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Animal Abuse & Fatalities Leaked In Movies Like “A Dog’s Purpose” & “The Hobbit”

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

In all honesty, I’m a huge fan of watching movies. Of course I prefer movies with conscious undertones, but I would generally watch any movie that had a cool plot and good reviews. However, if I knew what was going on behind the scenes, I’m sure I wouldn’t have watched (and raved about) some of the movies I’ve seen.

Upcoming Movie “A Dog’s Purpose” Faces Animal Abuse Allegations

As a dog lover and strong believer in reincarnation, I was super excited for the film, “A Dog’s Purpose,” to hit theatres. The trailer explores the past lives of an adorable dog that becomes incredibly attached to its owner, explaining that each and every one of us have a purpose here on Earth, which includes dogs. After dying, the dog reincarnates into another puppy who by fate ends up back in the hands of its original owner. You can watch the trailer here (and beware, it may bring you to tears).

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Kindred Spirits

Allow this stunning awareness to wash over you now; you are all family!  Connected by your love of each other as Forever Beings, you are kindred spirits on an incredible journey you asked permission to experience and were granted as a gift from The Universe. To continue to consider yourselves separate from each other is, well, just plain silly. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/19/2017

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In Jainism a woman cannot become enlightened directly from a woman's body. First she has to be born as a man and then she can become enlightened. I have been talking to Jaina priests and monks - they have no argument to support this.

I was asking them, "Does enlightenment happen in the body? Has it something to do with hormones, female or male? Obviously it has nothing to do with hormones, nothing to do with the body itself.

No chemistry is involved, no physics is involved, no physiology is involved. It is a question of consciousness, and consciousness is neither male nor female. Then on what grounds do you go on saying that a woman cannot become enlightened?"


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How About Today?

God said:

What if you would see the world from love?
What would you see?
What if you could see into hearts from your own heart?
What if you could really see as I do see?
You would favor all.
You would bless all.
You would make a difference in everyone’s life.
You would shine light like a thousand stars.
You would pick everyone up and brush them off.
     Heavenletter #5258 Like a Thousand Stars

Today you see I have begun this Heavenletter with a quotatation of Mine. Every Heavenletter, every sentence, every word plants a seed. It could be said that every Heavenletter contains seeds of every other Heavenletter.

In the same way, it can be said that every plaint a child of Mine makes is a seed of the same plaint from all My children.

Here is one plaint:

"Beloved God, I want to be beyond having to come crying to you about a momentary difficulty that repeats and repeats itself in varied forms. I want to be free of difficulties. I want to be free. Grant me freedom, God.

"I hesitate to ask you for freedom from the past. I want to keep my memory and yet see in a new light. God, give me new ways of seeing. Give me, please, Bright Light, and the Gift of Permanence. May I once and for all see through Your eyes.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 19, 2017

Acceptance is the essential element that keeps you in non-resistance, supports your flow, receives assistance from the universe, creates connection, is the core of unconditional love, and anchors the energy of peace. We cannot think of a more important energy for the enlightening human being to embrace, moving forward in a brand new cycle of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


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5 Things You Can Do To Cheer Up Quickly, According To Neuroscience

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Life isn’t always easy, and it may seem like it is, in fact, difficult more often than not. Yet both ups and downs are a natural part of life, and we’ve all had our fair share of both. But when you do find yourself in a funk, why not, rather than dwell on it, which often just makes things worse, try to pull yourself out of it, and not let it ruin your day or week?

Sometimes when you’re in one of these moods it can feel impossible to break free, and sometimes it feels easier to just sit in it and brood instead of actively trying to get yourself out of it. Yet truthfully, there are some things you can do RIGHT NOW to instantly lift that extra weight off your shoulders and turn that frown upside down.

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Why Food is Actually INFORMATION

by Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo

Food, while being the condition for the possibility of all life itself, is rarely appreciated for its true power. Far beyond its conventionally defined role as a source of energy and building blocks for the body-machine, new discoveries on the frontiers of science reveal that food is also a powerful source of information.

We are all hardwired to be deeply concerned with food when hungry, an interest which rapidly extinguishes the moment we are satiated. But as an object of everyday interest and scientific inquiry, food often makes for a bland topic. This is all the more apparent when juxtaposed against its traditional status in ancient cultures as sacred; or in contemporary religious traditions like Catholicism where a cracker still represents the body of Christ (Eucharist). But as my previous investigations into the dark side of wheat have revealed, food is one of the most fascinating and existentially important topics there is. And in many ways, until we understand the true nature of food, and how it is still the largely invisible ground for our very consciousness, we will not be able to understand our own nature and destiny.

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RT Has Been Blocked From Posting Content On Facebook Until After Trump’s Inauguration - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

RT news has been blocked by Facebook from posting anything on their page until after Trump’s inauguration.

According to their Facebook page, where they can now only post plain text but no links, photos, videos or GIFs, the Facebook ban came whilst the team were live-streaming President Obama’s final press conference. They say on their Facebook page, in response to numerous comments asking for the reasons behind the ban, “We were blocked while livestreaming Obama’s final press-conference. Such things happen because (for ex.) some other news media livestreams carry the same shots and feed, and Facebook considers this a copyright violation”. Their Facebook page currently has over 4 million followers.

They were told by a Facebook bot that the current ban will last until Saturday 10:55pm Moscow time (2:55pm EST), and will extend across Donald Trump’s inauguration.

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Smart Dust - The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public

Pedro Aquila, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Smart dust is a name given to extremely small computing particles, RFID chips, or other very small technologies.

A popular article from Extreme Tech describes it in the headline: “Smart dust: A complete computer that’s smaller than a grain of sand.” An article from War is Boring is titled “Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’ New technologies allow for extremely small—and ubiquitous—military sensors.” A paper from University of California, San Diego describes smart dust:

“The term “smart dust” originally referred to miniature wireless semiconductor devices made using fabrication techniques derived from the microelectronics industry. These devices incorporate sensing, computing and communications in a centimetre-sized package.”

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Sweden’s Recycling Is So Revolutionary, They’re Going To Import Trash From Other Countries

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Trash is a global issue. In fact, it’s one of the biggest ones the world currently faces, impairing public health, polluting the environment, and threatening poor countries with overwhelming levels of toxicity. And despite the incredulous amount of garbage produced on our planet, more than half of the world’s population doesn’t even have access to regular trash collection. Some experts claim the issue is at a crisis level, and many people’s obliviousness to the problem is only making it worse.

“There is no end in sight to this trend,” the U.N. agency explains. “Public waste systems in cities cannot keep pace with urban expansion; rapid industrialization is happening in countries that have not yet developed the appropriate systems to deal with hazardous and special wastes.”

And while the United States, China, Brazil, Japan, and Germany are leading the pack of trash generators, Sweden couldn’t be more in the clear.

GFP Newsletter - 1/18/2017

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Love is not something stagnant. It is a moment, it is nothing to do with permanency. It may continue for eternity, but basically love is a phenomenon of the moment. If it happens again in the next moment you are blessed. If it does not happen you should be thankful that at least it did happen before.

Remain open: perhaps it may happen again - if not with this person, then with another person.

The question is not persons, the question is of love. Love should remain flowing, it should not be stopped.

But in their stupidity people start thinking, "If this person goes out of my hands then I am going to starve my whole life without love." And he does not know that by trying to hold this person permanently in his captivity, he will starve. He will not get love. You cannot get love from a slave.

You cannot get love from your possessions; from your chair, table, house, your furniture, you cannot get love.

You can get love only from a free agent whose uniqueness is respected by you, whose freedom is respected by you. It is out of the freedom of the other that this moment of love has happened. Don't destroy it by trying to possess, by trying to hold, by creating a legal bondage, a marriage. Let the other be free, and remain free yourself. Don't let anybody else possess you either.


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Herein Lies the Major Key to Happiness

God said:

If there were only One Key to Life, what might it be?

Aha, fortunately, there is more than One Key to Life. Whatever is important to you as an individual belongs on your list. Little by little, you may choose to cross off some suggestions from your list and add a few others.

It is understandable how money would feature on your list. Everyone knows that Life on the surface is easier when you have money in your pocket. At the same time, everyone knows – at least in theory – that money doesn't buy happiness or True Love.

Good health – everyone wants it and deserves to have it. On the surface, no one would ever desire poor health. I say on the surface because, deep down, sometimes, consciously unaware, someone carrying an illness may need this illness for one hidden reason or another. He may hang on to it, and, still, he is innocent.

It is also true that good health doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Plenty of people in excellent health are not appreciative of their excellent health while they have it.

Individual Love also has brought pain and sorrow, for attachment often masquerades as Love. Attachment disappoints all right.

Creativity is great happiness, yet even the most accomplished creative human Beings who have great joy in creating may often be great sufferers as well.

Is there no One Key that lasts a lifetime for everyone?

We know that expectation and interpretation can be deal-breakers. You do your best, yet one bug-a-boo is expectation, and another is interpretation.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 18, 2017

The way to thrive during these energetically intense times is to use your wisdom to move with whatever the energies are supporting. There are times that support action and times that support stillness and integration.

Trying to swim against the tide of either will only result in frustration and little to show for your effort. If you wait and choose to navigate your day according to what the energies are naturally in harmony with, you will find yourself being far more efficient, in less time and far more joyfully, than ever before.

This means if you see that something is not coming together with ease, giving yourself permission to return to it another day and then choose whatever is being supported, even if what is supported is doing very little at all!

Rest assured, there is never a time when nothing is going on. There are simply times of tangible movement, and times of progress being done behind the scenes. Both are equally important and essential parts of forward movement.

So trust, Dear Ones, and embrace your innate ability to read the energies accurately for you, and act accordingly. Waiting for the wave the supports what you are trying to accomplish is using your wisdom and mastery, which can only ultimately serve you and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel



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