God said:
The way you see it on Earth is that you put up with too much. A habit of yours could be that you don't speak up enough.
Of course, there are many who also stick up for themselves very well.
There are, indeed, many who think later of what they ought to have said and likely could have saved themselves future difficulties down the road if only they had said.
There are so many habits of life and so many varied kinds of upbringing that impinge on your lives now.
It is even possible that you may think that to represent yourself is impolite, and yet you are aware that not speaking up for yourself contributes considerably to repeated unhappiness.
It's like you got on a certain track and somehow, no matter how you desire to get off that track, time and again you ride the same track no matter how much you rue your path of least resistance.
And then, when you do speak up, you seem to be programmed to feel you overdid it, or you did it in anger which now adds to your difficulties with yourself.
What fear is it that keeps you back from asserting yourself? Lack of practice you suppose? Your voice doesn't even think of it until too late. This is some kind of trap you set for yourself.
And, then, when you do rise to represent yourself, another kind of guilt sets in.