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7 Layers Of The Pyramid A Metaphor For A Better Society - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

One of the things I noticed in Peru was a lot of the art and sculptures had 7 levels, working with the theory of 7 which states it is a near useless number in terms of counting, but very significant in terms of cycles, I found this interesting (YOU CAN READ MORE ON THIS HERE).

So while many pyramids around the globe don’t have 7 levels, the great pyramid of giza (Khufu the most well known over the globe) has 203 levels (although some say 210), which is a multiple of 7 29×7 or 30×7 which has some significance, but could be interpreted many ways but I have written about this in the past (YOU CAN READ AN ARTICLE ON THIS HERE) Also when you add the 2+0+3=5 which represents what you might call the god from within, godly consciousness or the collective consciousness. If it is 210, my interpretation which would make sense would be 2 becoming 1 or duel, becoming singular, meaning that the pyramid is a portal to become whole or find oneness or to connect to the only singularity there is which would be what one might call god, but you could also call this energy or the collective consciousness or Allah or any other label we add to this divine force. It can be a scientific force it does not need to hold religious connotations. But is the same thing, viewed through a different eye.

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Tesla, SolarCity Retrofit Entire Island To Run Off Solar Array And Batteries

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Even if the sun doesn't shine for three days, this island can still maintain electricity.

Ta’u, an island in American Samoa, used to run off crude oil but is now entirely powered by a solar array and battery packs. This was made possible thanks to green tech business Tesla/Solar City (which recently merged), as well as the American Samoa Economic Development Authority, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior, all of which helped fund the $8 million venture.

According to Radio New Zealand, the island previously used as much as 300 gallons of fuel a day (that’s 109,500 a year!) to power itself. At times, the island’s 600 residents would wait months for fuel shipments. In effect, electricity had to be rationed and power outages were common. Now, however, the island can go three days without sun and still maintain electricity. When the sun does shine, the microgrid can recharge to full capacity in only seven hours.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 27, 2016

Dear Ones, when you see others making choices that you do not agree with, instead of judging them, you could choose to feel gratitude for them, for they are serving you by giving you the beautiful opportunity to feel that clarity without the need to have the experience yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/26/2016

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Indirect democracy is just a trick. You think you are choosing your representative - do you know his mind? Have you ever thought whether your mind and his mind are similar? And with how many minds can he be similar?

Now, Ronald Reagan - whom does he represent except himself? I don't think he can represent even his wife - and you all know that no husband represents his wife.


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Sioux Tribe Leaders Respond To Army Eviction Notice Of #NoDAPL Camp, Refuse To Give Up

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

After receiving notice of the US Army Corps' plan to evict peaceful protestors from their camps, Sioux tribal leaders have responded with dignity and defiance, promising to stay put in defense of their land and people.

Throughout the months of protests against the controversial Dakota Access pipeline project, the federal government has tried to “spin” its indirect support for the project in order to quell national outrage and prevent further growth of the resistance movement. In September, the Department of Justice ordered a temporary halt to all construction on the pipeline as the government “reconsidered” its approval for the project. However, construction never stopped as the injunction was voluntary and Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline’s parent company, continued building. Then again, last month, the US Army Corps of Engineers ordered another temporary halt on construction, which was also ignored, while the Corps held “talks” with the tribes leading the resistance.

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Surrender to Your Own Will

God said:

In a moment before dawn, you cried out to Me alone in the seeming wilderness: "God, show me, please, the way to go right to the core of Your Heart."
Dear Ones, you have yet a small resistance to surrender to your own will.
You want to attend a stag party just before your Wedding of a Lifetime. You want a little night off on the town, a futile resistance to the Enlightenment you were destined for. It’s like you joined the army, and you deign to go out on the town dressed in your own clothes for one last time. One little rebellion left as if against robes, and then, off you go.
Your commitment has always been to Me. Now, you want one last tumultuous fling, a little sputter you call freedom that signifies nothing at all. You can't go back to what never was. Now We wait only for your acknowledgement. You put off your acknowledgement of your acceptance.

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Allow Yourself Space

You have a choice, my love, as always.  You can hide yourself away, quaking in fear of all the ‘bad things’ or all of the hurts you may experience.  You can become ‘angry in advance’ for all the wrong doing that may or may not occur.  You can spend your time worrying about the things that may never happen.  You could even punish yourself for mistakes that have yet to be made but, what kind of life is that?
Please, darling one, take some time to think about how you present yourself to the world.  Again, it is your choice to be a good person who acknowledges that they are human and will make mistakes, own those mistakes, ask for forgiveness from yourself and others or stay mired in the negativity that you, yourself, have created.  You are human and came to learn human lessons.  Allow yourself the space to be. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 26, 2016

If you truly saw each and every person, as well as yourselves, as completely masterful and capable in the creation and navigation of your own life expressions, how much more peace would you experience? How much judgment would be replaced with acceptance? How much more freedom would everyone feel to pursue their true callings? How much better would everyone feel about themselves? ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/25/2016

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In Athens, when a problem was there, the whole problem was told to you; then you voted and you decided, and you could see that the city had decided for or against. Once it was decided then the whole city followed it because the majority had decided; then the minority had to be in support of it.

There were no political parties in Athens - there was no need. Political parties are only needed in an indirect democracy. In a direct democracy everybody has his own idea and he is independent, able to represent his idea, to vote for himself; he can propose his idea, and explain his idea to the people. Perhaps he can convince them, perhaps they will be ready to support him - but everybody is free.


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Love is Beautiful

God said:

Love is the name of the game on Earth. Love is of the essence, yet even Love does not have to be taken so seriously. That is, Love is meant to be light-hearted. Love does not have to be dramatic, nor does Love have to be veiled.

Love definitely does not have to be do or die. In no way is Love, covered up or dancing around, or Love Unrequited, meant to be tragic. Enough tragic romances have been written for all time. Now love is more like a song you burst into. Love is for everyone, no exceptions.

There is no lack of Love. Good Grief! You have My Love. Of course, you want Love and more Love. The thing is that Love fills your heart. Feel it? Notice Love.

It's not exactly that you take Love for granted, yet to take Love for granted is a powerful thing to do. At the same time, no big to-do has to be made about Love. Love Is the Expression of Life. You've heard it -- Love is Bloomin' Out All Over!

Even when flower bulbs are unseen in the ground, the flowers are all accounted for, all of them, the tulips, the lilies, hyacinths, the crocus. You name it. Even when Love, including your Love, is unseen, even when you don't notice the Love in Your Heart, even when your Love is fragile, delicate, timid -- it is still Love. Love is here, there, and everywhere, right and left, up and down, and every which way.

Even when windows are closed tight and you do not hear the Sound of the Sea, the Sea is nevertheless present, and the Sea is Roaring, and the Sea's Music Is Heard Somehow Somewhere.

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US Navy Plans To Release 20,000 Tons Of Explosives, Heavy Metals Into Pacific Ocean

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

The US Navy is set to release massive amounts of explosives and contaminants along the country's Western coast over the next 20 years.

Several times a year, the US publicizes its “war games,” both domestic and abroad, allowing the massive, heavily-funded US military to showcase its might, develop new strategies, and test combat readiness. Yet, ignored all too often is the environmental impact of these exercises which, since World War I, have left behind tons of bombs, heavy metals, explosives, depleted uranium, missiles, and sonar buoys, which contaminate the world’s oceans and harm humans and marine animals alike. Even though the outright dumping of chemical weapons was banned in 1972, the Navy has continued to carry out a policy of “leaving behind” munitions and explosives following its military exercises. The Navy, for its part, insists that the “contamination of the marine environment by munitions constituent is not well documented,” though critics insist that the Navy has intentionally not looked for or measured its environmental impacts.

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Understanding the Science of Ayahuasca

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In recent years, the hallucinogenic drug ayahuasca has become increasingly popular in the United States, so much so that it’s become a trendy thing. But centuries ago, shamans in the Amazon rainforest began using the medicinal brew as a means for guiding people through visual and auditory hallucinations.

Ayahuasca refers both to the Amazonian healing ceremony as well as the sacred beverage that is drank during it. The brew is touted both for its ability to provide mental clarity as well as expel liquids and solids from the body, allowing for detoxification.

Shamans in the Amazon rainforest have found the medicine to heal the body, mind, and spirit, prescribing a ceremony to treat people of numerous ailments. Steeped in intriguing history, it’s also part of a current boom of Westerners looking to try out its psychedelic properties as a means for ridding themselves of the burden of limiting beliefs, freeing themselves of the past, and resolving negative energy stored from troubled times in their lives.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 25, 2016

If you are wishing to improve your relationship with another, appreciation is the fastest way to do so. Generally speaking, people do not fall out of love with each other, they fall out of appreciation, for it is your deep appreciation of the unique traits and existence of your partner that creates the magic and wonder of the first flush of love. So, simply put, it is not love that fades over time but rather your practice of appreciation. The good news is you can always choose to move back into that appreciation whenever you like, creating far more satisfying todays and tomorrows for both you and your partner. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2016

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In Athens, direct democracy was possible. Direct democracy means you don't choose any representatives - because how can a person represent millions of people? It is impossible. Who can represent me? Except myself, nobody can represent me. And when somebody represents millions of people, certainly he is not representing anybody except himself. You are being befooled. Indirect democracy is simply a deception.

Athens had direct democracy - no representatives. All Athenians gathered whenever there was any problem to be discussed; all the citizens would gather and they would vote for each single issue directly. They would raise their hands for or against; this is the way it was done. That was direct and, in fact, democratic. And everybody knew there was no question of somebody cheating you, some Nixon creating a Watergate - no problem.



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