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Pope Francis: Native Americans Should Have Final Say About Their Land

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Pope Francis declared that Native Americans deserve the right to give prior consent to any economic activity that affects their ancestral lands.

On Wednesday, Pope Francis attended the Indigenous Peoples Forum in Rome and defended the rights of indigenous tribes. The meeting was part of the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development, and Pope Francis addressed 40 representatives of the 300 largest indigenous groups in the world.

According to Reuters, he stated that “The particular characteristics of indigenous peoples and their territories” must be protected. The Pope then mentioned that this is especially true “when planning economic activities which may interfere with indigenous cultures and their ancestral relationship to the earth.”

GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2017

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Remember, all following is blind. There is no other kind.

I cannot show you anything other than yourself because that is the truth: You are the truth.


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Joy in All Seasons

God said:

In August, those of My Children who live in the Northern Hemisphere, may have said to themselves:

"I may be tired of hot summer, yet, alas, I am not ready for months of cold winter. Summer seems short, and winter seems long. When summer arrives, I am eager. When winter looms, I am reluctant. Of course, when I was young, my heart quickened at the thought of fresh snow. Must I let everything around me affect me so much as if summer is to be welcomed and winter is not?

"All You lay out on the Earth before us, God, all the cycles are beautiful and miraculous. You surround us with Beauty beyond Beauty. You tell us to take Life as it comes, and I agree with You wholeheartedly. Yet, before winter arrives, my heart dims. How do I reawaken joy in all seasons?"

Beloved, by letting go, of course. By letting go of gloom. Let go of the past. Look forward. Imagine if this were your very first winter coming up, how ignited your heart would be. Access the virtue in all seasons.

You have made associations, as if every season were not the bearer of glad tidings. Of course, each season bestows gifts upon you.

In the winter of your life – this is what the seasons are really about, you understand – you can still make a snowman. Winter is not all about shoveling snow and salting ice. Where is it written that you cannot enjoy winter as it is?

Think about the prior blessing of autumn, as the leaves swirl, and your heart quickens. Autumn is a beautiful gateway to winter, just as spring is to summer.

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Wikileaks Exposes CIA Interference In 2012 French Presidential Election

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A new release from Wikileaks has revealed that the CIA took part in a seven-month long spying campaign against every major French political party and candidate before and after the nation’s presidential elections in 2012.

While the mainstream media continues to propagate a months-long frenzy based on unfounded claims accusing Russia of “meddling” in U.S. political affairs, Wikileaks has once again revealed new evidence exposing the real forces responsible for interfering in foreign electoral processes. Today, Wikileaks released three classified “tasking orders” from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that detail a seven-month long spying campaign and covert actions taken by the agency in France prior to the 2012 French presidential election. Wikileaks’ press release said that this latest release is meant to serve as context for an upcoming, major release of the cryptically-named CIA Vault 7 series, a release that will ostensibly shed light on some of the more sinister “meddling” of the CIA both domestically and abroad.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 16, 2017

Think of an area of your life that is working well for you. You will notice that there is flow in that area of your life, a lightness, if you will, and a lack of resistance.

Now think of an area of your life that is not working quite as well. You will notice it feels stuck, heavy, and you likely feel resistant to it.

Growth and expansion are what feel natural to your soul. It is the way of the universe, and how you flow and evolve. So what do you do if one area is seemingly stuck? You start to infuse it with lightness, acceptance and gratitude. Let us explain.

Even the most dense part of your life has parts that are working in it. Let us suppose you are plagued with a health issue. That issue may be very problematic to you, and because of the discomfort it causes, it has your full and constant attention. But the reality is if you are still in the body breathing, there are many more functions in your body that are working seamlessly and perfectly than the area that is not. You are just not thinking about them, or acknowledging them.

By focusing on what is working, and celebrating how many systems in your body work without you even thinking about it, you can anchor the experience of appreciation, lightness and flow in your body, which would create the perfect environment for healing.

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Your Way, Your Choice

Your Earth-plane existence is full of choices.  You can choose to make things easy and effortless or challenging and bumpy.  Regardless of which way you choose, you will always reach an end-point conducive to those choices.  It has always been my wish to make it as graceful as possible, however, you have the free will to make your life exactly what you want.  This blessed gift can never be taken from you.  Use it wisely. ~ Creator


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Environmental Protection Agency To Officially Terminate On Dec. 31, 2018

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

In the handful of weeks that Donald Trump has been President of the United States, a lot has happened. The stress that’s been mounting due to recent events just increased, however. That’s because, by the end of next year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be terminated.

H.R. 861, which was introduced by House Republicans on Feb. 3, only contains one sentence: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” As Daily KOS reports, the bill which was introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) and cosponsored by Reps. Steven Palazzo (R-Mississippi), Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), and Barry Loudermilk (R-Georgia) is presently awaiting action in the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

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The CIA's Covert Psychics Program Revealed

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Exactly how long has the CIA been using psychic technology to interfere with geopolitics? Considering that most military industrial secrets are only revealed years, sometimes decades after they’ve been put into use, the recent unveiling of documents in a CIA database suggests some intriguing additions to their arsenal of mind-weapons.

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Indications of a Global Shift in Consciousness

By Wes Annac, Editor, Openhearted Rebel

A friend recently made a good point: the youth are partly responsible for helping others become aware of the global shift in consciousness taking place. The masses need to know what’s happening, and if you’ve experienced a spiritual awakening, there must be a reason for it. Young or old, you’re here to help.

The youth aren’t the only ones here on a mission to share what we know. This job is entrusted to people of all ages, but by educating ourselves, spreading knowledge, and supporting the struggle for freedom across the world, we can inspire more people to take a stand. We can energize this revolution.

With all this in mind, here’s my perspective on the consciousness shift and the love that drives it.

The World Is Evolving

Simply put, the world is evolving. A quick glance at society might make you think we’re moving backwards, but if you look deeper, you’ll see that something incredible is happening.

Around the world, people are fighting rampant government corruption and protesting the massive corporations destroying the earth for profit. The masses are finally starting to care about the environment, and people are pioneering new ways to produce everything we need without carelessly polluting the earth.

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In Just Two Years, The Company Behind DAPL Reported 69 Accidents And Polluted Rivers In 4 States

By: Claire Bernish/The Free Thought Project

Although it obstinately insists pipelines are safe, the company responsible for the Dakota Access Pipeline racked up 69 reported accidents in just two years — leaking hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil products and tainting rivers in four states.

That averages nearly three spills each month.

A new report from the Louisiana Bucket Brigade and DisasterMap.net on Energy Transfer Partners and subsidiary Sunoco Logistics documents accidents filed with the National Response Center — the federal contact point for oil spills and industrial accidents — noting 69 accidents between 2015 and 2016.

However, as the study crucially notes, “These are just the accidents that are reported.”

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TPP May Be Dead – Its Replacement TISA Is Much Worse

By: Jack Burns/The Free Thought Project  

The President has a huge PR problem on his hands. How President Donald Trump keeps his campaign promise to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and remains on good terms with our Asian allies and trading partners may be as simple as a change in semantics. In other words, he’s simply going to call it another name; The Trade-in-Services Agreement (TISA). And some are saying the deal is much worse than the TPP ever was.

According to the source who has inside documentation, the TISA, “if passed would prohibit regulations on the financial industry, eliminate laws to safeguard online or digital privacy, render illegal any ‘buy local’ rules at any level of government, effectively dismantle any public advantages to be derived from state-owned enterprises and eliminate net neutrality.” Some have said that keeping financial institutions in check has been the only thing preventing another global financial crisis. And while the citizens’ right to privacy is currently somewhat tenuously protected by privacy laws, hardly anyone can imagine the impact losing those privacies would entail.

TISA’s specifics are shrouded in secrecy, with Wikileaks and Bilaterals being the only ones to have published any information related to its details.

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Thousands Of Dead Bees Wash Up On Florida Beach

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Beach goers in South Florida were dismayed to find thousands of dead and dying bees washed up along the shoreline.

South Florida beach goers might not have expected to be stung by a bee in the surf, however, that’s exactly what’s been happening. In a rare occurrence, thousands of dead and dying bees have been washing up onto a popular beach in Naples, FL. Martha Duff, a Naples, FL resident told NBC Miami, “I’ve been stung a couple of times and at first, I didn’t know what it was and then I realized and then I had an allergic reaction.” Residents are confused and concerned asking questions like those posed by Duff: “Why are there bees? Where are they coming from? And why are they in a very specific area of the beach?” Some visitors to the area, local residents, as well as families with children are avoiding the beach due to concerns about bee stings, causing concern throughout the local community regarding the impact the unexpected event could have on tourism.

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Why Psychedelic Drugs Are Having A Medical Renaissance (Video)

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

It has been truly amazing to witness how many things in our world are now changing that were once considered impossible. We have been able to see this to a large degree with marijuana use and research, which is revealing more health benefits and even cures for various ailments every day.

In my lifetime, marijuana use has gone from extremely illegal, to a little bit less illegal, to decriminalized, to the point where now I can literally walk into a cannabis dispensary with a health concern, get a card, and leave with cannabis in my possession — legally.

This is in Canada, mind you, and I know it is not like this all over the world, but even four states in the U.S. have now fully legalized marijuana, and it seems as though all of Canada is heading in that direction, too.

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Mysterious Ancient “Stonehenge-Like” Circles Found in Amazon Rainforest

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The Amazon rainforest is one of the world’s greatest natural resources, with its incredible vegetation continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. Having been referred to as the “Lungs of our Planet,” about 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced here.

The impenetrable lushness of this revered rainforest lends to both its ominous reputation and the misconception that it was an untouched wilderness prior to European exploration. As discoveries continue to show, indigenous people altered the land far before then.

Now, researchers have found that the Amazonian rainforest was transformed over two thousand years ago by ancient people who constructed hundreds of massive, mysterious earthworks.

Brazilian and U.K. researchers found the more than 450 massive geoglyphs that had been hidden for centuries by trees by way of deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest. The earthworks span an area of about 5,000 square miles.

GFP Newsletter - 2/15/2017

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Now, what crime was Socrates committing? If he was saying to people, "Know thyself," why did the religious people of his days become so angry? There is a reason: he was cutting their very roots by telling them, "Be yourself, know yourself; then there is no need of any religion, no need of any pope, no need of any priest, no need of any mediator between you and God."



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