God said:
Beloveds, come close to Me. Set yourself apart from some things but not from Me, oh, no, dear ones, no, no, no, not from Me. Stay with Me, close to Me.
Set yourself aside from being consumed from past choices you may have made. Do not continue to hold decisions you have made and regret against you. Must you take your choices in the world so to heart? Don’t wrap regret around yourself.
Help others. Help others a lot, yet not harrow yourself unduly in the process.
When you conceive of many dangers, it is easy to run away from daring to help your neighbor. In the world, as you know it, there are many occasions for danger. It becomes easy to emblazon yourself with the ideal of serving you and yours before others as a fact of Life. It is easy to think this. It is easy indeed.
Often this way of thinking can be a way out for you, for you to see yourself as duty-bound in every instance to stand up for yourself: “Obviously, my family has to come first before all. This goes without saying.”
Nevertheless, great heroes in the world have chosen the Highest. Yes, it can be wise to take risks on behalf of others. I don’t see selfishness as a virtue. With all this being said, there are those of you, My Children, who just can’t go as far as you -- and I --might wish you would. In the process, if you make a wreck of yourself, you serve no one. That is the kicker.