Story by: Salvador Russo
Greetings Love Beings, Happy Disclosure Day and New Moon IN Cancer!!! Join US today as We discuss What is Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart. Everyone is invited to Join us in these Discussions, Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link:
Topics of Discussion:
New Moon IN Cancer Energies astrological significance
July 29th Rare Alignment and Significance
The Surprises of July!
We have Entered a Mass Acceleration Process, Prepare for more unexpected events!
Suspicious Observers, 7/8/13
Published on Jul 8, 2013
BIG SUNSPOT FACES EARTH: Colossal sunspot AR1785 is now directly facing Earth. The active region has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class flares, yet so far the sunspot has been mostly quiet. Could it be the calm before the storm? NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of M-flares and a 10% chance of X-flares on July 8th. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
Greetings dear ones, we are the Arcturian group.
Here people and organizations from every nation are invited to record their support for a World Disclosure Day as a new component within a growing international truth movement.
Some days ago I posted: “Mother Brings Baby Back to Life With Two Hours Of Loving Cuddles”. It went pretty viral with 25.000 views. It’s a heart opening positive story.
Do you find that past experiences haunt you and bring up old emotions you thought were released?
If the answer is YES, then I want to encourage you to dive into what is coming up for you.
Explore the new transformational healing that wants to happen through these old emotions., By: PF Louis, 07/07/2013
(NaturalNews) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a manifestation of joint inflammation. There are numerous turmeric and curcumin studies that have confirmed either turmeric or its isolated main active ingredient curcumin works to minimize inflammation.
Since the dawn of the mists of time, your immortal soul has had one great urge, and that is to reunite with the spiritual source from which you came. Along the way, you have realized that this means reaching out in spiritual service to humankind. Along the way, you have sensed that this giving of spiritual service is the very action which leads you along the pathway back to that from which you came., By: Paul Fassa, 07/07/2013
Highlighted Aspects this Week
Monday: New Moon 12:14am PDT, Chiron quincunx Venus; Tuesday: Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus square Nodes; Thursday: Neptune sesquisquare Sun; Saturday: Jupiter semisquare Venus, Mars enters Cancer; Sunday: Pluto quincunx Ceres, Sun square Eris
THE MONTH OF JULY is a powerful time of initiation. Planetary alignments support us in manifesting new realities based on a strong knowing of our truth, a clear understanding of our needs, and a new appreciation for the spiritual nature of our experience on planet Earth.
Cosmic Current ( July 3, 2013) Helane Lipson & CJ Miller up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time.
The videos below show the ceremonies carried out at Maroon Bells, in White River National Forest, and I trust give some flavor as to what it was like there. See also this previous post, which talks about this a bit more.
Things have changed.
You know that, because nothing feels quite the same, does it? Yet, sometimes you “think” it must be your imagination, because according to your brain, you haven’t physically gone anywhere. Still, you just can’t shake the feeling that you have, and even if you don’t know where or how, that feeling keeps getting stronger every day. Trust that feeling! Because you see, our planet has “gone somewhere.” And so we have, as well.
Published on Apr 6, 2013, By: Brian Clark Howard, 07/03/2013
Adapting to 07 Sunday Jul 2013 Posted by EM Meyer
The whole world changed
Are you the same?
Heaven Letters Published on: July 8, 2013
The New York Times - 7/07/13, By SEBNEM ARSU
GFP Note: If you read between the lines and look into your Heart, you will see The Truth - the Bulgarian Protesters are Indigoes! This is the Indigo Revolution! - 7/05/13, Jenny Barchfield/AP
Source: - July, 2013
Avebury Trusloe, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, UK. Reported 7th July.
"Greetings Beloved Ones! Beloved Family of Ashtar and Beloved Family of the Universe, We Are One! We are so delighted to be here with you and we welcome you to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem and we stand together as One, One united in Heart and in Mission! For it is indeed our Mission to be partners in this coming into the Higher Dimensional reality, which is not an illusion and not a dream, nor is it just some kind of made up creative vision. It is your reality because you have brought yourselves to it!
Story by: Salvador Russo
Tonight's New Moon in Cancer -- at 12:15 a.m. EDT in the U.S. -- brings us to a turning point in the powerful energies that have been reshaping our lives – and our world -- for more than a year now.
Don’t get me wrong! We’re still deeply engaged with the deep and far-reaching turbulence generated by Uranus and Pluto. In fact, these two mighty change agents haven’t even reached the halfway point of their mission. Things aren’t about to calm down any time soon!
picture source:
Mother Mary:
Hello my dear illustrious Beings. I come to you on yet another auspicious day. Energy is accumulating for ever more shifts within each of you and I am here to tell you to be as open as you can, be as expanded as you can and as fluid as you can be.
You must rely on your own determination, help yourselves by standing together,
organise yourselves and you must win
Charles Stuart Parnell (Ireland)
Those words should echo all around the world. They apply to every country and every people. This is what you must do. Stand together as one.
Everything will change in your world through the will of the people, not corrupt institutions. They are losing ground every day. This is indeed a battle where one side seems to have all the power and control. But this is not so. For when the people find their voice and are prepared to stand up and speak out, then the corrupt can and will be defeated.
July 7, 2013
You talk of attaining bliss, striving for the goal of BEingness and fighting to find the quiet within like it is your ‘employment’. The Universe has never made things that ‘hard’. All you have to do is breathe, that is it, that is all…………just breathe and magic happens. ~ Creator
22 earthquakes
2.5 26km W of Glennallen, Alaska 2013-07-07 15:07:35 UTC-04:00 30.2 km
7.2 110km ENE of Taron, Papua New Guinea 2013-07-07 14:35:30 UTC-04:00 378.8 km
4.6 122km W of El Aguilar, Argentina 2013-07-07 11:00:22 UTC-04:00 234.2 km
4.7 50km W of Barberton, South Africa 2013-07-07 10:52:14 UTC-04:00 5.0 km
Beloved Ones,
The themes for July are:
This month we have a triad of themes all working together to provide an incredible opportunity for accelerated growth, change and evolution.
Posted by Chiffre on -The Watcher
Adonai- in category Planets-The Watcher
New ESA's images show hundreds of individual lava flows frozen in time on the flanks of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars and largest known in the Solar System.
Time is but an illusion and Love transcends all time and distance. As we awaken to memories of lives we have had, all timelines are now merging into one, we bring from them all that has brought us to the here and now.
All pain, suffering, and ties to past karmic lessons that have held tight for such a long time must now be released. So too must we bring forth the Love and Light that has been the steady force, perhaps hidden, through all of time.
On July 6, Russia Today headlined ” ‘Free from imperial persecution:’ Venezuela offers Snowden asylum.”
Days earlier, President Nicolas Maduro said asylum would be “seriously” considered if sought. Snowden deserves a “humanitarian medal,” he added.
“If this young man is punished, nobody in the world will ever dare to tell the truth,” he stressed.
He’s a man of his word. It’s official. Maduro granted Snowden asylum. He did so on Venezuela’s Day of Independence.
by kauilapele
By:, 07/04/2013
A MARS ROVER'S IMPROBABLE ANNIVERSARY: When Opportunity left Earth on July 7, 2003, many observers expected the rover to survive no more than a few months on the hostile surface of Mars. Ten years later, Opportunity is still going strong and could be poised to make its biggest discoveries yet at a place named Solander Point. [video] [full story]
SHAPE-SHIFTING SUNSPOT: Behemoth sunspot AR1785 is undergoing a metamorphasis, changing shape by the hour as it turns toward Earth. This movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the action on July 6-7: