God said:
You may desire Peace within with all your might. Yet, again and again, you find yourself in havoc. You may find yourself terrorized, undermined, cut open, devastated, imprisoned in a sheath of panic. And you crave Peace. You would give anything for Peace, yet you don’t have it.
You cry out: “God, give me Peace. What I want most is Peace.”
It doesn’t seem to matter how much you crave, desire, demand, authorize, defend Peace, you seem to have scared it away. Peace seems to shy away from you. You get handed turmoil instead. Even as you understand that the turmoil that seems to surround you is of your making, you alight on it. You may have one hand out for Peace, yet your other hand reaches out further and touches torment.
The terror you face doesn’t even seem to be about death, but, oh, yes, it is about loss, yet not loss of your Life. Others’ deaths yes, yet your panic borne of terrors looms far greater to you than that.
Loss of limb may be greater to you than loss of Life. Loss of youth seems to be a great preventer of happiness. You know that you are greater than skin-deep, yet how you would treasure your lost youth back and firm skin with it.
You may say to yourself often enough:
“What is the matter with me? What on Earth is going on with me? If I desire Peace, why do I constantly find obstacles to it? It’s not like I don’t know better. I know better, yet I persist in sabotaging myself. Or do I kid myself? It can’t be that I would prefer the agony of struggle. Who in their right mind would?