Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
".....lets expect the unexpected,happy solstice to all!......"
Greetings Love Beings, The Energies Continue to Intensify as We shared would Occur as we arrived closer to the Solstice which as of this press release is two days away. In our Last Update we shared the Most intense wave of Light this Planet has ever seen was going to arrive and many can feel this TRUTH in a Big Way. This Energy is going to arrive full force and climax around the Solstice December 21st and there is nothing the powers who were can do about it, even if they try to attempt something it will backfire on them. There is no way to stop Pure Consciousness Energy.
An Explosion of Light is Arriving! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart in a Big Way!~ We can Guaranntee this as We can See this Arriving Already into the Energy Feild Surrounding Planet Earth=Heart and All of Humanity. We are being Welcomed and Embraced by the Galactic Center Energies! We are Here to Welcome You Home Into the Present Moment of Now and to The Beautiful and Wonderful Unknown where the energies of the unknowable and Love Come together In Grandness! Unity Consciousness! A New Beginning for Planet Earth=Heart is now unfolding.
~Our true home is in the present moment. To live in the present moment is a miracle~
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Quoted from Caroline Aguiar..."My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere. I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode.....The Love wave, our awakening, is here. We’ve been hearing this constantly from our guides, the Ascended Masters, the angels, and our families of light. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I said to myself, I LOVE YOU, and I meant it with all my being. So, with much love, I encourage you to breathe!...."
Quoted from James Gilliland...."The 9th wave, unity consciousness the Mayans speak of is in full force. It is exponentially increasing. Great waves of energy are coming in from galactic plane and Alcyone. One peaked just after Thanksgiving, another is building now exponentially stronger peaking just after Christmas.Is there any doubt why things are getting a little crazy? The whole solar system is in process. The changes are upon us and this includes social, economic and physical earth changes....." end of quote
Quoted from KP ....."Not sure exactly why this comes through at this moment, but I just now had a sense that there is so very much occurring at this exact moment it is impossible to put into words.Yes, it can always be said that things are going on, but in this case it is simply a recognition on my part that the intensity and frequency of “new” events is at a maximum during the past two years.What does this mean? Don’t know. But something is rapidly moving into place for humanity that will change “it” forever.."
Quoted from Ron Head ".....Let us speak today of your approaching solstice. We would wish for as many of you as possible to prepare yourselves for that event.It is true that you have a solstice twice a year, every year. And it is true that for many, if not most, this will seem no different than it ever has been. We would point out, however, that you are in a portion of the universe that is totally unique to this time. You are immersed in a field of energy that you have never experienced before. And you are approaching an even more intense experience of that than you can possibly be aware of. Even those of you whose perceptions allow them to anticipate what is coming, have nothing to help them understand the impact this will have upon them and upon your entire world. Many who do feel it, having nothing to compare it to, interpret it as something fearful. Nothing could possibly be further from the truth......What we would wish for you to consider doing is to set aside some time on the day of solstice to spend time in meditation, in groups if possible, alone if necessary. And receive in gratitude the light which will be flooding your world at that time. If you are alone when you do this, understand that your intent to be included in the collective will be enough. This one day will shift your world more quickly onto the path you desire.This is true always, but we, and you, look for times to best implement these things. If you are able to join a group, intend that all of the groups be as one also. In this way, great change will be made. We will, of course, celebrate this with you.This is a time of joy, of a feeling of peace, of celebration. " End of quote
Quoted from Bob Greenwalt...."It is time now for all to remember and to reawaken to who they truly are. You truly are Spirit and you truly are experiencing in the physical dimension and trying to see yourself manifest in the world around you. In the days, AND months, ahead in the physical time that you have created on earth great and wondrous changes are going to come about and this will simply happen because more and more human beings are reawakening to the Spirit that is within them. As Ezekiel has told you, "compassion consciousness is the new way and the true way." More human beings are reawakening to the great compassion that is within them. This great compassion that is their true nature. Where there is compassion there can no longer be judgment. Earth is truly moving towards what you call "the end of days." This is not the end of the earth as many have predicted this merely is the end of the days of judgment. Many human beings live their lives and create their experiences through fear. The days of creating your experiences through fear are also coming to an end...." end of quote
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Earth-facing sunspot AR1928 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
On December 21st 2007 we entered the Photon Belt and ever since then The Entire Planet has been flying through space. On December 21st, 2012 the Galactic Center Began Releasing Energies which have been bombarding the planet and this has occurred all of 2013, these energies will intensify greatly as we enter 2014. Also, last year on this Date we did not only Birth The New Paradigm but the entire Planet Entered 5d Frequencies. There is only one way to go and this is UP! ON this December 21st, 2013 We are entering the center of the Galactic Center! This means directly into the unknown and creation begins again. A Brand New Story is about to step forward which is Filled with Overflowing Unity, Unocnditional Love, Joy, Equality and Oneness.
Quoted from Son Light Angel " ....Although some were fearful that 2012 would mark the end of the world, many chose to joyfully see it as the beginning of something truly wonderful: a new global era that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous – one in which we learn to thrive!
On December 22, 2012, millions around the world celebrated the turning point for this new era at our Birth 2012 virtual global celebration. Now, one year later, it’s time to mark the FIRST birthday by sharing what is hopeful, inspiring – and just plain amazing – about what is being born.
It’s up to us to co-create this new era together in the decades ahead. As millions of years of history demonstrate, we DO have the capacity to grow and evolve.
As we face the challenges of navigating the breakdowns of the old, we’re still finding our coordination and equilibrium – much like an infant learning to orient in a brand new world. ......So let’s join together, have fun and be inspired by all that is positive in making this Shift to a new era!
Here are what some people had to say about the Birth 2012 celebration last year:
Thanks for facilitating this extraordinary global linkup that enabled us to joyfully experience the truth of our connection. We are ONE Universal Humanity, born into a world of infinite possibility, fueled by the power of love.
– Marian Head
The human race is waking up, becoming more aware and mindful. I really did feel a shift on December 21st and know that the incredible global events focusing on prayer, meditation, positivity, joy and hope are having an effect on this shift, too. Could be that we created a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it doesn’t matter. It just is.
– Mari Smith
Oh, how can I put into words, the reality of how this moment feels/felt... and I was there! In real time! Oh thank you, Creator, for keeping me alive to be a participant in this moment. I will never forget!
– Deborah Hart Yemm"
Quoted from Genevieve Lucette.."We are living in a momentous and extraordinary time. Throughout the centuries and even millenniums, Masters of all Traditions have nurtured humanity toward this extraordinary yet challenging time in which we are right now. It is important to understand that at the winter solstice, December 21,2012, Earth and the Sun were, and still are, in a rare alignment with the heart center of the Milky Way. The alignment is calculated when the Sun’s ecliptic and the equator of the Milky Way cross each other at the solstices¹. This rare alignment opens up a channel from the heart of the Milky Way, to the Sun, and then to the Earth.Through this channel, waves of cosmic super-rays downpour on the Sun causing extra solar activity, which in turn affect Earth’s electro-magnetic field and climate. The energy of this great wave is described as electric, magnetic, gravitational, and spiritual. Since our whole being is in resonance with this great wave, it affects us on all the levels.....The Masters knew that this unique celestial alignment would not only mark the beginning of a new Age on Earth, but also a new Great Age in the Zodiac². They prophesied that this extraordinary and great event would offer us an ascension into a higher level of consciousness, which would be for humanity a new Golden Age of harmony, wisdom, prosperity, freedom, peace and joy. However, the success of this depends on our own efforts to build the Golden Age with the inspiration and guidance of the Masters....millions of people around the world have prepared themselves for this celestial alignment. They have made the necessary changes and
reached sufficient purity of mind. These people are already being stimulated by this influx of energies of the new Age. These are the people, from around the world who are working on establishing the new Golden Age, in which the materialistic mentality with its selfishness, greed and corruption has no place.
Dictatorship governments around the world are already collapsing, as people demand justice and freedom. As humanity enters into the new era, we begin to see more enlightened leaders working towards a united global humanity, in which balanced and just societies can flourish. It has already begun.....If we make the necessary efforts and follow the guidance of the Masters, 2013 and from then on, we will see our emergence into the new Golden Age, which will uplift human consciousness into a new era of ever-increasing friendship, harmony, prosperity, peace and joy...At the end of an Age, The Master always appears in the world to inspire and support humanity through the difficult times, and to ground the new impulse for
the new Age."
Quoted from Montague Keen" You are the army of the light, shedding light on all that was dark and hidden. You are the creators of a New Age where all knowledge is shared and all are equal. Let love rule the day. Send love to all humanity." End of quote
Quoted from Earth Ally Desert Gypsy" ...Open your hearts to love! In these monumentous times we are clearing not only for ourselves, but for mankind and the planetary ascension. Brilliant streamers of golden light are enveloping and dissolving all the darkness on the planet. Joyful symphonies of light, for all to behold! Raise your faces to the skies and behold your own countenance of beauty and wonderment.Eons ago, you were plunged into darkness; but, this is no longer to be. As you are creating your own reality now, remember this! We cannot help but behold you in amazement. We the echelons of light, the legions of love, for you have traversed such a great distance in so little time."
Earth Ally Chellea...."Are your intentions for self or for the greater good of humanity? With every thought, word and action, we create our realities. Where your intention lies, will determine the out come of your reality. If your intentions are of pure of heart/Unconditional Love, and soulfully for the greatest possible outcome for all, things will divinely Be placed to bring you the highest possible outcome. If you are struggling for your goals, then take a look at why. Ask yourself if you are intending the outcome for yourself or to an outcome to contribute to the betterment of us all. Once you have the purest of intentions you can move forward in Joy to achieve the highest possible good in all. Choosing Love means choosing to serve Humanity, Mother Earth, and all the Universe in Love. Serve love with your entire being. With full intentions of serving the highest good for all. Your true intentions cannot be faked. You cannot Pretend to be of love. Your true intentions will be seen. Many are teetering on the edge, Still holding on to the old belief systems and programed thinking. The ways of the old must be released. You must wipe the slate clean, Everything you have ever learned within this experience, from science, religion, history, even the concept of family values and morals, has been greatly falsified. All concepts of what was thought to be truth, must be wiped away, to allow the real truth to transform your being.
Is your intention to choose Love? If it is, then allow the love to transform your entire being. Become the Love you truly are. Make it your full intention to serve love in every moment. Connecting yourself to The love, of all that is. Love is the Truth, you have been seeking. Love is not a belief or religion, Love is Unconditional. Love is truly the answer to every question. If you are love then your intentions are at the highest good for all. Joyously allow the Love to transform your being, into the God that you are. Once your intentions are, to be only Love, then how you choose to serve the Universe is up to you. Stepping up and Participating in bringing Love everywhere Present. A simple smile, a simple hug, a simple focused breathe intended for the higher good, creates miracles. Every action, every thought, every word, becomes love.
Love is all that is. Saying in your heart the words “ I Am Love” Heals your soul and Vibrates the others around you in Love. Whether they except the Vibrations or not, you are serving Love. Send personal vibrations to your neighbor, Bless them in love. You don't even have to vocalize it. Just feel it. Know that you do make the difference in a powerful way. When your intentions are set toward the raising vibrations within the collective for the highest good, whether it be during meditation or just a sweet smile, That is exactly what you are doing. Trust it. Trust in yourself and Know, that you are that powerful. And it really is, that simple. Just be love. Make your true intentions to be One with all, To be and serve the love we are."
Quoted from Ari E......"Humans always had God and the Angels on their side, and even though life on this planet could be a “living hell” it could also be Heaven.It just depends on the frequency of each Individual’s consciousness and awareness.In a world full of illusions that almost stand the tests of time, YOU have come so far, finally starting to see BEYOND the illusions. Waking up to your truest potential. Your highest well-being. Manifesting Heaven on Earth is what you came here to do, and you are doing it now."
Along with Our Solstice We have another Important Event as We Will Be assisting in an Intense Portal which will Open to assist Humanity in returning to their natural state, the return of their innocence. This state is a childlike state of wonderment, laughter, and Joy. Being Authentic in Love and Being in the Present Moment of Now! As a Collective we have the power and the initiative to assist Humanity as these intense energies arrive on this day!
Quoted from Cobra....."The moment of solstice on December 21st will be a culmination point of a... portal which will open at the end of October-December Window of Opportunity. This... portal will be a multidimensional window to further anchor and ground the energies of the Aion portal [from November 23] and prepare us for the activation of a very important portal which will open in April 2014..... The heliocentric chart for Return to Innocence activation shows a grand trine of Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron (together with Juno), healing a grand square of Venus, Vesta, Mercury and Juno. This signifies the time when healing of all tensions within the collective feminine principle is finally possible, leading us towards the return of innocence....When we are in touch with our innocent Soul presence, we are beyond the reach of the Cabal and their manipulations. When a critical mass of people experiences that innocence, there is no turning back. It will bring about the disintegration of Archon's control systems of karma, lack and guilt and open our collective consciousness for the arrival of the miraculous. Miraculous reality is the future destiny of our planet and the future outcome of the evolution of the totality of our universe, when we all converge into the One.....We have been programmed by the Archons in Atlantis to stop believing in fairy tales and to buy into the reality they created for us. But we do not need to play the game by their rules anymore. It is time to wake up and begin creating a reality we all deserve. When you have a strong contact with your inner innocence, you do not need to struggle for survival or follow any other aspect of Cabal's programming. You can exit the game and being manifesting everything you need through magnetic manifestation by expressing yourself as a Soul and following your divine mission which helps you to contribute to the planetary liberation...." End of quote
Quoted from Cobra" We will be having our Return To Innocence activation this Saturday. The more people participate, more will we be able to transcend the karma mind programing as a collective, release our imaginary debts to the Archons and help creating the right conditions for the divine intervention at the Event."
You can Join the Earth Allies On December 21st beginning at 9:10am Pacific for this Activation at this Link: Following this at 1:11pm Pacific is the Solstice Meditation!
Decreed by Heaven, WOW, Exciting High Frequency Energies Incoming~ We are Already beginning to feel the Solstice Energies, Coming In Like Waves of Intensity! AS Intense Electrical Currents throughout the body!!! .... and they have only just begun! An Incoming Wave of the Most Light this Planet has Ever Experienced is Arriving! The Astrological Chart for December 21st, the clear Message was EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Anything could Happen, TRULY! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart! WOOHOO! This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronistic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
December Goal 3000$
Total received 1657.77$
Here is a Link to the 5d Room where the Oneness energies are Flowing to Humanity. Note this room is open as much as it can in a 24 hour period for Support and Connections!!!
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Join us Live Every Sunday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth On the Grid 5D Room at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 11:30am Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
This Room Remains Open for Support
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
Last Video Update Part 1
With Train Synchronicity]
Part 2
Part 3
Hopi Elders Statement:
“You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”
- The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation