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Science Reveals Two New Reasons Why Cacao is Ideal Food for the Brain

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

Great news to all chocolate lovers! Italian scientists prove that cacao, which is used to make chocolate, is an ideal food for the brain. Thanks to flavonols, a substance found in the cacao plant, consuming dark chocolate can enhance your cognitive abilities. This could mean improved memory and attention span.

Scientists out of the University of L’Aquila, Italy, published a new study, Enhancing Human Cognition with Cacao Flavenoids, which states:

…the evidence accumulated so far suggests that cocoa flavanols administration can be effective at sustaining cognitive performance, leading to improvements in measures of general cognition, attention, processing speed and memory.

Two Ways Cacao is Ideal Food for the Brain

Surprisingly, the scientists discovered that eating cacao regularly over time has two interesting effects. Their research reveals that cacao affected the part of the brain associated with aging. Thus, cacao has the potential to protect against age-related cognitive decline.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 9, 2017

As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very uncomfortable in record time. The more you evolve on your enlightenment path, the greater will be the need for freedom and having the ability to move with what the energies are supporting and whatever inspires you.

Because of this you will start to see society start to shift to meet that need. People will start to move more towards self employment and career paths that are focused on their passions. You may see people have several different offerings rather than just one, allowing abundance to flow with what the energies might be supporting at any given time.

Work weeks will become shorter with more flexibility in order to fit people's needs, and positions will be filled based on interest and aptitude rather than simply the need to make a pay cheque. The new measures of success will be more centred on experience, life satisfaction, and self expression through interests, innate talents, and joyful service. This will be another aspect of heaven on earth you have been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 7/8/2017

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Life is always changing. Nothing is static. And whatsoever you know will not be of much help.

You have to look at the situation, the whole situation. And if your response to it is with a perfect awareness, it is right. Then you'll never repent for it. And then you grow through it, then you become more aware.

Awareness has no past, awareness has no future, awareness has only this: here - now. sometimes you will act like a Christian, perfectly Christian, sometimes you will act like a perfect Buddhist, and sometimes you will act like a perfect Mohammedan. Nobody is. Sometimes the Koran, sometimes the Gita, and sometimes the Bible; then you never decide beforehand. You are never prepared for it. Anybody who is prepared is wrong.


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The Royal Truth

God said:

“To thine own Self be true.”

Ah, you would love to be True to thine so-called Own Self, and I would love you to be True to your Royal Self, so why don’t you live this in fact?

The bare answer might be that I know Who you are while you have not as yet caught on to Who you are. This is true so far as it goes, yet running at the same time on a deeper hidden level, you do know. You do, and you don’t, and yet you do. I guarantee that you do. You will recognize yourself as sure as rain.

Perhaps, if, in Life, you had not been told things like: “Don’t be foolish,” you might have accepted the Truth of Life long ago, and the whole world would be different.

Heretofore, you simply may not have been able to see. Perhaps you have too much sunlight in your eyes. Perhaps the Sun is too blinding, or, perhaps, your Inner Light is shaded over, as if you are safer in darkness than you are in Light. Perhaps you tremble at the possibilities that might fall your way. You might think you prefer to be a wanderer than to settle down. You are not so sure that you are ready and willing to say Yes to your Greatness. Your take on Facing Life carries a connotation of discomfort.

What if you go for your Greatness and still not be worthy of it, where would you turn then? Or not following through on Greatness for any reason or for none?

Along with privilege comes responsibility. You were not looking for more responsibility.

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Full Moon In Capricorn: Intensity and Evolution

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Capricorn on either July 8th/9th, depending on your location. The astrological energies of the Full Moon can start to become noticeable in the days leading up to it and will remain fairly strong in the days following. The planetary configuration at this time also influences the following two weeks, until the next Moon cycle begins.

Full Moons are the most emotionally charged time of the month. With the Sun being in Cancer, this Moon brings out the opposing polarity of Capricorn, and we may feel the energies of each sign either collaborating or challenging each other.

The Sun is masculine, which represents our ego needs/impulses, and the Moon is feminine, representing emotional needs/impulses. This polarity can play out in different ways, as we can feel it within ourselves as well as experience it influencing our relationships and the world around us. However, it can sometimes be hard to tell if each side of it is coming from a place of ego or emotion, especially this time around with the Sun in Cancer.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 8, 2017

Many of you are in the process of stepping into a new phase in your incarnation. In many ways, much of what you have experienced up until this point will start to feel far removed, feeling almost like a pastlife. This is why you are seeing people suddenly changing locations, careers, their service paths, or interests.

You have reached a new energetic platform, so to speak – a new level of mastery which begs the question, “What do you wish to create moving forward?” And this is exactly why old themes are coming up.

It is like the universe is helping you clean out your closet, as you prepare to move. It is holding up old wounds, old hurts, old patterns, asking if you would like to take them with you or let them go for good.

There is no need to get activated or upset. This is not a punishment or a sign that your energetic work has not been effective. Far from it! It is simply the universe helping you to be concise and aware about what you would like your new creation – your next exciting phase – to look like, and to be consciously aware of what you are bringing with you.

It might help you to detach from it emotionally if you could simply see it as a life review. You are reviewing, just as though you had just transitioned from the body, but you are instead staying, excited for the opportunity to move into a new phase, that for many of you will take on the feel of a brand new incarnation. Take the gift of the experiences and leave the rest behind because it is not necessary to replay the old in your new creation.

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Study Finds Long Exposure to Tiny Amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup Damages The Liver & Kidneys

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Glyphosate continues to be the most used herbicide in the world, despite the fact that the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, IARC, labelled it a probable human carcinogen in 2015. And evidence suggests GBH, like Roundup, poses particular health risks to the liver and kidneys in large doses. Small doses, however, hadn’t been tested, until a 2015 study came along.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, found harmful effects in the liver and kidneys of rats exposed to low levels of Roundup in drinking water. The international group of scientists from the UK, Italy, and France involved in the findings studied the effects of prolonged exposure to small amounts of the Roundup herbicide and glyphosate.

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Embrace Your Power

Your dreaming and creating is always happening.  From your Home to your Earth and back again, it is a constant and never-ending stream of consciousness that shapes who you are.  You are part of the continual spiral of existence with The Universe.  Now, more than ever, you are needed to take action and shape your world into something that has never existed before.
Embrace this power and joyfully connect with others on your Earth plane….the time all of eternity has been waiting for is now! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 7/7/2017

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Morality and immorality are not commodities, things. They are not things, they are processes. And that is the subtlest point to be understood about life. People come to me, they say: We listen to you, but that is too difficult. You just give us a discipline; what to do, what not to do, so we will follow.

If you want moral codes, I cannot give you any because I know all codes are poisonous. And you ask for codes. That's your trick to escape from awareness, because without codes, you will have to be constantly aware and constantly feel: What is the situation? What is right NOW? What is wrong NOW? THIS MOMENT will decide. Nobody else can decide. Then you have to be very, very alert.'

To make you alert, I don't give you any code. I have no code. Awareness is the only discipline, the only commandment.


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What’s All This about Karma?

God said:

The idea of Karma in the world is readily accepted, referred to a lot. We can even say that the idea of karma is bandied about. With the idea of karma, there is a tendency to throw your hands up, as if you are helpless in Life. I say No, you’re not helpless. You are powerful.

Listen carefully. There is Truth in everything, yet everything is not Truth. What you perceive as Truth in the world may change, has changed, and is ready for more change. Today one thing or another is the most propitious of all, and then tomorrow, there may be something else more propitious. Today somebody, for example, wins the big lottery, and, many more do not.

There are fairy tales about who is the Fairest of All. Superlatives are questionable. Not only that, superlatives fall to dust.

And Santa gives sweets to the good children, and coal to the naughty ones, so it has been said. All God’s Children deserve sweets. Sweets deserve to be shared. Everyone is here on Earth for a purpose. Which child should be denied and for what pompous reason?

Notice once and for all that Life in the world is not about reward and punishment. It is not a secret that Life, as it is observed in the world, is not equal in every way you slice it or in any way you slice it.

Certainly, in the world in your terms it is not always clear what is a good event in the first place and what is not. You may have thought that an occurrence or two would be the epitomes of good fortune and you did not find this to be so.

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If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them Music

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Music is one of the greatest joys on Earth. From those who play it to those who listen to it, it is a driving force and accompaniment for so many things in life. Many of us do not need scientific evidence to know it enhances our lives, but to learn of such evidence is surely important, especially for those who could benefit from it most.

Previous research has already found that music can serve as medicine, capable of treating symptoms of schizophreniadepressionanxiety, and chronic pain. And now initial results of a five-year study by USC neuroscientists have found that music education can speed up brain development in young children, specifically in the areas of the brain where processing sound, language development, speech perception, and reading skills take place.

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 7, 2017

If you could only see what we see – the incredible job you are doing, the many ways you are of service, the energy you transmute and hold, the beauty of your soul, the phenomenal amount of growth and expansion you have accomplished in such a short amount of time – you would be awestruck. You truly are magnificent beings, each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 7/6/2017

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Mind always wants to plan, because once you plan there is no need to be aware. You can become an automata, a robot, and go on - you have a fixed discipline. That's why in all the monasteries, they have a fixed discipline; no need to be aware. 'Do this, this is. right. Don't do that, that is wrong' - finished. You need not be aware. You simply become a robot. You know what is right, you know what is wrong.

I tell you, the right becomes wrong and the wrong becomes right when situations change.



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