.

Here, I’d like to examine at an account of the Phoenix Lights that comes from the popular UFO network ‘MUFON’. As MUFON’s report about the lights tells us, thousands of people saw them over Arizona, Nevada and even Mexico.

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4 Quotes From Lin-Chi About the Futility of Seeking

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Like a lot of other spiritual teachers, Lin-Chi tried to pass down to his followers the notion that by seeking enlightenment or a higher consciousness, we push ourselves from it because it’s already a natural part of us and we don’t need to do anything to return to it.

We don’t need to learn or practice anything to rediscover the true Self; we only need to keep in mind that it’s a constant part of us and drift into it in love, silence, emptiness and non-effort.

Here are four quotes from Lin-Chi about the futility of seeking enlightenment. Once we stop seeking, we can simply and effortlessly return to something that’s been here all along and that, little do we know, seeks us as much as we seek it.

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What’s Your Purpose?

Quote from Robert Byrne. Credit: encoretampabay.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’d like to follow up from my piece yesterday and encourage us all to get serious about our purpose. Let’s figure out how we want to help the world, because it needs people who are willing to pursue their dreams and help others along the way. To help others is to help ourselves, and when we use our talents and passions to uplift the world, we serve our creator and expand our consciousness.

Those of us who consider ourselves ‘conscious’ or ‘awakened’ have a natural responsibility to share the good vibes with the world, and we don’t necessarily have to do it by sharing our perspective on spirituality, which will inevitably contradict a lot of people’s beliefs. There’s nothing wrong with discussing our philosophy with open-minded people, but we might not want to force our perspective onto anyone.


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