GFP Newsletter - 12/23/2016

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The scientist has something which things do not have: consciousness, life, being. But the problem for the scientist is that his methodology limits him. He has a limitation, he can only work on something which he can dissect, which he can set to work upon, which he can put in a test-tube.

Now, you cannot put your own consciousness in front of yourself. You cannot divide your being the way you have divided matter - into molecules, then into atoms, then into electrons. And they go on dividing.

Being is indivisible. There is no sword which can cut it in two. There is no method by which we can experiment upon consciousness; hence, science completely denies the existence of consciousness - because to accept the existence of consciousness is to accept your impotence too. You cannot do anything about it. Then science becomes a very small thing, concerned only with things. And things are utilitarian, their whole purpose is to be used ... by whom?


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Bewildering Hearts

God said:

“You are the Star that illuminates the Earth.”

I hear the weeping in your heart. I hear all that you have been holding back. Today you reveal the Offhand Lostness of Your Bewildered Heart. How can this be? Yet here you are:

"Beloved God, to Your Heart may I be true. May I know only You. May I put my attention on You and not me. I am tired of the attention I put on my doubts and worries, piling up one after the other. This is my Life, and I waste it on small matters, mainly, self-interest and frantic worry. I have a God. Help me, God, to avail my Self of You and not my pile-up of heartache.

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You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season.

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love.  In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance.  As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.

Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It.  It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you.  As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.

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The Scientific Health Benefits Of Controlled Breathing

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

According to ancient yogic texts, our vital life force —our Prana or our breath — derives from Pranayama, the practice of controlled breathing. Science is finally starting to catch up to the knowledge outlined in the Vedas, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and other ancient texts.

Meditation has been practiced for the past 5,000 years on Earth, yet science is only now starting to recognize and understand the significant health benefits it has on the human body. These benefits can be observed while meditating and can be seen during the day-to-day lives of regular meditators as well.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 23, 2016

Dear Ones, if we are not interested in judging you at all, why judge yourselves? Why judge others?

Think of an innocent child learning to walk. If they falter, or if they stumble or fall, do you judge them? Or do you know they will master the task at hand when the timing is perfect for them, in their own speed and unique way?

No matter what you are facing, the universe sees you the same way - with infinite love, acceptance, patience, compassion, and faith. We all know with complete certainty that you are capable and divine in your own right, and you will always find your way.

There is no score being kept, no time limits, no judgment from a universe that only holds love and encouragement for you, and the certainty that things will always unfold in the way that is perfect for you.

As you enjoy this holiday season and consider what you would like to create in the new year, we urge you to start to give this gift to yourselves, and to others - the gift of unconditional love, understanding, and acceptance, as those are the things you all yearn for and require to truly thrive. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!

GFP Newsletter - 12/22/2016

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Science as such has no intrinsic value like life, like love, like blissfulness. These are ends in themselves. Science is only a means. This is the most essential thing to be understood.

Science is concerned with providing you the means to make life richer, profounder, more comfortable, more healthy. But science can do just the opposite too; it can be destructive, it can move in directions which are anti-life. Hence, science cannot be left only in the hands of the scientists. Something higher, something which is an end in itself must be the decisive factor in determining in what direction science should move, in what direction it should not move.

The concern of science is things, objects; it is not concerned at all with being. The word "being" is just nonexistential for the scientific mind. This is very idiotic because the scientist is a being himself.

He is not a thing amongst other things.


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Ecuador's Standing Rock is Happening Now - Can the World Save the Shuar?

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

With so much attention on this year on the struggle of the Standing Rock Sioux people in their opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota, it’s worth asking the world if the concern for indigenous people, water, nature, and sacred lands is great enough to extend to the land and people of the Amazon.

In what represents the greatest and most dangerous escalation of tensions between indigenous Ecuadorians and the government approved corporate business model of resource extraction across the continent of South America, the Shuar people in the southern region of Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador are locked in a desperate struggle with the military over mining licenses granted to a Chinese  .

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Travel First Class

God said:

So much sadness for My beloveds. Tears will out. Allergies. Sadness. Grief. Sense of loss. Be good to yourself. Spoil yourself every once in a while.

Remind yourself you are just a traveler passing through Life. Would you like to travel by ship, train, or plane?

Perhaps you answer, all in all, on a train. But maybe, for a long distance, you reconsider -- a boat would be better, but, no, too confining, too entertaining. Yes, you might take the train. You can take all conveyances as you will.

In Our Story, you can switch around. You can even imagine that you are simply taking a walk. In any case, you ponder. Yet Life does not always seem to be a stroll. No, Life in the World is more defined than that.

I would ask you to enjoy your journey through Life in the World. It's like you stand still, and life churns ahead and around you. I would be so happy for you to be happy. You are a rider. You don't get run over on the tracks. You do not drown at sea, nor are there any crashes. You can stay over here and over there, and you can wonder. You can wander as well. There are many kinds of terrain.

You are an explorer. You make discoveries along the way. Sand and snow and all are acceptable. Detours – no problem. You are not the train that chugs. You are a passenger who rides the rails or sails the seas or flies the skies. You do not direct the ride, the voyage, the flight. You are merely along for the ride. You go where your journey takes you.

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How You Can Pay It Forward This Christmas – Giving A Meal To Someone In Need

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Hunger is a daily reality for many people, and it’s a problem that affects more of our society than we might think, like lower income families and single parents. While many people donate food to canned food drives, especially around the holidays, this practice often creates more problems than it solves.

Much of the food donated to charities is expired or otherwise unusable, which means not only that it must be thrown out, but that people must spend time and energy sorting through the food before it can be delivered.

A good friend to the CE Team, Brice Royer, has recently shared his initiative to help those in need this holiday season. While he was battling cancer, Lotus Seed Restaurant in Vancouver gave him free meals whenever he wanted. Now that Brice has healed, he has arranged to pay it forward by paying for any meals ordered on Christmas Eve between noon and 5 pm on Christmas Eve. The restaurant has even offered to donate some of the meals as well.

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You See….I See

You may bemoan your mistakes, your less than good choices and your not so wonderful actions.  I do not!  I see all the opportunities for growth, learning and a slew of new experiences.  If you had not done and said those things, you would be exactly where you were at the start.  No better, no worse…..just there doing the same old thing you have always done.  Embrace and honor, they have served you well! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 22, 2016

The most common ascension symptoms people struggle with - dizziness, memory issues, headaches, weakness, sluggishness, heart palpitations, dry eyes - are all due to one thing, dehydration. You can greatly decrease your discomfort by increasing your water intake.

You are beings who are greatly affected by planetary influences. You are also beings of flow. Just as your plants and flowers may require more hydration and care during phases of solar intensity, so do you. Making your hydration a priority will have many positive benefits to you, and it is a wonderful, loving act of self care and nurturing, as well, which as you know we are always encouraging for you.

It is such a simple thing to do which will create far greater comfort for you, as it will allow you to move with the energetic shifts with much more ease and efficiency. So drink, Dear Ones, and become willing participants of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!

GFP Newsletter - 12/21/2016

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Life itself is its own goal - the goal is intrinsic.

But just listening to me or repeating my words is of no help.

If you understand me then forget my words:

Remember the spirit.

And be totally dedicated to that spirit.

And you will be surprised that even a single moment can give you so much that all the paradises of all the religions become pale compared to it.


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Walking Through the Gates of Learning

God said:

Beloved you, you do amazingly well in Life. Is this a new thought -- that you are doing well?

How you feel about yourself makes all the difference in the world. It seems that you may have thought of yourself as faulty, underachieving, falling short when the Truth is that you fill the world with great bouquets of flowers, and, if I may say, Great Love.

It is no longer for you to keep any remnants of guilt. I am speaking to you, whoever hears Me.

Keep moving your Love and Life along. Let go of the past. Think not of fault. Remove the idea that something is the matter. While you are a human being enmeshed in the world, your perception gets compartmentalized. You perceive that something is broken when it is possible that what you are seeing is yourself gaining wings and flying on your own.

This is Life in the World. Bonds are made, and bonds get broken. Dramas are written about the comings and goings of friendships. Some endings -- or rather, worldly perceived endings-- whittle away their hours until you notice, and some friendships never take off, and the demise of friendships is often dramatic and traumatic.

Know that vendettas do not exist. Friendships exist. Life happens. Bonds seem to break down. There is no good or bad except as someone declares. Good and bad are claimed artifices. Life is what it is while it is. This is only Life in the world and not a travesty. Who can say with a warranty what is acceptable in Life and what is not?

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Solstice Strength, Courage & Blessings

by Ulonda Faye, The Mind Unleashed

Solstice blessings to ALL. We find ourselves moving more and more into a new way of being, and this Solstice is offering up to us a time to renew ourselves as we fill ourselves up with more strength and courage to embrace all that is longing to come into our lives. It is also a time to honor and revitalize the Sacred Masculine within all of us, and to balance and nurture it with our Divine Feminine presence. We all have this need to balance the feminine and masculine within, and now is a great time to utilize this ability.

No matter what was, and what is before us, we stay strong and centered upon our trust in the greater plan that always has our highest good at heart. Trust and faith in ourselves, others, and the greater plan, are important.

Wednesday, December 21st, marks the Solstice celebration for all people (winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). How can we bless ourselves, our lives, and that of others even more this season? How can we heal more, and help others heal and forgive during this time?


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