God said:
You are at a turning point. This is how it is every day. Every single day you are making choices. Every single day, you go in one direction or another. Of course, it is good for you to take Life in your stride.
Every choice has bearings.
Possibly, your choice of which coffee shop to go to this morning will have bearings on your Life. But, hey, there are choices that you can’t figure out, and you have to take pot luck. You cannot dwell on decisions overmuch, or you may ponder your Life more than you live it.
You cannot know ahead of time at which coffee shop you will find your own True Love or be discovered by a movie agent, and your whole Life changed – or not.
How can Life be figured out? There are no guarantees.
Even after the fact, you cannot always know for sure the meaning of what a whole story really is. Even a bona fide mistake is not a mistake, for you gain Life Experience.
Great difference or none, at the moment of decision and even in retrospect -- no one knows. Had you taken another road, you don’t know whether that road would have been for better or for worse. Again We come to the unpredictable and wondering what might have been. Was it all Destiny anyway?