Phase 3 AWAKENING cont.
Civilization is aligned with nature, and in nature civilization continues. Society fights nature and always crumbles back into the nothingness it came from. Society is the experiment that always fails when the dumb try to control creation for their own benefit while attempting to rule over creation like GOD. That's really funny.
Civilization is much more connected to nature, so life is lived in balance and harmony. All are benefited and blessed with everything nature provides, and nature provides everything creation is for the use and sharing of all the bounty with ALL members of Civilization. Yep civilization is how nature shares life with all people abundantly.
In Society, so very few benefit from the bounty of nature they rip from the EARTH = HEART and use everyone like their own personal slaves. They set themselves up as God, rulers over you, when they are the very same as you for ALL ARE GOD AS LIVING EXPRESSIONS OF CREATION made manifest.
In all the thoughts I am given to share, use them as they may help you connect with your true nature, The REAL ONE YOU ARE, the DIVINE WITHIN YOU, THE LIVING MOMENT OF YOU, NOW ALIVE AND AWAKENED AS YOU.
Got it?