GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2017

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I have heard: Mulla Nasrudin went to his psychiatrist, and he rambled upon his miseries, troubles, and finally he concluded: I am afraid. It seems that I am getting neurotic.

The psychiatrist smiled and said: Nasrudin, if that is true, then you must be happy and grateful that you are neurotic.

Nasrudin, was shocked. He said: What? - happy that I am neurotic? Why?

Said the psychiatrist: Because that is the only normal thing about you.

Neurosis is the only normal thing not only about Nasrudin, but about everybody else also. Mind has to be neurotic. Neurosis is not a disease; neurosis is mind itself, so neurosis cannot be cured. With mind remaining there, neurosis is bound to follow it like a shadow. Hence all psychiatry fails. At the most, it can make you normal, but to be normal is nothing but to be normally neurotic - neurotic like everybody else, not in your own way; just following the highway, not an individual path. People who are in madhouses have private neuroses. You have a mass neurosis. That's why you cannot be detected; you are just like everybody else. And people are in the madhouses who have tried to attain their own style of neurosis. They are individualists. That's the only difference. And this has to be so, because mind itself, the very functioning of the mind, is neurotic. Try to understand this.


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Where Do Lost Thoughts Graze?

God said:

You had a thought, and then, the next moment, the thought is missing. It was a revelation you had, and now it’s gone.

Never mind, it is still in your mind somewhere, and it can make its way in the world without your active presence. Lost thoughts continue to exist somewhere with or without you. A thought slips away from you the way a grape might fall from your fingers when you pick grapes from the vine.

This is not an alas. It’s an all right. Grapeness still exists when a grape itself may have fallen to the ground.

All of your thoughts – thoughts that called themselves to your attention -- don’t have to hang on the Vine of Thoughts before you. All thoughts land somewhere. No thought has to hang on a clothesline where you can pin or unpin it later.

Lost thoughts will appear. Someone will have the missing thought you did. All the thoughts that come to do not belong to you. Never did.

The whole world is shared regardless of what you think and your intention may be. Therefore, consider sharing as I do share. Let freedom ring! What a blessing to let go of owning and clamping onto this and that.

Freedom from ownership is a great Bell-Ringer. We can’t call Freedom a possession! If we could call Freedom a possession, then, possession would turn into a grand thing!

It’s not that you dis-possess. Put up no bars. Like Me, welcome all.

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Humanity’s awakening is divinely willed and intended, therefore it most certainly will be achieved.

Within the illusion the only constant is change.  You all know this, but you do need to remind yourselves that change is part of the illusion, an aspect of time which is the linear coefficient of the illusory concept that you chose to construct and maintain.  Now that the foundations or underpinnings are collapsing changes are occurring ever more rapidly.  And these changes are especially noticeable in relationships, from personal or family ones to intergovernmental ones.  Change is an aspect of evolution and you are all evolving, and your evolution is basically along a spiritual path, even though vast numbers of you appear to have no spiritual interest or awareness, apart perhaps from believing that anything spiritual is unreal, the result of unbalanced emotional needs being pandered to due to a sense of loneliness, unacceptability, and the fear that that engenders.

Those needs are indeed very prevalent among those who are consciously attempting to follow a spiritual path, and may well indicate the initial signs of a growing awareness that there should be, and indeed is, far more to life than the generally accepted three dimensional materialist egoic drive for more of anything and everything that brings pleasure to your human form.  And, deeply asleep and dreaming, as most humans are, that makes perfect sense.  Anything that appears to provide safety, security, and pleasure to the individual is obviously something that is well worth working for.

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Massive Shark Die-Off on California Coast is Alarming Researchers - Waking Times

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Mass marine animal die-offs have become regular news in recent years, especially along the western coast of the America’s where it is quite common to hear of pods of whales or other animals mysteriously perishing in great numbers.

Most recently along the coast of California, primarily around the San Francisco Bay area, an alarming number of sharks are dying, and officials are at a loss as to why. For the past three months, thousands of dead leopard sharks have been washing up on shores in the bay, and their decomposing bodies may be making the problem worse.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 15, 2017

Dear Ones, your level of monetary abundance comes from the universe responding to your own energetic emanation, not from the specific job you hold. You have created that job because it matches the level of abundance you resonate with.

This is an important thing to know if you feel like leaving a job that does not honour you. You will always naturally attract to you the level of monetary abundance you are comfortable with, accustomed to, feel like you deserve, or are in a space of acceptance of.

Do you see? It is always a response to the energy you hold. If you wish to move into a greater level of abundance, it must begin within, with you shifting, even if it is in small increments, into a comfort level and allowance of more, which the universe will then respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Breathe the Breath of Inspiration

God said:

We do not require formality between Us. It is natural for Us, for you and Me, the One of Us, the One of One, to frolic in the Green Pastures.

Come, the One of Us Whom I will address as We for the sake of all who may be new to this Truth. This way so I can spell it out, and all they may witness this Profound Truth of Oneness that We are privy to and that does not exist between Us. There is no between Us. We are Oneness pure and simple.

For Us (One) to hold hands, to recognize that together as One is exactly Who We are and are meant to be and to revel in. Beloveds, whether your conscious awareness sinks into all Who are My beloved Sons and Daughters or not -- look, in Oneness We are and forever abide regardless of whatever you or anyone may think.

Our Oneness which doesn’t lie between Us but rather soars as the Oneness of Oneness, this Pure Oneness that We are and have ever been – this is Our Everyday Experience. Never has it been otherwise. Our Being Together as One is not isolated or rare or unexpected. It is wonderful, yes!, and it is also Our True Oneness. Our True Oneness is not unheard of and does not come forth as a surprise whatsoever unless you imagine We are apart from each other in the first place.

Of course, if you think you and I are separate and not One, well, you are mistaken. I say not sadly mistaken! I say rather blessedly mistaken! Good this is your error and, therefore, untrue! Good fortune is good fortune even when you don’t see it. Beloveds, you are the Blessed of the Blessed.

GFP Newsletter - 6/14/2017

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The GFP is back! We had some issues with our internet, but it should be resolved now.

The greatest art is to attain a balance, a balance between all opposites, a balance between all polarities. Imbalance is the disease and balance is health. Imbalance is neurosis, and balance is well-being.


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Housing Prisoners in California Now More Expensive than Sending Them to Harvard - Waking Times

Anna HuntStaff Writer
Waking Times

The LA Times recently reported that the cost of housing each inmate in the California prison system will cost $75,560 per year. This is 20 percent higher than the cost of attending Harvard College, based on Harvard estimates for room, board and tuition.

Cost of Housing Prisoners Doubled Since 2005

Interestingly, housing prisoners in California is now twice as expensive as it was in 2005. The cost surged in 2015, increasing nearly $10,000 or 13 percent from the prior year. The biggest cost drivers are prison staff salaries. For example, today, the California corrections department employs about one person per two inmates. In 1994, this ratio was one employee to four inmates.

Governor Jerry Brown allocated an $11.4 billion budget towards the California’s corrections department. The budget goes into effect on July 1, 2017. Although the cost of housing prisoners is higher than ever before, experts project 11,500 fewer inmates within four years. Chris Hoene, executive director of the left-leaning California Budget & Policy Center, stated:

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Radioactive Waste Flowing Freely into Columbia River Because There's No Money to Stop It - Waking Times

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently informed the public that radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear power plant is ‘flowing freely’ into the Columbia river.

The mighty Columbia river is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest region of America, flowing down from Canada, winding through eastern Washington state and along the border between Oregon, ultimately moving through downtown Portland and into the Pacific. The Hanford site, located near Kennewick, WA is up river from a million or so people, not to mention the wildlife.

Constructed in the 1940’s as part of the Manhattan Project, the plant was decommissioned after the Cold War, leaving behind some 53 million gallons of high level radioactive waste. Proposed as a Superfund site in 1988, Hanford is an uncontrollable ecological and public health disaster.

As noted in the list of national Superfund sites:

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 14, 2017

Your acceptance is what allows the universe to deliver to you. If you are not willing to receive, it is much like ordering things from afar and then putting a sign up on your door stating “no deliveries please”. So open up, Dear Ones! Allow yourself to give and receive, to love and be loved, to intend and then enjoy your creations. That is the joy of being a co-creator and expander of experience on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/13/2017

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The ordinary person is the most beautiful phenomenon in the world - just living moment to moment, not expecting, not asking. Whatsoever comes, accepting. Whatsoever comes, not only accepting, but accepting with a deep thankfulness, a gratitude.

When you are ordinary, whatsoever comes is more than you ever expected. When you are extraordinary, when you think extraordinarily, something very great: a Napoleon, a Hitler, then everything is always something unfulfilling. Everything is lower than your expectations. You are such a great man; whatsoever happens is always below you. When you are ordinary, everything is more than you ever expected, and when this feeling comes, that it is more than you ever expected, you feel a gratitude. That gratitude is the inner shrine. In that gratitude, for the first time, the light from the Beyond descends.

Create this shrine of gratitude inside and soon you will find a light has come into it. The shrine is not dark, and this light doesn't belong to this world. It comes from the Eternal.


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When You Open the Windows of Your Heart…

God said:

If I were to ask you to list all your desires, and all your desires came through today, you would jump for joy. You would be so excited. You would feel rewarded and loved today. You would know for a fact that the Stars are smiling on you. How happy you would be.

It is a good guess that you can easily put together a long list. If you ran out of ideas, you could go to the internet or TV or ads in a magazine and catalogues. There is no shortage of what you would find to desire. The world offers you trails of breadcrumbs for you to follow and more and more.

Yes, if all your dreams come true today, you would be happy. You would be ecstatically happy until – until -- the Joy fades. How can it be that joy fades? How is it that wonderful gifts lose their luster?

The deal is that you can always have more to add to your list of world desires. World desires just aren’t enough for you. When you get a new car, after awhile, it isn’t new any longer. After awhile, there are newer cars that hit the spot. New goes only so far in the material world. Gilding the Lily wears off.

The world at large certainly does give you happiness -- for a while. The world is simply not able to bestow long-lasting happiness. You could have gold and sit in a palace, and it would not be enough. Lasting happiness isn’t able to establish itself within you from outside.

Lasting happiness arises from within. However intriguing the world is – and it is intriguing, no doubt -- lasting happiness bubbles up from within you.

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Neuroscience Shows the Brain Literally Eats Itself Due to Lack of Sleep

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

New scientific research shows that lack of sleep may be more damaging to the brain than we’ve previously thought.

It’s well known that the brain gets a makeover every time you sleep. During sleep, support cells in the brain clear away residue left over from the day.

Now, new research shows that these support cells go into overdrive when you are not getting enough sleep. They clear away more than unneeded residue. They actually start to harm the brain.

Michele Bellesi, leader of the research team, told New Scientist:

We show for the first time that portions of synapses are literally eaten by astrocytes because of sleep loss.

Astrocytes are support cell in the brain that clear out unnecessary connections between neurons. This process is called phagocytosis, which means “to devour” in Greek.

The Brain’s Clean-up Process

It is absolutely normal for the brain’s support cells, called glial cells, to clean up the brain during sleep. They clear out old and worn out neurons. They also clean up old and unnecessary synapses, or connections, between neurons.


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