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Retired American Bishop Explains How The Church Invented Hell & What Religion Is Really Used For

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Religion is a controversial topic, and I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not my aim to belittle or diminish anyone’s beliefs. My problem is not with faith but with religion as an organization, which has been used as a means of control, to pit people against each other, and to incite terror and war. Religion in this context serves the purposes of many various global elitist agendas.

Religion is also confusing, to say the least; within several different religions exist different ‘sects,’ each with their own teachings and version of the ‘truth’ and how to live one’s life. Within Christianity alone, there are multiple versions of the Bible, and teachings that contradict one another. What one religion says in one part of the world may directly oppose what another says in a different part of the world. This alone is a recipe for feelings of confusion and isolation for anybody who is seeking ‘the truth.’ If various religions preach different ways of life and truths, they all can’t be correct, can they? I guess that’s why they call it faith.

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Amazon Sells Out of Orwell’s 1984 As America Starts Paying Attention To What’s Really Going On

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth. Sound familiar?

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 28, 2017

Think of a time in your life when things worked out beautifully – so seamlessly that it felt like magic. That is the feel of the universe serving you for your highest good while you are in a space of complete acceptance of that supportive flow. It may have felt like having the day where everything fell into place in the most wonderful ways, or something more specific where the universe aligned perfectly to intersect you with your next great love, or some other perfect match.

Dear Ones, if you had that experience once you can have it again! As you ponder how on earth things could possibly come together to create your next big dream, remember that from the expanded viewpoint of the universe it is easy to bring together elements that you are not even aware of. The most important elements are your trust and non-resistance, which allow you to be moved with ease into the right time/right place scenarios your soul yearns for. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 1/27/2017

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You will love because you are so full of love you have to share it; otherwise it becomes a burden.

You will be like a raincloud so full of rain that it wants to shower. Then it does not even care where it is showering - whether on the hills where nothing grows, or in a fertile land where flowers will grow.

No, the cloud is just as mad as any enlightened man. It knows nothing of who is to be avoided and who is to be taken into one's confidence. No, it simply goes on showering on all. It has no friend, no foe. It is grateful because the earth is ready to receive it with joy.


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Sing a New Tune

God said:

I ask you:

What emotion are you going through right now? Irritation? Outright anger? Are you kicking yourself because you didn't speak up for yourself, or kicking yourself because you spoke up too much?

Either way, you may feel you are in a sorrowful shape. Whatever you're upset about now, walk through to the present and correct it. What you accomplish is tantamount to reliving anguish and reliving it again. You're good at reliving it, yet not good at all at getting rid of it once and for all.

You would give a lot not to be the fool you have been. Kicking yourself doesn't express the weight of the burden you carry. Beating yourself up doesn't say enough.

What is it exactly that you are trying to undo?

It has been said that whatever it may be you are upset at, it is really something else. Perhaps, if you knew what the cause of this anguish really is, you could throw it away once and for all. Well, not so much throw it away as to rise above its slings and arrows.

What is this guilt you carry that is unbearable to the point that you suffer for it again and again? It is not cut and dried. For some it is what you are guilty of letting slide, perhaps under the mask of not hurting someone's feelings yet masterfully hurting your own. And for some, it is putting your feelings before someone else's feeling, and then regretting this. Your theme may be: "With rue, my heart is laden."

One way or another, you rue and rue again, and what the whole basis for this really is, no one seems to know.

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Why the Earth's magnetic poles could be about to swap places – and how it would affect us

by Phil Livermore, University of Leeds and Jon Mound, University of Leeds

The Earth’s magnetic field surrounds our planet like an invisible force field – protecting life from harmful solar radiation by deflecting charged particles away. Far from being constant, this field is continuously changing. Indeed, our planet’s history includes at least several hundred global magnetic reversals, where north and south magnetic poles swap places. So when’s the next one happening and how will it affect life on Earth?

During a reversal the magnetic field won’t be zero, but will assume a weaker and more complex form. It may fall to 10% of the present-day strength and have magnetic poles at the equator or even the simultaneous existence of multiple “north” and “south” magnetic poles.

Geomagnetic reversals occur a few times every million years on average. However, the interval between reversals is very irregular and can range up to tens of millions of years.

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Could Pain Be Contagious, Just Like Happiness?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Contributing writer for Wake Up World

According to recent research, pain can spread among mice by way of smell, suggesting physical pain — at least among animals — can develop as a result of social cues alone. In other words, pain may actually be contagious.1

While researchers are not suggesting the same is happening among humans just yet, the discovery has significant implications for scientists working on addiction withdrawal (which tends to lower pain tolerance) and various drugs, especially pain relieving medications. As reported by STAT News:2

Researchers are now wondering whether past studies might have overlooked some mice’s pain because their roommates — with which they were being compared — had taken on their level of sensitivity.

That could have influenced research on everything from drug withdrawal to painkillers.

“This is something that most — if not all — researchers are not taking into account”, said Loren Martin [Ph.D.], a pain researcher at the University of Toronto Mississauga who was not involved in the new study…

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 27, 2017

There is always a part of you that is calm, settled, whole, and empowered. The idea that there is not, or that you cannot reach it, is illusion. If you simply stop and intend to connect back to that divine you, you will always, always, find your way back Home to yourself, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly how you will anchor the energies of heaven on earth and heal the illusion of separation once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

We have been witnessing much change, chaos and transformations these last few weeks.  The wakeup call that has shaken us all out of the Piscean fog…loud and clear…has arrived!  With the Sun in radical and rebellious  Aquarius now and at the time that President Trump was sworn in as President of the United States, and the record breaking Woman’s march happening the next day…. along with this Aquarius New Moon….the Universe is saying loudly  “wake up, take a step…any step… just start moving forward!”   It is time to move towards self-liberation.  It is time to manifest, at this Aquarian New Moon. It is time to manifest and consciously co-create our own reality.  Meditate on that big picture of the “New” world an how that will look in its highest form…..Meditate on what you can do and bring it in to awareness for your community, all Humanity, and for the good of all. 

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle.    New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future.  Right now…during this intense changing of leadership…. it is time to set some powerful intentions for our county, the world, the world leaders and everyone everywhere. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful Aquarius New Moon…..for the good of all humanity.

GFP Newsletter - 1/26/2017

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You don't know your real I.

The real I you can know only when the false is gone.

The moment the false disappears the real appears.

The death of the false is the birth of the real.

And that quality which I am calling am-ness is the very center of life, the very center of bliss. You will remain the same person in a way, but in another way you will be absolutely discontinuous with the old; you will be absolutely new.

You will love, but now your love will not be the same as it was before. It will not have hate as its opposite side.

Your love will be now so great that it can absorb hate, it can transform its poison into nectar.

You will love but you will not possess.

You will love to give, not to get.


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You Can’t Keep Life on a Leash

God said:

You know, Life does not have to stay the same, nor does Life have to change directly according to your will. Did you think that Life must suit you? Is it a novel idea that Life also has Free Will?

There are changes you can make. Even one little change you make can make a long-range difference. If you tend to reproach Life, make a tiny conscious change and don’t reproach Life.

Let's say you complain about being tired all the time. Of your own initiative, change something. Go to bed earlier. Exercise more. Your choice. Walk to work. Or walk part way to work before you hop on the bus. Stop saying you are tired, for your words may compound your tiredness.

I do not speak of a momentous New Year's resolution, not at all. You do not commit yourself from now until forever. You don't have to take a big bite. If there is a tiny aspect of your life that you might see to benefit you, do it. You do not have to make a lifetime commitment. Choose anew today and tomorrow and tomorrow, a simple tiny change of your own choosing.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 26, 2017

Dear Ones, you simply cannot create positive change by pushing against what is unwanted. Creation is an exercise of inclusion. Once you understand that, you will come to see why the practice of gratitude is one of the most empowering things you can do. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Iowa Pipeline Bursts Only Days After Trump Approved DAPL Construction

By: Derrick Broze / AntiMedia   Hanlontown, IA — Beginning around 5:30 am on Wednesday morning, local authorities in Hanlontown, Iowa, realized the Magellan Pipeline was leaking what amounted to 138,600 gallons of diesel fuel. KIMT in Iowa reported that emergency responders with the Worth County Sheriff’s Office, Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Worth/Mitchell County Emergency Management, and Freeborn County Emergency Management were all on the scene. The cause of the leak is still under investigation.

Later in the afternoon, KIMT provided an update on the situation:

“The owners of the pipeline that leaked over 138,000 gallons of diesel fuel in Worth County Wednesday say the spill has been contained and the fuel had not flowed into any waterways.

Magellan Midstream Partners says the leak has caused no injuries or evacuations so far.  Over 70 people, including Magellan representatives, emergency crews, regulators and contracts, are on the scene Thursday.

“Magellan says operations on this section of their pipeline system have been halted and repairs are expected to begin soon.  There is no estimate on when the pipeline could go back into operation.”


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