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Guardian2012's picture


March 26, 2013

10:17:26 AM

Good Morning Galactic Citizens of Planet Earth!

MeI just completed the March update interview with Cobra this morning and while we were talking, he emphatically asked that we all join together for a group worldwide meditation tomorrow, March 27, 2013 at 9:28 GMT.  This is a Liberation Meditation for the Goddess Vortex and it is a launching point for us to create the changes we so much desire on this planet.


Surely, the only advice worth listening to...

Aaron Asphar's picture

So many lightworkers are seeking answers, and finding themselves frustrated over and again by conflicting advice, crushing uncertainties and all the rest of it. Why is this? What's going on? Doesn't sound very divine does it - why is God putting us through this confusion? Or is it that we are being purged of our dependency on outside information? We all want to serve, but is it really helpful for lightworkers to be writing advice collumns that appear to be barking orders at people? What then is our role when it comes to sharing - has instruction and advice actually become damaging for all of us now?


Krishnamurti: "And so many people offer different ways of solving the problems—the gurus, the priests all over the world, the thousands of books, everybody offering a new solution, a new method, a new way of solving the problems. And I am sure this has been going on for a million years. “Do this and you will be all right. Do that and you will be all right.” But nothing seems to have succeeded in making man live in order, happily, intelligently, without this chaotic activity going on. Why do we human beings live this way—in this appalling misery? Why?" - Amen. How can we have order where there are conflicting voices telling us what to do or even voicing their opinions? What is the solution to this?




starlight's picture

hello family of light. I know this is public to all and its probly not important but i would like some help from you all please. I have looked up all kinds of palmistry online but cant find anything about this strange symbol on my hand. on my palm near my fingers i have two lines that split apart in the middle making a circle and two lines going through it making an eye symbol. im not a bad person at all and i have read up about it being apart of the illuminati and im worried about it. i have no means of hurting anyone nore do i wish to. my heart belongs to the light and love of all humanity. i would just like to know what it means and why i have this symbol on my right palm. please if someone knows what it means please shed some light on me.


thank you namesta

Monikah Thomas



FoodForHearts's picture

The U.F.O. Disclosure Project press conference happened sometime in or before 2006; I don't remember hearing about it; did you? Wondering if any of you know what has happened as a result of the topics discussed and the recommendations/petitions made of the powers that be? 


New here just wanted to share some stuff with you all! :)

wakingupslowly's picture

On December 9th 2012 I had an ego death experience while on a dose of dxm (a legal disasociative found in OTC cough syrup). I could feel my pineal gland begin to decalcify, and I thought I was dying.


Since then I have had multiple experiences where I had access to information about the universe, the true nature of god, and the true nature of myself and human kind in general. I have come to realize that I am a concious manifestation of god, as is everybody else. We were sent out into the universe with the mission of interacting with eachother, experiencing life, and bringing it back to god.You should love everybody as you love yourself, for they are all you!


I had an experience a few weeks ago where I felt like my brain and body were being reprogrammed. I could also hear a gentle female voice guiding me through the process, and telling me that everything was ok and that I was ascending.


Five days ago I took five hits of acid, and had an intense ego death experience where I was reading people's minds like crazy, and having all kinds of impacts on the people around me. It was a very beautiful occasion.


I thought I would share this all with you seeing as I feel as if I am on a fast track to ascension, and might not be inhabiting this 3d plane for much longer.... Any feedback/questions would be appreciated!


22nd March 2013

mandy's picture

Hi everyone


Does anyone know of any significance to the date 22nd March 2013. Any knowledge, propshesy, meditation, readings, messages - anything.

I would be so grateful for any help with this, asking for the best of reasons.





Love letter to the cabal

TitaniumLotus's picture

"What I believed to be reality is in fact an illusion. Our main focus was to incarnate into the 3d classroom to be GODS IN TRAINING! It's your sovereign right to dismiss your contract onto this time and achieve a 1 timer, never before done in all of creation...ascension from 3d to 5d, from heavy density to lighter density, from lower frequency to higher frequency, from earth to heaven (as some would call it).

It has been stated that the toughest lessons to learn, were that of incarnations on earth. Duality (ego & separation from source) was an experiment. Unity consciousness (unconditional love & unity) is our home. When the clarion call came of such training to be offered, we all came running to enter this illusion and not all made it. The moment is soon of our graduation, whether or not this truth resonates with one or all, at this moment, is not relevant to the out come NOW. As the out come is all will be called home, be it walk home or carried home by divine decree.

Your perception of reality is your divine right, as is your exercise of freewill...your call, can be vetoed only by source. This perception of future moments is my own, for share. If it resonates with your being, then events forgoing will transpire with ease. Ladies/Gentlemen, I lay my cards now, on the table for all to see. Namaste" (I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us)....TitaniumLotus



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