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Forward Without Fear

There are many things in your world that are being specifically designed to draw you away from your peace and into fear.  Why is that?  Dear child, it is very simple.  Those that live in fear may look for answers that are readily available rather than taking the time to listen to their hearts.  There is also certain ease in going along with the ‘fear dialogue’ being played out right now on your Earth plane.  It is time to step out of that loop! (Smiling) If you are Divinely guided, you will instinctively know what is right, you will treat all humans as brothers/sisters and begin seeing things for what they are rather than what you are being told they are.  Your homework for today; look at your world and what it could be without fear then begin to take small steps toward a freer world.  The Universe will always be beside you! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 14, 2018

The more you embrace being the co-creator of your own life expression, the more you will come to realize that expansion is your friend. If you desire something it is because it is not already part of your experience and the only way you can bring it in is through expansion. Unfoldment is incremental expansion. It creates the space for everything you want to become part of your reality. If we had one wish for you today it would be that you start to understand that expansion is necessary for creation and begin to embrace it with excitement and joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Clear Your Space and Clear Your Life

God said:

Beloved, whatever is on your mind today, get past it. Have no backlog hanging over you. What is this compulsion to be in arrears? Be free instead. Get away from the whole idea of obligation to the past. Don’t entrap yourself in the past. Your purpose now is to jump over the past. The past clogs your clear sailing. Have free space. Free space clears your lungs as well as it opens your heart wide. Clear your arteries.

If you want clarity, clear paths in your life. Make room for new.

GFP Newsletter - 8/13/2018

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It is better not to be rational about it, not to intellectualize it, not to label it. "What is going on?" I can say only that whatever is going on is tremendously beautiful. Allow it - no need to have any explanation. Experience it - no need to understand it, to explain it. Be totally possessed by it, and this total possession by love will bring a new birth to you, a new life, and a new world all around.

You are passing through the most beautiful space every meditator has to pass through. Unafraid, go dancingly into the unknown without ever being concerned where it is going to land you.


ALL IS LOVE, did you forget?

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If ya live in illusion how can ya know? It's like the fish in the water, the fish is alive even though it doesn't know it's living in water

Well, maybe the ones visiting the GFP will consider the thoughts and maybe Awaken more, little by little, bit by bit, ALL IS LOVE, did you forget?

Phase two, Rebuilding Civilization.

Civilization is based in harmony with everyone living life in balance with each other and creation. Society isn't run by the individuals, Society is run by the ones who own it, and to be a voting member you gotta pay up front. And yep, ya pay and ya pay because Society is a very costly toll on people and nature.

Look at who rules and you will see where YOU are in their use of you for their own gains.

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Choose To Be Yourself

When you are ready…take that final step of releasing what others feel you should be and move into what you could be to yourself!  There may be pressure to feel, be, act or do certain things in a particular way.  It is a conscious choice to accept this or not.  Those around you may not like it when you choose your own path, however, the only thing you need to be is yourself. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 13, 2018

With each profound shift you go through, there is a releasing of density, a purification, if you will, accompanied with an integration of higher vibrational energy. Because you have lost a layer of density that can act as a buffer between you and other energies, the result can be feeling raw, naked, vulnerable, exposed, uncomfortable, and with heightened sensitivities. If you are already an empath you will feel this quite strongly. If you have not felt energies before, you may suddenly start. This is all proof positive of the transformation you are all going through.

It can take several days to get used to your new normal after a shift. Be kind and gentle with yourself through this process. Let your body take the lead and give it what it is asking for. The most effective way to make this process more comfortable is through the use of love. Think of being deeply in love with someone and remember how deliciously love can wrap you up like a warm, supportive blanket. You can give this to yourself by simply intending to surround yourself with your own love, and to ask for your favourite guides, helpers, angels, or masters to cocoon and soothe you with their love. Love is the most wonderful energy to use for such a purpose for it comforts and calms with inclusion and acceptance, supporting you in all ways possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Forget Not Even One Heart

God said:

Beloveds, keep in mind the hearts and souls of all you meet. Certainly, you don’t fawn over anyone. Keep yourself on an even keel. Regard yourself as well. Overlook no one. No one is to be disregarded. No one is to be made small. Kick no heart into oblivion. No one is to be discounted, and this includes you. Regard all, including yourself. No one is to downplay anyone. Never are you to make small of anyone – certainly not yourself.

No one is run of the mill. No one is to be disregarded. Recognize all Souls. Come from simplicity and not flash. Discard no one. Minimize no one. Neither dismiss even one person nor aggrandize even one person because of some kind of world stature. Take no prisoners. Adulate no one. Care about everyone. Be true to Me whether you are in public or private. Be true to your Self. Be true to Me.

GFP Newsletter - 8/12/2018

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Love is such a great phenomenon. You cannot say it with certainty; it is not mathematics. And you cannot say it with security. It is so vast and so fragile. How can you be secure about it? A moment before, it was not there, and who knows what is going to happen a moment afterwards? Suddenly it has descended upon you. You are in its possession, but security is not possible and neither is certainty. And if you want to make it certain and secure, you will kill it.

A bird on the wing looks so beautiful, so representative of freedom. The whole sky belongs to it... no limits, no boundaries. You can catch the bird; you can keep it in a cage. It is the same bird in a way, but it is not the same bird because, where is its sky? Where is its freedom? Where is its joyful dance in the air? All that was alive in it is gone. It is only a faraway echo of the real bird that you had seen in the sky. It resembles it, it is a carbon copy, but it is not the original.


Civilization Is Dynamic, Society Is Stagnant

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Life is what is magical, yet who notices such a gift being given as being present? That's even more funny than magical, lol.

When society exists, civilization is compromised and held back from evolving so society can create stagnant rules to encase civilization in BS. How dumb is that? I wonder...

Civilization is dynamic, society is stagnant, held in time instead of being set free of limits to grow and prosper to benefit the all in everyone.

"Got to have rules", said someone dumb, "gotta keep the dumb under our thumb." So the dumb are dumb and so are dumb's rules.

Society is the flaw in civilization for the two can't exist in balance. Society is always imbalanced for rules are only made by the dumb, for the dumb, to keep dumb safe from freedom. Dumb, write? lol. Dumb ta dumb dumb

Yep, reality is where civilization lives, society is always living in illusion. Ever noticed that? lol

Society pretends to be civilized while destroying civilization for it's own illusionary belief systems.

We is smart
Dumb ta dumb, dumb

Of course Socrates said this way before, I just repeated it, lol. Funny, Socrates had it correct all along, and hemlock is bitter even with lots of honey, lol.

Ignorance thinks it's wise to have rules, well that's ignorance for ya.

What happened on Atlantis was the conflict between society and civilization. Society had power it stole from the free and thus used the power to end freedom and create slaves, so the really dumb ones could be in charge. Still today that's true.

Society is where the dumb go to rule, civilization is where the wise are serving the advancement of civilization. We are moving write along, lol.

Just the thoughts that were wanting to be shared lol

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This Amazing Moment

Every single human on your Earth plane is unique and wonderful in their own way. Each of you has your own set of experiences and emotions. It is also important to remember that your growth and learning processes are as individual are you! You may feel that you are too far behind or ahead of your fellow human’s progress. If this begins to happen, take a moment to reassess exactly what is going on! (Smiling) This is not a race, it is not a one-up situation and it certainly is not the time to judge yourself or others! You are where you are for a reason. Take it in because you will never be in this amazing moment again! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 12, 2018

When you are going through a period of release, you may temporarily find your connection to spirit difficult to sense. This is because denser energies, as they release, make it difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides and helpers. You may feel as though you are in a period of isolation or separation, but in no way are you ever left alone without our support!

Even if you cannot feel the presence of your guides at all, we are always here to guide you and support you. Talk to us! Tell us what you need. Surrender. Trust. There is no mediumship ability or special sensitivity required to work with us. All that is needed is simply a deep desire, a heartfelt request (which gives us permission to step in on your behalf), and a willingness to receive and be moved. Know that it is always our greatest joy to be of loving assistance to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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In Partnership With God

God said:

Beloved, dear Being, you who overflow with My Love, you are surrounded by angels. You are a mainstay of all the everyday miracles in Heaven and on Earth. You are a miracle set before your Self in tribute to Creation and to what We, you and I, embrace. You toss Earth like a softball through the galaxies all the way to Heaven. You set Earth in place without further ado.

As an emissary of Heaven, you stabilize Heaven. You may not yet quite see your Oneness with Me. You may still see separateness, yet not for much longer is this even a possibility. No longer can separation pretend to exist. There are no two ways about it. You do cartwheels in Heaven. No longer do you even imagine that you ride the rails.

GFP Newsletter - 8/11/2018

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Do you think the stars are not ordinary? Do you think the moon is not ordinary? Do you think the roses in the garden are not ordinary? Do you think these beautiful trees are not ordinary? This whole existence is ordinary!

Even to say that it is ordinary shows a desire that it should have been extraordinary.

But if everything were extraordinary, it would look very ordinary. And that is the situation. Everything is very extraordinary... Extraordinariness is the ordinary quality of existence. It is nothing special, it is simply the way things are.


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You are all loved beyond measure.

As so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening.  And there are signs of this in many places where loving concern and compassion are arising in discussions about the major issues that need to be practically resolved in order to prevent further, and possibly irreparable, catastrophic damage from being done to the planet, which could cause mass extinctions.  Humanity is at a tipping point, a point at which balance must be restored allowing and encouraging a whole new way of living to be established that honors all life forms.

There is no separation, and to attempt to live as if separation is real, while at the same time refusing to honor all life forms, is truly insane.  Much of humanity now sees this, but there are still many people with power and influence whose sole agenda is to maintain their positions regardless of the cost.  They tend to be the ones on whom the mainstream media focuses a lot of attention because they are powerful and influential.  Nevertheless, the days when people like these could arrogantly enforce their wishes on the subservient masses are over, period!


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