Wes Annac

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Nature is the Best Teacher

Credit: Favimages.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Getting out and enjoying the natural world in all of its beauty can help us transcend the stress and frustration that seem to come with living on Earth, because it helps us understand that life doesn’t have to be a burden.

We don’t have to be as wound up and stressed out as so many people are in this day and age, and all it takes is getting out and looking around to see that life is meant to be colorful, exuberant, and most importantly, fun.

We can learn a lot by getting out to nature, clearing our minds and letting all the stress of ‘normal’ life fade. As we’re learning, ‘normal’ life has been an illusion all along and real life can be found by exploring our consciousness and observing the world around us.

Instead of succumbing to the dull or frustrating aspects of life, let’s return to nature and find our true home in the trees, the flowers, and the potent meditations we can enjoy in a natural setting. Let’s return to love, which creates and encompasses everything in existence, and let’s remember to call on it in situations that aren’t exactly fun.

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Returning to Our Oneness

Credit: Allkpop.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It’s time for people to come together and learn to respect each other. It doesn’t matter what differences we seem to have – skin color, religious preference, political stance – it’s all been overhyped to keep us divided.

When we’re divided, we can’t do anything to stop the people who are ravaging the planet for profit. If we’re too busy fighting each other, we fail to see what they’re doing behind the scenes and not only we, but our planet, suffer in the end.

As we learn to respect each other, we can unite as one people to hold the elite accountable for what they’ve done and work to create something better.

We don’t all have to conform to the same opinion or outlook on life, and we don’t have to share each other’s beliefs. We should be able to respectfully tell someone we don’t think the same way as them (or be told that someone doesn’t think the same way as us) without any hatred or prejudice involved.

We can simply accept that we all think differently, and I look forward to a time when this simple fact no longer causes us to fight and shut ourselves off from each other. Then, we can work toward a better future with respect for each person’s unique outlook.

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A Permanent Shift Into the Heart

Credit: Korealizations.wordpress.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We’re on a journey of personal transformation, and some days will be harder than others. There will be times when we feel hurt, lonely and confused at the current state of our world, and there will be other times when we seem to soar through life without a care or concern.

Those are the times when we’re connected with our higher consciousness, and calling on this higher power will allow us to handle difficult circumstances with love and centeredness.

Our outlook on life, and especially the challenges we face, is entirely different when we’re rooted in love.

We understand that every difficult and stressful experience is a challenge of our ability to persevere and stay centered, and instead of treating life like an uphill climb, we flow through it with joy and excitement. Not to mention that it gets a lot easier to be patient.

I’m learning that we have to call on love if we want to make life simpler or more enjoyable. We have to summon it from within, even if we think we’re fooling ourselves or searching for happiness in the wrong places, because love and happiness can only come from inside of us.

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Following Our Passions with Authentic Happiness

Credit: Tammyvitale.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Like some of you, I feel like I’m here on a mission to use self-expression to raise awareness and uplift people. I want to spread knowledge and help people understand spirituality, elite corruption and any other topic that’s relevant to the things we’re doing, because knowledge, especially of these subjects, is liberating.

I want to help people understand that life is nothing like the existing power structures want us to believe, and beyond what we consider ‘normal’ reality lies the true reality we once freely inhabited and, in fact, still do on another level.

For centuries, spiritual seekers have tried to glimpse this reality – some successfully, some not – and my purpose is to help you all become aware that it exists and it’s accessible. I myself have only recently become aware of it, and the small glimpses I’ve received have encouraged me to write about it and, hopefully, help others glimpse it too.

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The Gift of Life

Credit: Life-is-everything-us.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, do we ever stop to remember how good we have it? Do we ever stop to think about how lucky we are to live relatively normal lives in places that, at the surface at least, seem stable enough to support our work to create a new paradigm?

We’re all in a great position to create the inner and outer changes that need made, and we could go about our work with a sense of gratitude for our existence if we could see that, in a sense, everything is exactly the way it’s meant to be.

We have life, and every day we’re given on this Earth is a blessing that we should not only appreciate, but utilize to the fullest extent.

Only when we can learn to love life can we share our love with the rest of the world, and until we repair everything in our life that keeps us from enjoying or appreciating it, we’ll have trouble creating change in the world.

There are a lot of bad things to be said about this planet, but there are a lot of good things too. There are things here that most people don’t even realize are around, because they never get out and expand their horizons.

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Life Is a Spiritual Experience

Credit: Drwaynedyer.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Who says life on Earth can’t be fun? Who says we have to tolerate life while we strive to find something better, instead of recognizing that what we seek is right in front of us? I’ve been a part of the conscious community for a couple years, and every now and then, I notice that some people would rather not be here.

Some would rather be in a higher state of consciousness or reunited with their spiritual family, and for them, living on Earth is a chore or a bother that they have to suffer through before they can return ‘home’ and find what they feel is missing.

What if this world is in fact our ‘home’, because ‘home’ is all of creation? What if, instead of our true home being in a distant higher consciousness we have to search for, our true home is right here, in this moment of now, waiting for us to realize it?

What if a full, loving heart can show us that the higher reality we want is here on this planet inside each of us, and once we realize this, we can start the next stage of our spiritual evolution? Maybe, just maybe, spiritual evolution will lead us to understand that every aspect of our existence – this reality and every one beyond it – is our home.

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A Solution for Every Problem

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Scrupulously examining our behavior can help us determine how we’re keeping ourselves from the things that mean the most to us, and for every desire or goal we can’t seem to reach, chances are there’s something we’re doing to keep ourselves from reaching it.

The human mind is an interesting thing. One minute, we’ll have a goal or desire we want to reach more than anything, and the next minute, we scramble to get away from the very thing we wanted.

It can be hard to determine what we want out of life if we run away from the things we convince ourselves are important, and I’ll use a personal example to illustrate my point.

Spoiler alert: For one of the sections of this week’s upcoming Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, I wrote about the challenges, as well as the opportunities for growth and expansion, that loneliness can present.

I wrote that it can be easy to feel lonely if we’re in a place where there aren’t a lot of other conscious people around, and I shared my experiences feeling isolated from the rest of the conscious community.

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Healing the World as One

Credit: Cultivatingculture.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Like I’ve said before, we’re all in this together and we have not only ourselves, but each other to rely on for support and guidance. I’m not just talking about the conscious community – I’m talking about all of humanity.

We are one family, and we can come together to help each other through the chaotic times that lie ahead. It’s obvious that we can’t sustain our current way of life for much longer, and the time is fast approaching for us to come together to devise solutions to our biggest societal and environmental issues.

We’re the ones who caused these problems, and now, we can find a way to right our wrongs as one people. No more division, no more borders, no more obstacles in the way of our freedom, our unity or our ability to make important world decisions collectively.

We can take our planet back from the small handful of elites who run things behind the scenes, but it’ll require us to make some sacrifices and find the willingness to accept people who are different from us.

It’s time to bring an end to division and hatred, and I don’t care if I sound like a hippie or a new-ager. It’s a simple, obvious truth, and if more people could realize it, we could start to move this planet in a different direction.

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The Voice Within: No Words Can Describe the Unknowable

Credit: Dreamyoga.com

An intuitive reading by Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Note from Wes: This reading’s title might seem to contradict my article from yesterday, “Spiritual Evolution and the Power of Words”, but while words are limited when it comes to spirituality, I still think they’re a great help along this journey.

There’s a subtle yet noteworthy difference between writing and channeling.

Writing allows you to give your perspective on various issues while also allowing you to access your greater awareness and pull some expressions and observations back up to the surface, while channeling bypasses the mind (while still using its translating capabilities) to offer the expression of your higher consciousness.

Your higher consciousness is always with you and always wants to help you along your journey, and to access its guidance clearly or properly, you have to be willing to release any false notions of what this connection should be like or what your spiritual evolution should be like in general.

You’re going to be surprised, amazed and appalled a lot as you continue to rediscover your true Self, and your previous understanding of life and spirituality will expand as old ideas fall away to be replaced with new ones that are more aligned with the truth of your existence.

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Spiritual Revolution and the Power of Words

Credit: Bravolifecoaching.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I love writing, because I love words. While they’re limited when it comes to communicating spiritual experiences that are beyond our ability to describe, they allow us to express whatever we want about our life, our spiritual evolution and the forces who are trying to keep us in the dark.

Words give us a weapon to use against injustice, and we can also use them to talk about lighter subjects that nourish the soul. With words, we can talk about how amazing and awe-inspiring the natural world is, and we can delightfully express our reverence for this planet.

With the power of words, we can strengthen our spiritual revolution and encourage others to get out there and get active, while remembering to go within for the guidance they require to creatively and spiritually thrive.

We can encourage the sleepy masses to wake up to the injustices being committed every day, and we can inspire each individual to stand up and use their voice. We can make the world aware of the things that are being done to destroy our health and the health of our planet, and we can help people realize how important it is to take a stand.


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