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Healing with Sound's picture

Get Health without Nasty Side Effects

The body is full of rhythms, when healthy. The heartbeat, the breath, and circulation all provide pulsing rhythms. Like Morse code these rhythms convey meaning. For example the heart beat gets erratic when someone is frightened.

Researcher Michael Thaut, Ph.D., who heads the Center for Biomedical research at Colorado State University, has been using musical therapy to aid stroke victims. He says, "The brain's motor system has a strong capacity to use rhythm as a time keeper to guide and organize physical functions. Those who listen to 30 minutes of music during rehab showed improvements in their ability to walk faster and steadier."  The rhythms of music entrain the rhythms of the body!

In 2001 the Cleveland Clinic found that music lowered stress levels and in young cancer patients built up their immune systems. A client's comment cements this idea: "I really got into it. The sound entered my mind and soul, so that every part of me was filled with energy. I visualized the cancer disappearing. At the same time I used visual imagery to rid myself of the stress in my body, to find peace and harmony, and to find a way to love myself. Then it was like a cleansing that came over me."

According to a study by the Journey of Advanced Nursing people who listened to music an hour a day reduced their chronic pain by 20 percent. It is not surprising that patients notice the impact of healing music and sounds. 

Experimental studies are confirming the effectiveness of music and sound: "Several major physiological systems responded to the simple act of giving the mind a focus (such as sound or music): the metabolism decreased, the heart rate slowed, respiratory rate decreased, and there were distinctive brain waves." ~ Cardiologist Herbert Benson, M.D. Head of the Behavioral Medicine Department and Mind/Body Medical Institute.


Chemtrail Interception

IAMTyler's picture

I just witnessed a white trial-less craft come out of the side of a trail being sprayed, fly across the sky a few inches, then disappear..

Has anyone else noticed this? And although chemtrails have been proven to still be bad, could this give hope that the active ones are killed on site?


i can make you laugh

ParadoxMind's picture

it really isnt very hard. all it takes is one word. there are certain power words in our language, that nearly always have the same effect on people. i have discovered that there is a word that always makes people smile and/or laugh. as a former player of Dungeons and Dragons, i call it Power Word: Amusement. are you brave enough to receive this wizard lore, this word of power? can you handle the responsibility of such arcane secrets? prepare yourself then, for this word who's power i have discovered is:






















The Truth Contest

ThomasJ's picture

Does anybody know anything about "The Truth Contest"?


I have seen people praised it all over facebook and youtube and I was curious. I downloaded the ebook and its frankly not that well written. I think something doesn't seem right about this. How come there are several people praising it on facebook (and they seem very vocal!)?


I made a comment on facebook that I would download the ebook and instantly I got a few friend requests!



What People are doing without MONEY

Filo HArt's picture

I just wanted to share a link to a Time Exchange Community here in Austin.  I think its a great's like banking (depositing) our time into a bank for use of equal use of time from someone else.  i.e.:


I'm an accountant and I need a carpenter.


the carpenter may not need an accountant but I can donate (deposit in the bank) an hour of my time for an hour of the carpenters time that he has donated (or deposited in the bank).


so because I've offered my service and deposited the time in hours to my account.  I then can use my time saved in my account for equal time need to fulfil my needs with another person who has done the same. 


Anyway...folks have been getting creative in living in alignment with Mother Nature and I can visualize a society where we offer our services in trade.





* Important suggestion for imporving the GFP! * Feedback wanted!!

divinasion's picture

I am a daily reader and I do hope this message reaches a site administrator.

My suggestion is this: we have LOADS of people browsing the GFP website at one time. We need to create a bond between all the site's readers by discussing topics of real value! We can do this by posting a 'Hot Topic of the Day' on the front page of the website. For example; the Hot Topic of today could be titled: "Should children fear their parents?... Does a parent need to instil fear in their child to keep them in line or keep them safe?... What do YOU think??". GFP users would then be encouraged to post their opinion, forming a debate below the question. This prominent feature would bring forth a new era of interactivity on the website and form a bond between readers. I think social interaction is currently missing from the GFP and it is of great importance that we create a proper community, aided by the daily discussion of relevant topics.

The "Hot Topic of the Day" would be pinned to the top of the news reel, so it would always be visible throughout the day.

Please give me your input!! Many thanks!!!


Clear Quartz

ParadoxMind's picture

i have with me a quartz crystal approximately the size of the last joint of my thumb, who has been with me since i was about 8 years old (im 26 now). a few years ago when i learned they were alive and conscious i began my attempts at communication with it. ive taken to calling it Crystal Friend, and it seems pleased with the name. Crystal Friend has helped me in some powerful healings of my body, and many, many energetic clearings. my question to you all is, what do crystals like? hot water and charging in sun/moonlight, sure, but i want to do right by my crystal friend, who's helped me so much so many times.


Upward Spiral of Transformation

E Dawn's picture

These next few days before the arrival of an intense energy wave are about personal choice and change. Choosing to go up or down according to the vibrations of love or fear you are currently living in your life.

Choosing love unconditional means choosing freedom and change. It means living a life free from fear and illusion. Choosing the upward spiral leads to making decisions to change your life for the better leading to spiritual and life altering transformation on all vibrational levels.

The intense energies shall bring change for the better. We've already seen some of the most amazing inventions coming out that are leading the Green movement restoring balance upon our Planet. We've seen solar cells for on your window and aircraft's that run on solar energy to name only a few. Brilliance is occurring and the downward spiral of fear shall belong only to those that are afraid and want to try and stop progress. This can no longer occur. Forward movement globally will occur in some way shape or form.

Our collective loving energy that is restoring balance is creating first in dreamtime gatherings how this shall occur. We can all play a part by the way we are living our lives. The dreamtime gatherings are creating how we can change personally, as family units, communally and globally. The first step is the personal change so that it becomes easier to work and associate with others.


Post 12-21-12

GraceofGodandLight's picture

In light of December 21st 2012 hype, world disasters and world peace.. I never thought the world would end on 12-21-13 although I'll admit I had hoped  some more of the drastic peaceful hype by many new agers would have manifested a little more apparently......I was somewhat disappointed more drastic changes for the better didn't take place, however, after some consideration and some studying of world issues as a whole I believe many including myself also believe the globe as a whole has and is beginning to become more unified and positive in many ways...if you consider, for instance, just decades ago women were once not even considered full citizens, blacks were not even treated as human beings and the Nazis were successful at exterminating approximately 2/3 of the Jews living in Europe, and much more..Then consider that a short time later we have a black President, a woman who ran for president, native Americans being handed out money from the very Government whos ancestors practically exterminated them hundreds of years ago..heroes uniting all over the world to benefit the sick and oppressed, laws prohibiting racism or sexism, medical phenomenon like St. jude going from terminating cancer in 4% of certain kinds of cancer in children to curing 94% of child cases in that very same cancer despite whether you have medical insurance to pay I'd say things are looking up :) :) call me an optimist, idealist or idiot but I like to look on the bright side of life.. Sometimes it may not  seem all that bright with things like the Boston bombing and Connecticut elementary school massacre (horrible to comprehend) but, believe it or not, many things have improved quite drastically in a relatively short amount of time.. We obviously still have a long way to go as far as world peace..but, relatively speaking , things have improved in many ways surprisingly drastically...



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