Heavenletter #1351 Published on: July 29, 2004
God said:
My beloveds, We spend eternity together. Eternity is encapsulated in this precious wave of Our Oneness. Our Oneness is the ocean. You experience eternity as a crest of a wave you call time.
If, in the world, you could have only five words, what would they be? Oneness, Eternity, Infinity, Love and Joy? These are the words that occur to Me on this wave of light you call time. What words occur to you?
If you could have another five words to use, might they be Mystery, Treasure, Adventure, Life and Diversity?
And so you could continue with layers of words that tell the story.
Perhaps I left out some major words. Creation would be one. God by whatever name I am called would be another.
Words of the relative and Divine mingle, and divisions are made but not clear. All words divide. All categories divide. With words, it is as if you took an apple (Oneness) and cut it into pieces, and made piles. One pile would be the near apple pieces here. Another pile would be the far slices there. Another pile would be big and another would be small. And so is life sorted into piles of words, and more and more categories are made on the outskirts. Even categories go on forever. There is no end to categorizing, it seems.