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is being naked actually important? i feel a strange calling

LightBiscuit86's picture

so the winds of change are blowing in my direction again, and besides the oddly-coincidental synchronistic events that continue to take place every single day, for instance  every day i see only one single butterfly when i am outdoors at a time of high vibrations, its been happening for a few days now, i havent seen a freakin butterfly in many years. i cant even remember the last time lol, but i say hi to them i say i love you and go back to doing my human thing. lol, but if thats not enough, there are strange numerical events synching up which sometimes kinda freaks me out how perfect that number feels at that specific moment, the most commen numbers i seem to never miss, are 1:11, 11:11:, 3:33, 11, 47, 555, 55, and im sure a few others, annnnd i digress lol,  



Hands up for the roller coaster

Crackinsmiles's picture

Well, December 21st has passed without much fanfare, we witnessed a long prophesised date come and pass. But where was the destruction? Or the evolution of man that so many longed for?


Since the beginning of this new era prophesized by so many different ancient cultures, there has been quite an uproar. The tragic and mysterious Sandy Hook, Government threatening Gun Control, The long talked about economic crisis, High unemployment rates. Most families living paycheck to paycheck, the threat of severe global changes and the worry of a developing police state, the list goes on and on.


While there hasn’t been any mass landings of extraterrestrials or sudden cataclysms, We are in a great state of change right now. Most are like frogs boiling in water and cannot see the greater cumulative effect of all these seemingly negative forces at work.  But if we stand back and give our current situation and overview… DANM!


One thing that we all can agree on is that however deep down, every human desires peace, a loving environment and the opportunity to prosper. But all the current circumstances are in a way preventing us (Humanity) from achieving this state of living.

But What I have gathered from my few years of research, is that this shift that we were all supposed to experience during this time (based on ancient religions and cultures) was one that would bring a “Golden Age.” Many tried to predict what that would entail, Most were wrong. The only logical way to look at this is to see what is in front of us.

I see a world in great turmoil. We are like a sea that has been hit by separate hurricanes that span the entire ocean. Waves are everywhere and navigating them is impossible.

So what are we to do?


The first step is obvious, we stop, stand back and stop fighting the winds, We cannot change the direction of the wind, only set our sails.



Anonymous and encouraging message posted in university restroom

cindyloucbp's picture

A Reddit user posted a photo of a poignant message that she found taped to the stall in a women's restroom at her university.

The user, chellylauren, wrote: "In a girls' bathroom stall at my university, girls have written about some of their most horrifying life experiences. This week, somebody replied."

The reply, written on notebook paper, is anonymous.

The reply in full:

To the girl who was raped: You are so strong. I cannot fathom the pain you must have gone through. The fact that you have the bravery to write it (even on a bathroom wall) gives me hope.

To the girl with eating disorders: I promise you, although I don't know you, you are beautiful, you deserve your health. You deserve freedom from that hell.

To the girl with the alcoholic father: I am so sorry for the agony it must cause. Again, such courage is remarkable you must be such a strong person to see such pain.

To the girl whose father died: Missing them never goes away. The ache of their absence never goes away. But the love they had, the memories you share surely must last. I am sure, out of the bottom of my heart, the people who have left you in this world are exceptionally proud of the person you are.

Everytime (sic) I see these walls, these confessions, I feel so blessed to know I have the priviledge (sic) of seeing them. Your moments, these secrets, are all precious even though they are sad. To all of you (including those I did not mention, and those who have not yet written)

-You are worthy.

-You are strong.

-You are brave.

-You are loved.

-Somebody cares.

Written below that, somebody penned a quick response: "To the person who wrote this, thank you."


This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the seco

Planet_Earth_is_a_living_being's picture

This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the second is to learn that only our thought creates our world,destiny and our future.


Planet Earth will be equipped with a help of the more evolved universe to step into 4D, and we will endure everything: cold, heat, disasters, crises and UFOs.Listen only to your heart and be constructive, not destructive, aggressive or fearful.Let us be positively  active about the  people around us, the planet and the universe.  This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the second is to learn that only our thought creates our world,destiny and our future. This will be ordered "officially" by the Galactic Federation, the most powerful governing and administrative body of the Milky Way, which will be ridiculed by many on the planet in 2013,by saying that it is nonsense,nebulous,stupid and nonexistent... but we'll see, time will tell whether it does exist or not! Thus,let us take a positive attitude and unite with similar people on the planet, because it is the only way to learn faster and make evolutionary progress in this stormy, but very crucial times.Times in which the all of us live together on planet Earth.The higher universe,into which all of us are going to sail, without exception in 2013,expects that from us and it tells us clearly by powerful fusion of our human consciousness with the alien presence on this planet and around it,unprecedentedly.Trust the universe that this is indeed the truth!  Read more



Crop Circles and the REAL Circlemakers - By Patty Greer AKA The Croppie Girl

Ritelight's picture
 “4 Stories – One Event – Other Worlds” movie trailer:

This is one of the most advanced documentaries about Crop Circles and the REAL Circlemakers to date!
    4 different groups of people from three different countries saw Orange Balls of Light appear over a particular Crop Circle in East Field on July 29, 2010. They all claim to have had a telepathic communication with the Balls of Light and were entirely stunned by their sightings. They all had total recall, but no photos of the incident. Luckily this film maker DID!


Any Ideas?

d'tewa's picture

Greetings Dear Galactic Family!

     I'm searching for an answer to something that happened to me.  Maybe you can help.

     A very long time ago while out camping, a rainstorm suddenly occurred which blinded my sight.  As I ran for shelter, I ran smack dab into a metal post which injured the bridge of my nose.  To this day, it has affected my nasal breathing.

     When I woke up four days ago, I noticed that the bridge of my nose felt bruised and swollen.  It felt like someone hit me in the nose or I ran into something, like that metal post long ago.  No where else on my face hurts, just my nose.  I was fine the night before, so this had to had occurred sometime through the night while I was sleeping, and no, I don't think I punched myself in the nose!

     My question to you all is, has anything similar happen to any of you?  I realize that we are quite active while sleeping, but to feel pain and injury from what I did when I slept is very new to me, and I really wonder if this type of thing happens alot.  Any ideas?

P.S.  No, I don't think I punched myself in the nose!

Love and Blessings,




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