Collectively Conscious

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New Study Provides Compelling Evidence For The Healing Power Of Exercise

Source: | Original Post Date: September 25, 2014 –


While scientists, psychologists and health care professionals have long known about the connection between exercise and well-being, a new study published in the September 25th edition of Cell has uncovered the mechanisms that may underlie this link. This study showed that having strong, toned muscles can make people more resistant to stress and help filter a depression-causing toxin away from the brain.

When we exercise hard, our muscles produce a compound known as PGC-1α1, which is known to have positive effects on the body, such as stimulating the production of blood vessels. In this study, researchers genetically altered the amount PGC-1α1 in the skeletal systems of lab mice...

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Fast Food Chains Struggle In Wake Of Healthy Eating Trend

Source: | Original Post Date: March 3, 2014 –


Heightened awareness surrounding the dangers of commercially processed food is hitting McDonald’s, the number one global fast-food chain, where it hurts, their wallet.

Due to a decline in company sales and an attempt to remain “relevant,” McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson announced plans to provide speedier service, extend breakfast hours and prepare more “high quality,” healthier food.

In order to keep up with the “trends,” McDonald’s has added several new items to their menu including chicken wraps and breakfast sandwiches made with egg whites.

Unsurprisingly, the changes have failed, most likely because people interested in eating healthier food just simply aren’t going to look for it at a fast-food chain, especially McDonald’s.

According to the Oak Brook, Illl.-based McDonald’s, guest counts fell...

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Infuriating Facts About Our Disappearing Middle-Class Wealth

A recent posting detailed how upper middle class Americans are rapidly losing ground to the one-percenters who averaged $5 million in wealth gains over just three years. It also noted that the global 1% has increased their wealth from $100 trillion to $127 trillion in just three years.

The information came from the Credit Suisse 2014 Global Wealth Databook (GWD), which goes on to reveal much more about the disappearing middle class.

1. Each Year Since the Recession, America’s Richest 1% Have Made More Than the Cost of All U.S. Social Programs

In effect, a reverse transfer from the poor to the rich.

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How Dreaming Can Lead To Amazing Creative Breakthroughs

Source: | Original Post Date: September 19, 2014 –


Sometimes people spontaneously generate creative solutions to difficult problems through non-traditional methods, such as through epiphanies, intuitions or dreams. Psychologists use the term Eureka! Effect to describe the process in problem solving when a previously unsolvable puzzle becomes suddenly clear and obvious.

While these types of Aha! moments do happen during conscious waking states, the ones that occur in dreams are particularly fascinating. While we sleep, we become connected to the unconscious creative aspects of ourselves. The dream state is an important, vital time where expressions of the self can come through without judgment and flow with clarity and honesty. By gaining access to the unconscious mind, we can begin to pull heavily from intuition and our deeper self-knowledge that might be concealed or suppressed during our day-to-day life.

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Louisiana Town To Kill All Pit Bulls And Rottweilers – Those Who Don’t Surrender Face Police Action

Source: | Original Post Date: November 25, 2014 –


A town in Louisiana has recently voted to ban all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, calling them “vicious breeds” of dogs. Current owners of these specific breeds have just one more month to either move out of town, or hand their family pet over to the government to be killed.

While there has traditionally been heavy debate over larger breeds of dogs, in recent years the debate has began to die down, because an overwhelming majority of people now agree that like humans, a dog’s temperament and personality are largely based on their upbringing and life experiences.

Sadly, town officials in Moreauville, Louisiana are stuck in a very immature state of mind where they are basically prejudice against...

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‘World’s Poorest President’ Explains Why We Should Kick Rich People Out Of Politics


People who like money too much ought to be kicked out of politics, Uruguayan President José Mujica told CNN en Español in an interview posted online Wednesday.

“We invented this thing called representative democracy, where we say the majority is who decides,” Mujica said in the interview. “So it seems to me that we [heads of state] should live like the majority and not like the minority.”

Dubbed the “World’s Poorest President” in a widely circulated BBC piece from 2012, Mujica reportedly donates 90 percent of his salary to charity. Mujica’s example offers a strong contrast to the United States, where in politics the median member of Congress is worth more than $1 million and corporations have many of the same rights as individuals when it comes to donating to political campaigns.

“The red carpet, people who play — those things,” Mujica said, mimicking a person playing a cornet. “All those things are feudal leftovers. And the staff that surrounds the president are like the old court.”

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Psychedelics Could Change The Way We Die


When 33-year-old Mara Howell was dying of cancer, the pain she experienced was so severe that even the highest doses of opioids, methadone, IV ethanol and even an intrathecal pump weren’t working. She was bedridden, and depression and anxiety crashed down on top of the pain.

As Mara’s mother Marilyn Howell recalls in her memoir Honor Thy Daughter, published by the nonprofit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS):

“However much courage Mara had, the waves of illness that washed over her were unrelenting. Diligent exercise didn’t make her stronger, an antidepressant didn’t make her happier.”

The only thing that helped at all was marijuana, but the help was subtle and less than ideal.

Marilyn, a mind-body educator who developed the first psychophysical curriculum in public education, describes in her book how Mara’s pain didn’t seem to be stemming solely from physical problems. After exhausting every legal option imaginable, Marilyn –– along with Mara’s hospice care worker, Joyce Vassallo –– began to consider alternatives. Eventually they landed on something unusual to help ease Mara’s suffering: psychedelics.

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Scientific Proof That Being Thankful Improves Your Health

Source: | Original Post Date: December 10, 2013 –


On Thanksgiving, people around the United States expressed gratitude for the bounty of their lives, but many may not realize that in doing so, they are also improving the quality of their health and increasing their life expectancies.

The scientific evidence is conclusive when it comes to mood, outlook, and health. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimistic people have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimistic people. But how can you become happier and more optimistic in your world view?


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Why Does Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs?

Source: | Original Post Date: February 17, 2014 –


The history of our planet is far more complex than most people would dare to imagine.  According to the commonly accepted version of history that is taught in high schools and colleges all over the United States, ancient man was a very simple creature with extremely limited knowledge.  Unfortunately for those that promote this flawed version of history, archaeologists keep digging up stuff that directly contradicts it.  The truth is that there is a tremendous amount of evidence of great intellectual achievement in the ancient world.  For example, just consider the Great Pyramid of Giza.  It is a true technological marvel.  It is such a massive structure built with such extraordinary precision...

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United Nations Calls For An End To Industrialized Farming

Source: | Original Post Date: November 26, 2014 –


In 2013, the United Nations announced that the world’s agricultural needs can be met with localized organic farms. That’s right, we do not need giant monocultures that pour, spray and coat our produce with massive amounts of poisons, only to create mutant pests and weeds while decimating pollinators and harming human health. Don’t believe the hype: We do not need genetically modified foods “to feed the world.”

From my experience, many of these – how shall we say it – “worker bees” (i.e the GMO salesmen) who spread this propaganda, actually believe conventional tactics are necessary to ensure food security. They’ve drunk the Kool-Aid and cannot envision another possibility...


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