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The 8 Most Nutrient Dense Foods on Earth

Jill Ettinger, Guest Writer
Waking Times

We all know which foods we do best to avoid (right?). Despite the alluring appeal of Oreos, Mountain Dew or McAnything, processed foods provide little nutrition and a whole lot of risks. But when it comes to the good stuff—what are the best foods to put into our bodies? While experts all agree we need a variety of foods for a healthy diet, do you know which are the healthiest of the bunch? The answers may surprise and delight you.

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A Day Off

God said:

Do the little things today that may give you a little happiness. Today take a break from making breakthroughs. Today get away from responsibility with My blessing. Take a day off. Today only. Let today be your Sabbath whatever day of the week it is. If you can’t take a day off today, set up another day.

Get out into the fresh air. Sit under the trees. Read a book. Lie in a hammock under the sun. Pick a rose.

Bake something. Eat it while still warm.

Treat yourself in an unexpected way.

If you can do whatever you want today, what might it be? This is what I would like you to do today.

If you feel overwrought, under-do for a while.

Get away from it all today. Assign yourself to taking it easy. Assign yourself to the little joys.

Give yourself some peace.

If you want to lie on your back and look up at the sky, lie on your back and look up at the sky. This is your assignment.

Look at your place in the world in new ways. Today, it’s okay to be lazy. Today there is no denying your right to be at ease today. Easy does it. This is what I ask of you today.

Want to ride your bike? Go ahead. No pressure.

Want to sit at the river’s edge? Do it.

If you happen to be someone who likes to clean closets, go right ahead. Empty space around. Give yourself room. No need to fill space nor time.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you see being trusting as being foolish but in reality trust is what opens the door to love, to healing, to creation, and expansion. Trust is heart-centred movement, which is at the core of your enlightenment process and how to move with and harness the higher vibrating energies you are now experiencing. It is safe to trust a universe that only loves and supports you, and it is safe to trust yourself to start to navigate your life through the divine intelligence of your heart. ~Archangel Gabriel


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On Its Way

As the waves of the latest ‘upgrade’ your planet has undergone subside, take a few moments to reflect on what you have learned.  Just as animals shed skin or move to larger homes, you have been given the opportunity to increase your light and your skills.  You have released things that has been weighing you down for quite some time and this will increase your ability to manifest what you want, when you want it.   Even though the process may have been exhausting, there is a newer and stronger positive energy arriving even as you read this.  Keep breathing and know that it is on its way. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 3/24/2017

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Anybody who creates crime, anybody who creates misery, anybody who makes people suffer, is a help to the religious leaders, to the organized church.

Jesus was dangerous. Although he had done nothing, he had been saying things which could become dynamite and destroy the whole organized religion: he had to be stopped.


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What You Have Really Been Seeking

God said:

What is your style of living? What is it really? Is it being the Princess and the Pea? Is it being the Hare as in the Aesop fable of the Tortoise and the Hare? Or are you like the Tortoise who is slow and steady? Perhaps it is your style to take your own sweet time? Or, perhaps, can it be your style to point out errors?

Many of My children practice the style of complaining as a way of life. Perhaps you are quick to see a fault wherever it may be. Perhaps you an expert at finding flaws. Perhaps spotting a flaw out there somehow makes you feel better. What exactly is pleasing about finding fault? What? Does it give you a feeling of emperorship?

Wherever your dissatisfaction comes from, you don’t have to honor it. You may be perfectly right, yet what has that got to do with anything? In the world, Beloveds, there is always an opposite.

Why are you looking for perfection outside yourself, or, within yourself? In world terms, you can’t be everything, have everything. You will come to the place where you will appreciate everyone and everything in everyone. In the world, it is not so easy to please or to be pleased. Not even the Great Spiritual Ones pleased everyone by a long shot.

Yet there is good within everyone. There is gold within everyone. If there is gold within you, you are not the only one. Everyone has gold within. You may have to look for it.

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UN Calls For Worldwide Treaty To Phase Out Pesticides & Transition To Sustainable Farming

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

The debate concerning the safety of chemical pesticides used on food crops for humans and animals alike rages on. Some believe the risk is negligible, and simply washing your produce mitigates any potentially risks these chemical pose, while others argue that plants grown in pesticides absorb the chemicals into their flesh, which means washing the outer skin offers little protection. Many people buy organic produce to avoid this, but others believe the organic label to be little more than a money making ploy.

Regardless of what side of the argument you land on, it has been proven time and time again that chemical pesticides wreak havoc on human health.

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Smudging With Plants And Herbs: Scientifically Sound For Purifying Air

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

Although often regarded as a spiritual act, research shows burning herbs and plant resin is scientifically sound for eliminating bacteria in the air and administering medicinal properties. Smudging has been a tradition among various groups and cultures for centuries, and today is practiced in many homes. White sage, cedar, juniper, lavender, cilantro and eucalyptus are among the most commonly used plants and herbs.

Originally a Native American technique called the “Sacred Bowl Blessing”, smudging has been used to clear negativity and restore balance to physical, emotional and spiritual energies. Herbs burned at high temperatures are also a historical method of administering medicine, usually used to aid or repair pulmonary, neurological and dermatological functions. Furthermore, the advantages of smoke-based remedies are “rapid delivery to the brain, more efficient absorption by the body and lower costs of production”.

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New Research Is Identifying Human Intuition As A Real Life Super Power – We Have More Than 6 Senses

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Whether you call it a “gut feeling,” an “inner voice” or a “sixth sense,” intuition is something we all possess. We’ve come to understand it as a tool for helping us to avoid conflict, to make better decisions, and to judge character, but what if it could become more than just a feeling? What if it could become an actual skill that helped us do things more efficiently?

Research has long suggested that the mind knows much more than it’s aware of. For instance, even if we forget we have been hurt, the body reminds us. But a new study suggests we can, in fact, tap into this knowledge and train it to work for us. And this is exactly why the US military is getting involved.

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"Child At Heart" Spent The Last 40 Years Hand-Building Amusement Park In The Forest

He built it all on his own, DIY-style.

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

When an Italian man from Treviso, Veneto first opened his restaurant, Osteria Ai Pioppi, in 1969, he had no idea if it would even be successful because it’s in the forest on a hill. In a somewhat remote area, and without any signs posted to point towards the restaurant, he didn’t expect 20 people to show up and eat all of the food that been prepared on that first day.

Though business was great on that first day, that momentum didn’t carry through everyday and Ferrin decided he wanted to come up with ways to attract more people. He was inspired by nature to create “games” and rides for others to enjoy.

“A branch falls, a leaf floats down, a bird flies by, a stone rolls. And I say to myself, ‘Maybe I can use this movement.’ That’s how my ideas are born. They come from things like that, I can’t really explain.”

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 24, 2017

Human beings will be enlightening faster than ever before. There is much potential for true and profound change on your planet. This is due to the combination of higher vibrational energies flooding your planet, as well as the efforts of those who have gone first, who have tamped down and widened the path for others to follow. This acceleration is more proof that the shift is indeed happening, and that the potentials and possibilities for your planet, and her inhabitants, are vast. Allow yourselves to continue to grow and expand, Dear Ones, holding your heart-centred space of love and encouragement for all, and know that your consistent choices and acts of service are paying off in ways that will only become more obvious and profound moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel


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A Love Letter

Dearest One,
I am glad you’ve chosen to continue when you did not feel like it.  I am joyful that the persistent beating of your heart reminds you of why you are here.  I am blessed by your faith and trust in The Universe even though there have been times when you felt like giving up.  I am amazed by the tenacity that you show daily.  I am in awe of your ability to push through the ‘tough stuff’ and grow.  Every day, you make me thankful you were created…you are loved beyond measure! ~ Creator


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New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Proves The CIA Bugs “Factory Fresh” iPhones & Other Devices

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks has released another portion of Vault 7 today called “Dark Matter.” In this telling release comes the story of the CIA’s involvement in bugging a number of Apple products, including iPhones and the Macbook Air.

In short, the leak exposes how the CIA infects Apple Mac computer firmware to gain ‘persistence’ on Apple devices, including laptops and phones. These projects have been developed by the CIA’s Embedded Development Branch (EDB).

WikiLeaks explains that this ‘bug’ allows an attacker/hacker to boot its attack software from a USB stick onto a device, even when a firmware password has been enabled. According to WiKiLeaks, the infector is stored in the Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter.

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Be the Fruit of the Earth

God said:

You don’t have to put yourself under great emotional strain. Why would you lock yourself out of your own Home on Earth and take away peace from yourself. Forgo stress.

Patience and impatience are not as harmless as you may think. Impatience earmarks Life as a catastrophe. Impatience considers current circumstances as Almighty. On the other hand, patience is having other recourses and resources. Patience sees clearly.

Be still. All is already taken care of. Hold this Truth secure in your heart. Let your heart be strong. In the extant world, all is temporary. You extend far beyond what strikes you as trouble. Truth attests to Infinity which is Eternal, and so are you.

There is a spark of Life that takes care of everything. Acknowledge that all is already solved and resolved. Hold this Truth. Ah, yes, all may not be solved as you wish, yet all difficulties do dissolve. If difficulties exist, they are of the past. Don’t claim them. The Sun rises every morning.

Of course, My children, you tend to believe that you are surrounded with insurmountable difficulties. This is a mistaken belief.

Remember this: Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. Even your mistaken thoughts are powerful. Truth is more powerful.

Pardon yourself from transgressions of thought. Only as an afterthought do you discern an error. Don’t make so much of the past as you do. The past is only a word on paper or a thought in the air, not to be kept, definitely not to be collected for old times’ sake.


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