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Great Changes

What exciting times are coming your way!  Some may view them with doubt, fear and trepidation.  Others may view them with excitement, joy and anticipation.  Regardless of how you see it, there are great changes  in the works and on the way!
Now, my love, it is time to remind yourself of your breathing, to stay calm and as centered as possible.  I realize there is no guidebook for these moments, however, quiet listening will ‘set you to rights’ and all will be well. ~ Creator

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Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist

by Matt Agorist, TFTP

It’s become a near-weekly occurrence. Somewhere in some state, the FBI will announce that they’ve foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives. However, as the data shows, the majority of these cases involve psychologically diminished patsies who’ve been entirely groomed, armed, and entrapped by FBI agents. Simply put, the FBI manufactures terror threats and then takes credit for stopping them.

While many of these cases have garnered attention and been exposed in the alternative media, a recent case out of Oklahoma sets a new low for FBI and exposes how insidious these plots can be.

GFP Newsletter - 8/17/2017

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Chuang Tzu says: If the shoe doesn't fit, then you are conscious of the feet. If the shoe fits, the feet are forgotten. It is because of a headache that you become aware of the head. If the headache disappears, where is the head?

Along with the headache, the head also disappears. When something is wrong it becomes like a wound. When you are ill, then this so-called self-consciousness exists. When everything fits, is a harmony, and there is no discord, the shoe is not pinching, everything is absolutely okay; you are not self-conscious. Then you are. In fact, for the first time you are, but you are not self-conscious.


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Wild Adventure in Life

God said:

In terms of the world, everything is important to you. Dear Children of My Heart, at the same time, note that everything in the world is fleeting.

Your feet may seem to be on the ground, yet the Earth you walk on stands in mid-air.

Life on Earth is, more or less: Now you see it, now you don’t.

The world is wily. You can’t quite keep up with the world, even as you go far beyond the world.

It is possible to say that the world is a mile a minute. It is possible to say that the world is preposterous. There isn’t anything you can’t say. There almost isn’t anything you haven’t said.

You Sing a Song of Sixpence, and you hang your Life on a Star. Now you are getting closer to the Truth of It All.

Life is a passing fancy, yes, and yet Life is far more than that. Life may seem to you like a commodity. What seems is not what always is. You are greater than you conceive. I conceive you great.

Join Me in this Wild Adventure in Life. You come across Life. You stumble on Life. You cognize Life. Life is a dream you have. Ah, what a dream. What a dream you dream. Yet there is more to your Life than you ever dreamed of. There is more going on than you fathom. Even as nothing is really happening, there is more to Life than what you dissemble. Hang your Heart on a Tree.

Much of Life is an attempt to be more than you think you are, and, yet, the Reality is that you are far more than you think you are.

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105 Year Old Reveals The Secret Behind Living A Long Life

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Everyone wants to know the secret to a long and happy life, without having to constantly worry about being cautious over every aspect of actually living it. Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, who lived until he was 105, believed that the secret lies in a few simple and basic principles, one of which includes retiring later.

Dr Shigeaki Hinohara built the foundations of Japanese medicine and played a hand in making Japan the world leader in longevity. As a physician, chairman emeritus of St. Luke’s International University, and honorary president of St. Luke’s International Hospital, he was qualified in announcing his guidelines of living a long and healthy life.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 17, 2017

Dear Ones, even your own reactiveness holds gifts for you. Most of you are very mindful and feel great distress if you respond in a way that is out of character for you. The first thing to ask yourself if you have been reactive is, “How have I not been showing up for myself?” And then, “What part of me is in pain? Is not feeling safe or secure? Is desperate for my love and attention?”

Reactiveness is often a sign that you have neglected yourself or stuffed feelings for a very long time. What the intense, transformative energies of the eclipse season you are in are doing is pushing everything up to the surface so you can address what you need once and for all.

You are human beings playing in the realm of unprecedented experience. You are tender and good. You are driving the shift on your planet! If you have a moment that you regret, rather than punishing yourself and wounding yourself even further, we urge you to show up with compassion, acceptance, and understanding for yourself and to give yourself the unconditional love and care you need to heal those bits of you that are desperate for your attention and acknowledgment.

Showing up for yourself, wholly and completely, allows you to show up even more for others. That is what your soul wants more than anything else – unconditional love, acceptance, and unity consciousness for all. And that, Dear Ones, must begin within, for you are an integral part of that all. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/16/2017

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Anger is there; if you become aware, it disappears. Love is there; if you become aware, it becomes more crystallized. Then love is part of Existence, and anger is part of dreaming. If you are unaware, then you exist; if you become aware, you simply dissolve, you are no longer there - then God exists.

And you both cannot exist together - either you or God. There is no choice and there is no compromise. You cannot say: Fifty-fifty, a little I and a little God. No, that's not possible. You are simply not found, and God is.


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Here's Your Chance to Convince the FDA to Reclassify CBD Oil as Medicine

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

On Monday, the FDA invited the public to submit comments on the potential benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), along with a handful of other substances.

Published in the federal register, the announcement explained that the FDA is “requesting interested persons to submit comments concerning abuse potential, actual abuse, medical usefulness, trafficking, and impact of scheduling changes on availability for medical use of 17 drug substances.” The agency will eventually submit a report including this public input to the World Health Organization, which will use the information to make decisions regarding legal access to the substances. The FDA will collaborate with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to produce the report.

According to the FDA document:

These comments will be considered in preparing a response from the United States to the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the abuse liability and diversion of these drugs. WHO will use this information to consider whether to recommend that certain international restrictions be placed on these drugs. This notice requesting comments is required by the Controlled Substances Act (the CSA).

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Accept Yourself

God said:

When you are extremely sensitive and tender to nuances, dear ones, do not see yourselves as lifted high above the crowd. Your sensitivity is not a raised flag in salute to you. Your sensitivity may be nothing to make you proud. Consider your sensitivity more like a rash.

By all means, wear lace and ruffles – that’s lovely – wear what gives you Joy – yet in terms of your interaction with the world and your response to it, wear hardy denim and no longer sensitivity on your sleeve. In relation to yourself, your sensitivity isn’t a badge of honor.

No longer boo-hoo about how Life and people treat you. How people treat you has to do with themselves and is not all that much about you, even if both you and the other party habitually think so. You tend to be all about you. Truly, if someone doesn’t like you and is rude to you, it’s about them and not about you at all. Dear Ones, it doesn’t behoove you to take offense.

From this day forth, take nothing personally. In this way you will no longer perceive affronts. You will be smooth satin and ruffled not at all. You will not entrap yourself. At present, you may prefer to notice affront and be ruffled.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 16, 2017

When people act out it is because they are uncomfortable, frustrated, overwhelmed and fearful. Because the energies you are in are bringing up so much that is ready to be acknowledged, healed, and released in a very intense way – a way that cannot be avoided any longer – you will see people being reactive in their discomfort.

You do not need to let this throw you – you can hold your space in compassionate understanding as many of you have already dealt with your own activations and have learned how to move with intense energies. You have also done a lot of your own healing work so are out of the throes of the dark night of the soul that is the great activator for so many of you to step onto your enlightenment path.

Think of being a parent to a toddler who has become completely overwhelmed to the point where they have succumbed to having a tantrum. You understand they have reached a place where they simply cannot deal with where they are. The tantrum acts as a great dispeller of energy.

If you stay in a calm, empowered space as their caretaker, you are able to acknowledge their discomfort and the fact they have reached their limit. You can keep them safe and create the conditions they need to release so they can come back to themselves.

GFP Newsletter - 8/15/2017

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The ego exists through self-consciousness; it cannot exist otherwise. But remember, self- consciousness is not the consciousness of the Self: self-consciousness is not self-remembering, self-consciousness is in fact not consciousness at all. It is an unconscious state. When you are self-conscious you are not alert, you are not aware; you don't know that you are self-conscious. If you become aware, self-consciousness disappears. If you become a witness, then it is not found there.

Remember one criterion: whatsoever disappears through awareness is illusory, and whatsoever remains through awareness, not only remains, but becomes more crystallized - is real. Make it a criterion - consciousness is the touchstone.


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Weaving Straw into Gold

God said:

Here’s one idea that will hasten the evolution of the world. When enabled, this one idea will move the world forward at the Speed of Light. This has to do with letting go of a habit of thinking that is prevalent in the world. It seems like a simple thing, yet it isn’t so simple for My Loved Ones to let go of this worldwide habit. It may well be difficult for you.

Within this world you live in, no matter how it may seem in dark moments, there is nothing that is impossible. The sky is the limit, which is to say that there are no limits at all.

So much will be taken care of with this one change in awareness. As you change, so changes the world. Your simple awareness of the value of the possibility of change alone will affect the world you live in. You will enter a Universe of Peace.

You will transform the world. Peace will be like a rocket taking off! Tumult in the world will fly away. No one will know frustration. No one will oppose, and no one will be opposed.

This new way of thinking will close Pandora’s Box.

This is not a quick and easy for you to accomplish, not even in theory. Yet, even so, there are these who live this way now. You may think that the ones who succeed in such flexibility are just lucky. And, yes, they are lucky to have acquired this skill. At present, you may be at a loss to implement this.

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Study Reveals Big Pharma Paid Doctors Millions of Dollars To Push Opioids

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

It’s no secret that there’s an opium epidemic plaguing North America, and it’s been a growing issue for decades. Many people often picture drug dealers as these scary individuals selling pills on streets, when in reality, the drug pushers responsible for the abuse of opioids, opium, and heroin are largely the U.S. government and doctors.

That’s right: The U.S. government and physicians are deeply connected to the opium trade. You have physicians heavily pushing and marketing opioids, and then you have the U.S. government governing the opium trade.

A recently published study in the American Journal of Public Health actually proved just how deep this problem runs in regards to the doctor-opioid relationship, proving that opioids represent a lucrative business for both physicians and Big Pharma.


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