Greetings Love Beings, We are Still In the Intensity Energies of The Solstice and The Wobble! On top of the this, The Sun In the last 24 hours is on an uptick and the Magnetic fields from the sun are directly connected to Earth, Meaning we are Going to Be Experiencing this Energy providing us with More Downloads, Increased Angel Activity, Increased Ship activity in the Skies, continued ear ringing. We will Be assimilating all this Energy through Christmas. Let Go, Surrender, and Trust Love! We are In the Moments of the Hopi Prophecy! FOR REAL, Expect the Unexpected!
Hopi Elders Statement:“You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour! There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!"
Lots of Events in the 5d Room Today! You can Join The Earth Allies at this Link:
Quoted from Space CHANCE OF FLARES: Big sunspot AR1928 is crackling with M-class solar flares. Magnetic fields spiraling away from the sunspot's location on the sun's western limb are well-connected to Earth, raising the possibility of a radiation storm around our planet if the flares intensify. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-class flares and a 10% chance of X-class flares on Dec. 23rd. Solar flare alerts: text, voice
Table of Contents
- ~ DL Zeta ~ Wayshowers Provide Alternate Means of Transport into the New Time
- The Media Should Stop Pretending Marijuana's Risks Are a Mystery -- The Science Is Clear
- An excerpt from my morning conversation with my guides. ~ K. Kelly ~ The Event~
- ~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ The Sirians: Greetings from Your Star Kin
- ~ Yael and Doug Powell ~ You are the Light of the World
- ~ Karen Downing ~ The Power of Love Takes the Lead
- Police, protesters clash in Hamburg
- ~ David Eaglechild ~ Christos – A way of being
- ~ Pam Younghans ~ Your Guide to Planetary Energies for December 23 to 29, 2013
- 5MIN News December 23, 2013: SDO Scramble, Mars Water, Spaceweather
- Echelon ~ Online Surveillance
- Google: Surge in pressure from govts to DELETE CHUNKS of the web
- Ancient Peruvian Healers Practiced Sophisticated Cranial Surgery
- Join Us Today For Mystery Movie Monday!
- Peppermint provides surprising results for digestive problems, physical performance and even weight loss
- Washington Post, its new owner, and the CIA: joined at the hip
- ~ Dr.Mercola ~ Vitamin D—One of the Simplest Solutions to Wide-Ranging Health Problems (Video)
- How Potatoes can Help you Survive Food Shortages and Boost Your Health
- Probiotics shown to dramatically heal food sensitivities
- Coconut Oil and Cannabis Capsule – A Medical Miracle?
- Tim Street Of UK Uncut On Tax Avoidance
- Colonel Corso's Legacy
- People protesting in front of the Romanian Government Building
- Are we living in a holographic universe?
- ~ Jullie Miller ~ Melchizedek: Gently Cleansing Your Emotional Baggage
- Tomatoes can help prevent breast cancer
- ~ Conscious Cool Chic ~ Are You Open To Receive Right Now?
- ~ Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group December 2013
- ~ Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides: A look ahead: The year of 2014
- A Brief Solstice Message from the Council of Angels Pleiadian Council and Source via Goldenlight 12-21-13
- ~ Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Metatron: An Empowering Time of Transition for One and All
- Initiation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet~ Brilliant Repost
- The Creator Writings - Thorns
- Merkabah
- Peeps & Pets Show
- Solar Uptick Starting ~NASA's SDO Down
- ~ Update from Montague Keen~ 2013 was the year of preparation~2014 is the year of completion
- James Tyberonn ~ The Law Of One & The Golden Age Of Atlantis
- Owen K Waters ~ Alone In A Crowd
- Enlightened Beings ~ Guided Meditation Into The Heart Of Love
- Sharon Rose ~ Living In The Joy Of The Season
- Earthquake Report for 12/22/2013
- Bentinho Massaro ~ How To Stay Connected To Yourself During The Holidays
- Ida Lawrence ~ The Missing Fullness
- Laurie Baum ~ 2014 Yearly Forecast
- Saint Germain, Lady Nada and The Masters of Wisdom: Awaken Your Passion, Your Wisdom, and Your Hearts!
- Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~
- The Astrological Sign of Jesus
- ~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~
- Sirian Archangel Hermes ~ Creating Change
- Leigh McCloskey "The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul"~Humanity Ascends
- Twelve Insight Journal ~Connection With Source Is The Plan For Achievement
- Blueprints for Butterflies~The Science of Miracles
- ~ Space Weather Update~ M3 Class Solar Flare~ Christmas Conjunction
~ DL Zeta ~ Wayshowers Provide Alternate Means of Transport into the New Time
Decades ago, many souls began the long process of awakening to their purpose as wayshowers who would someday guide others into the new time. For the most part, in earlier times these souls didn’t know the scope of their mission. This was by divine plan to help these future guides remain in the present moment and learn to build trust in their internal guidance system. This trust is essential in becoming adept at navigating the unknown terrain of the new world.
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The Media Should Stop Pretending Marijuana's Risks Are a Mystery -- The Science Is Clear
AlterNet, By: Paul Armentano, 12/20/2013
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An excerpt from my morning conversation with my guides. ~ K. Kelly ~ The Event~
This is an excerpt from my morning conversation with my guides.
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~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ The Sirians: Greetings from Your Star Kin
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~ Yael and Doug Powell ~ You are the Light of the World
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~ Karen Downing ~ The Power of Love Takes the Lead
By Karen Downing
As the Earth approaches the end of another year, there is much to ponder and reflect on. One of the biggest and most obvious changes that has taken place is how humanity is beginning to permit the power of love affect their lives in new ways. Yes, there have been many stories of violence, anger and fear. But also, as the year 2013 has gone by, you have been able to witness the Power of Love take hold on the planet in more ways than ever before.
Moving into 2014, the New Earth will start to take on a new energy; a change forged by the power of love. The power of love in your own life will be seen in many new ways. Everything from the smile of a stranger, to surprise opportunities and possibilities can come your way. One of the signals ushering in this change is the passing of Nelson Mandela. He is a shining example of living life from the heart. Now that he has passed on, he will be continuing his work in Spirit, leading and guiding many lightworkers to transform the world through the power of love.
On an energetic level there are many changes that body is going through as a result of this change. The Universal Love chakra has now entered the body through the Crown chakra, on its decent down to take its position at the Heart center. As the Universal Love chakra comes into contact with the crown, it is causing physical discomfort. Symptoms such as spaciness, feeling "out of it," having difficulty concentrating, dizziness, ear popping and whistling, headaches and body temperature fluctuations are all signals of this chakra transition. Read more about this chakra transition here.
With the Universal Love chakra entering the body, it is another sign of this changeover. The world has reached the tipping point, and where Earth was once primarily ruled by fear, Love is now beginning to take over. In order to best utilize it, the power of love must be truly understood. Many people identify love with lust, weakness, or obligation. However, love is none of these things. Love is about allowing each person to be who they are, and therefore allowing your own essence to shine through as well.
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Police, protesters clash in Hamburg
Press TV - CAH/HSN, 12/22/12
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~ David Eaglechild ~ Christos – A way of being
GFP Commentary: There is no such thing as Divine Mind. The Mind is the Programming and the source of all Humanity's Fear Pain and Suffering,it's not Real and definitely not Divine. However, the Balanced Right/Left Brain and Heart are. Discern, please.
Christos, Christ, what is this word, this name really? What does it mean or imply?
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~ Pam Younghans ~ Your Guide to Planetary Energies for December 23 to 29, 2013
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5MIN News December 23, 2013: SDO Scramble, Mars Water, Spaceweather
Published on Dec 23, 2013
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Echelon ~ Online Surveillance
ECHELON intercept station at Menwith Hill, England.
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Google: Surge in pressure from govts to DELETE CHUNKS of the web
The Register - 12/19/13, Shaun Nichols
Today, the advertising giant said that, in the first six months of 2013, it received 3,846 demands from public officials to remove 24,737 personal blog posts, YouTube videos and other pieces of content it hosts. That's up 68 per cent on the second half of 2012.
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Ancient Peruvian Healers Practiced Sophisticated Cranial Surgery
Some 900 years ago, a Peruvian healer used a hand drill to make dozens of small holes in a patient's skull.
Researchers excavating burial caves in the south-central Andean province of Andahuaylas in Peru, found evidence that Peruvian healers practiced trepanation - a surgical process that involves removing a section of the cranial vault using a hand drill or a scraping tool - more than 1,000 years ago.
This advanced medical procedure helped to treat a variety of ailments, from head injuries to heartsickness.
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Join Us Today For Mystery Movie Monday!
Greetings, Love Beings!
Please join Arica and the Earth Allies on The Higher Grid today for Mystery Movie Monday!
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Peppermint provides surprising results for digestive problems, physical performance and even weight loss
(NaturalNews) The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, and peppermint does contribute to the festivities in its own way, as some of you will likely not be able to resist the temptation of indulging in candy canes. It has long been added to various products, such as candies, ice creams, gum, cakes and toothpaste, because of its refreshing and pleasing taste and smell. The sugar and invasive chemicals aside, peppermint on its own has garnered a well-deserved reputation for its ability to treat numerous abdominal problems such as cramping and pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, stomach cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and gallbladder disease. While most of its known benefits deal with stomach and digestive issues, some of the latest research now suggests that it may also be of assistance to curb cravings, ease tension headaches, boost concentration and even enhance exercise performance.
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Washington Post, its new owner, and the CIA: joined at the hip
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~ Dr.Mercola ~ Vitamin D—One of the Simplest Solutions to Wide-Ranging Health Problems (Video)
Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important nutrient.
Despite its name, vitamin D is not a regular vitamin. It's actually a steroid hormone that you get primarily from either sun exposure or supplementation, and its ability to influence genetic expression that produces many of its wide-ranging health benefits.
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How Potatoes can Help you Survive Food Shortages and Boost Your Health
Excluding French fries and potato chips, some health experts consider potatoes superfoods. Unfortunately, the stigma of spuds remains; their health promoting and nutritional aspects are mostly unknown, buried in misinformation and partial facts that scare most consumers away.
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Probiotics shown to dramatically heal food sensitivities
(NaturalNews) For those who are familiar with the GAPS diet, rebuilding the gut is of paramount importance. After all, the gut isn't only involved in properly absorbing nutrients to keep us fit - it's the foundation for a strong nervous system and immunity as well. When the gut is in top form, food sensitivities and illnesses have a harder time taking root. Interestingly, research has shown that probiotics can also heal the gut to such a point that food intolerance and allergies disappear.
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Coconut Oil and Cannabis Capsule – A Medical Miracle?
Humans have cultivated and used the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, known colloquially as marijuana, since history was recorded. Archaeologists in Central Asia even found over 2 pounds of cannabis in a 2,700 year-old grave of a shaman.
Written and pictorial evidence of cannabis use is scattered throughout numerous cultures indicating a wide acceptance and use of the plant for thousands of years.
The studies used the FDA ‘gold standard’ clinical trial design and reported that marijuana should be the “first line of treatment” for patients suffering from neuropathy and other serious illnesses.
Neuropathy is a type of pain associated with diabetes, cancer, spinal cord injuries, HIV/AIDS and other debilitating conditions. The trials indicated that marijuana controlled pain as good or better than available medications.
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Tim Street Of UK Uncut On Tax Avoidance
Sonia Poulton:
Tim Street / UK Uncut (December 19, 2013)
Published on Dec 20, 2013 by The People's Voice
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Colonel Corso's Legacy
Phillip Corso Jr. is the son of Col. Phillip Corso. In this testimony, Mr. Corso Jr. reveals information he learned from his father including a meeting Col. Corso had with an extraterrestrial lifeform in Red Canyon, NM while Corso was commanding a missile battalion. Colonel Corso, Sr. discussed the ET issue with such people as President Eisenhower, Strom Thurman and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover as well as CIA leaders and several members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He said that much of this information was kept from multiple presidents including Carter.
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People protesting in front of the Romanian Government Building
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Are we living in a holographic universe?
Hidden Science: EP4 - Are we living
in a holographic universe?
Published on Dec 20, 2013 by The People's Voice
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~ Jullie Miller ~ Melchizedek: Gently Cleansing Your Emotional Baggage
GFP Commentary: You're God=Love. Love is truly All there is,in Reality.
As the soft flow of energy moves above you, within you and all around you, you will come to the discovery that there are many experiences that can be found while experiencing God’s Light. It is important to understand dear ones, each experience you encounter will produce an imprint on your awakened self, a kind of mark that helped to change the parts of you that needed changing, that allowed you to become liberated and no longer feeling separated from your own truth or from the Light of God.
The radiant brilliance of God’s Light flows gently around the dear souls that are completely ready to receive this divine Light. Even your own beautiful Earth receives nourishment from His penetrating Light very similar to the way dry earthly soul will absorb a drink of life-giving and sustaining water and it is true many plants that grow on your Earth will send their roots out seeking as far as possible in order to sustain its life and to thrive. As you reach towards God’s Radiant Light, you too are being nourished and sustained.
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Tomatoes can help prevent breast cancer
(NaturalNews) While the debate over whether tomatoes are a fruit, berry or vegetable rages on, their health benefits are well known. Their lycopene content has been linked to a reduction in the risk of certain types of cancers like stomach, oral and prostate cancer. They have even been shown to improve cardiovascular health and combat osteoporosis. Plus, their lutein content is good for your eyes! Another benefit of tomato consumption is its ability to prevent breast cancer in post-menopausal women by helping regulate blood sugar and fat levels. Blood sugar and fat level regulation could make it easier for post-menopausal women to maintain a leaner body weight.
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~ Conscious Cool Chic ~ Are You Open To Receive Right Now?
This time of year, we are heavily conditioned to GIVE: presents, time, energy, parties, fruit cake, gratitude. Quick check-in: Are you receiving as equally as you give?
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~ Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group December 2013
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~ Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides: A look ahead: The year of 2014
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014. As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is. The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendar year of 2014.
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A Brief Solstice Message from the Council of Angels Pleiadian Council and Source via Goldenlight 12-21-13
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~ Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Metatron: An Empowering Time of Transition for One and All
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Initiation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet~ Brilliant Repost
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented. Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover.
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The Creator Writings - Thorns
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December 22, 2013
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Peeps & Pets Show
Please Join Earth Ally Belinda for fun and laughs on her new show
Peeps & Pets!
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Solar Uptick Starting ~NASA's SDO Down
ublished on Dec 22, 2013
X flare potential raised to 40%
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~ Update from Montague Keen~ 2013 was the year of preparation~2014 is the year of completion
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James Tyberonn ~ The Law Of One & The Golden Age Of Atlantis
Earth-Keeper Chronicles December 22 2013
Edgar Cayce is the most credible and genuine ‘channelers’ of not only the past century, but perhaps the past millennia. His medical, past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 30 incredible books on Edgar Cayce’s readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering in May 2014 at Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona.
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Owen K Waters ~ Alone In A Crowd
Spiritual Dynamics December 22 2013
The Christmas and New Year’s Holidays are often a time of gathering together for friends and relatives. The holidays can also be a time when spiritually-aware people feel a certain aloneness, even in the midst of a crowd.
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Enlightened Beings ~ Guided Meditation Into The Heart Of Love
Jafree Ozwald December 20 2013
This simple exercise is extremely profound. If it is done continuously and persistently, it’ll bring more peace and joy into your life with each grand and glorious day you have. Here’s how you do it.
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Sharon Rose ~ Living In The Joy Of The Season
Ascended Masters Mystery School December 2013
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Earthquake Report for 12/22/2013
37 earthquakes
3.3 15km W of Alberto Oviedo Mota, Mexico 2013-12-22 14:57:29 UTC-05:00 8.0 km
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Bentinho Massaro ~ How To Stay Connected To Yourself During The Holidays
BentinhoMassaro December 20 2013
The Holidays: Party’s, gatherings, family expectations/obligations, financial pressure, buying presents, different members of your family having different desires for how to spend the holidays, busy schedule all around, concessions abound, higher amount of sugar intake, etc.
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Ida Lawrence ~ The Missing Fullness
Talk2Momz December 20 2013
“A life without love is a waste. ‘Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?’ Don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center … either you are out, yearning.” Shams Tabrizi
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Laurie Baum ~ 2014 Yearly Forecast
lauriebaum December 18 2013 (Thanks, AL)
Season’s Greetings!
Many warm wishes for a Happy Winter Solstice, Blessed Holiday Season & New Year of 2014!
The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, arrives on Saturday, December 21. The Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the light as the days will start to be longer after the solstice arrives.
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Saint Germain, Lady Nada and The Masters of Wisdom: Awaken Your Passion, Your Wisdom, and Your Hearts!
Source: - 12/22/13, raydawn
Hello to you Dear Ones, it is I Saint Germain, here to speak to you!
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Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~
Right after the Sun enters Capricorn on the Solstice, Venus goes retrograde. Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights illuminating the wisdom of this time….
First from Patricia Liles from the Power
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The Astrological Sign of Jesus
Source: - 12/20/13, dhries2222
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~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~
~Humanity we are Here for you for your Real Awakening~
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Sirian Archangel Hermes ~ Creating Change
Greetings fellow beings of light. I come into your perception now as your linear timeline of the winter solstice once again bridges our consciousness.
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Leigh McCloskey "The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul"~Humanity Ascends
Published on Dec 18, 2013
Leigh McCloskey shares an intricate aspect of the Human Soul for everyone's healing.
He painted this masterpiece, "The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul," a whole room, ceiling, floor, book spines, everything, before he realized it was all in 3-D. Watch from home with 3-D glasses.
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Twelve Insight Journal ~Connection With Source Is The Plan For Achievement
Larry Larson
Q: What do the Twelve think about our holiday rituals and their significance on the larger scale?
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Blueprints for Butterflies~The Science of Miracles
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~ Space Weather Update~ M3 Class Solar Flare~ Christmas Conjunction
URSID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from Comet 8P/Tuttle, source of the annual Ursid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on Dec. 22nd with as many as 10 meteors per hour streaming from a radiant near Polaris, the North Star. Occasionally, Earth hits a denser-than-usual patch of debris and rates increase 5- to 10-fold. However, no one can predict when these outbursts occur. Listen for Ursid echoes on Space Weather Radio. Meteor alerts: text, voice