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Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity.

Humanity’s awakening is accelerating.   Do not be distracted by the worldly news of conflict, betrayal, and intense suffering. Yes, it is ongoing, but it is now clearly perceived for what it is, a massive release of an enormous and long held collective state of bitterness and resentment that has supplied the corrupting energy for the eons of suffering that the illusion has brought into your lives.  Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity, and, as that occurs, the weights that have dragged you down into the bitter and painful distractions of the illusion and seemingly anchored you there are being untied.

There now remains very little to hold you collectively entangled within the illusion.  It has served its purpose – allowing you to experience separation from Source – and is now disintegrating all around you.  As you make a habit of engaging only lovingly with yourselves in your own individual human lives, and letting go of negative and invalid self-judgments, your experience of life is lightening, freeing you from the self-imposed guilt and exile of eons.  A vast cleansing of the human energy field is under way as your awakening process draws you unstoppably forward toward your divine and heavenly destination – Reality, the Source of all that exists – which in truth you have never left.

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What Are Doubts Really?

God said:

You have questions. Some of your questions, you do not ask. Or you ask them in a round-about way. Your questions are often doubts in sheep's clothing. You ask your questions often to allay suspicions that lurk within you. What are doubts really but suspicions?

You may ask in your heart:

"Where does everything that comes to me and all of us on Earth Life go? If energy is never lost, where has my energy gone? Where is it? If human life on Earth cannot be lost, does that mean that energy, including mine, is not wasted? It seems to me that on Earth I do waste a whole lot of energy until I seem to run out and have no more for that day.

"God, I well know that beauty exists. I never forgot beauty, even as I have not always seen beauty before me. I believe in beauty, yet I also seem to believe in lack and in suffering. May my left-over energy of suffering disappear and only beauty remain.

"I believe that when my body dies, I will rise to a State of Beauty where suffering is not. I would wish that all suffering be removed. I come back again and again to doubting the value in any suffering. Is it really needed in Life? We're Your beloved children. We are ignorant. We are foolish. We don't know what we are doing. Couldn't we be enlightened on Earth from our first moment here? Do we really have to put in our time as we do? I understand that Life is a blessing, yet I do not want even a vestige of suffering, not even once more. Have I not had enough anguish?

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The Spiritual Toolbox

Compassion, kindness, goodness, empathy and the ability to be a good person; these are some of the most powerful tools you, as a human, can possess and they can never be taken from you.  Others may affect how you express them but, again, they can never be taken.  Please remember; even if you are presented with negativity your spiritual toolbox of gifts is available and ready for use at any time. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 24, 2016

Until you learn to how to embrace and embody the energy of acceptance you will not be able to experience the peace and unconditional love you crave, for acceptance is the foundation for both. We cannot stress enough the importance of acceptance as a building block for what you wish to create both personally and globally. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2016

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Adolf Hitler, in his autobiography, has many insights; and he is a man worth understanding because he is the purest politician - I mean, the dirtiest. He says that war is an absolute necessity if you want to remain in power. If you cannot create war people start thinking of you as nobody. Only in wartime are heroes born.

He is right. Just think of all your heroes - what would they be without wars? Who would Alexander the Great be? Who would Napoleon Bonaparte be? Who would Winston Churchill be? Who would Benito Mussolini be? Joseph Stalin? Adolf Hitler himself?

These people have become heroes of great importance. The bigger the war the bigger the heroes it creates.

Hitler says that if you cannot create war then at least continue to propagate the idea that war is coming. Never leave people in peace, because when they are in peace, you are nobody. They don't need you; your very purpose is not there. They need you when there is danger. Create danger. If there is not real danger, at least create the climate of a false danger.

The American fear of the Russians, the Russian fear of the Americans - it is nothing but a game of the politicians. People themselves are exactly the same all over the world - they don't want to be killed in wars and they don't want to kill others in wars. But the politician cannot exist without wars.

Hence I call it the dirtiest game - because it depends on human blood, the bloodshed of millions of innocent people.


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The Awakener of Love

God said:

There is one thought, and the thought is God. From the one Breath of God, sounds were dispersed. Language was born. From within the sound of God's Name, language was born. The thought of God multiplied and multiplies itself still into expression. We come back again to God, the Alpha and the Omega, and so the alphabet was born.

Language planted itself on Earth. Language became like a funnel. God thought, and sounds combined themselves. Thoughts burst into song. Notes reverberated. Thoughts became music. Music filled the Earth. Music displayed itself and shared itself. The Name of the Language was Love. Love was evident, and Love Prevailed. There was naught but Love.

If language is not a miracle, what is then? Love discovered Itself.

Babies practice making sounds. Babies understand words without a dictionary. They play around with sounds, and their little mouths form gurgling sounds which manifest as language and can only be recognized as Love.

Life is made of sounds vibrating. Sound the drums. Awaken the world to hear the pulse-beats. Hang out with the Language of Love. Swirl language around the Universe. Language meets. Language beats its gong. Trees bow down to language. Language is a different kind of flute that plays itself.

Birds sing. Even Silence speaks. There is nothing that is not meaningful. Meaning is declared. There is a truce among disparate languages. There is a language beyond language. A bell is tolled. And a nightingale sings.

Night and day are a matter of tone.

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3 Ways to Heal a Divided Trump America – Awake Free!

by Jeff Singh,

Ever since Trump won a divisive presidential election, the battle lines are being drawn through cabinet selectionsprotests, the media and internet.

No matter where we turn, on our TVs, social media, and conversations, we are surrounded by political rhetoric.

How are we going to survive with our sanity to work together again and make progress as a nation?

For that matter, how are we going to survive the holidays? Cause, you know, everybody’s got friends and relatives that are going to let you know how they feel.

While it’s pointless to argue over fixed beliefs, we could instead, connect on deeper concerns.

Many have called for Trump, Hillary, and other leaders to step up and address the division earnestly.

Sigh, (deep breath). Seriously, take a deep breath right now.

We’re not here to wait for leaders to dictate how we live our lives.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 23, 2016

There has never been a time on your planet where it was more important to shine in your truth brightly, beautifully, and authentically, for it is your glorious energy that will continue to drive the Shift and create the world you wish to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 11/22/2016

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Just look at the past five thousand years. Can you conceive that if there was no government at all in the world things would have been worse? In what way? In three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought. Do you think more would have been possible without government - that more chaos was possible, more crime was possible?

What have these governments done? They have not done anything for the people except exploit them, exploit their fear, and set them against each other. A continuity of war somewhere or other on the earth is almost an absolute necessity for politicians to exist.


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Guilt Holds You Back

God said:

So much for time. It is true, Children of My Heart. You can't believe in time and all its repercussions, not when your eyes are open. A minute ago never was. You may legitimately be feeling heart-sore, down-hearted, down on yourself. Being down on yourself is naught but a parade of self-serving guilt. No more guilt. Guilt is not worthy of a Child of God.

I do not hand you a hair-shirt to wear. Don't give yourself more heartache with a view in mind of warding off what you may call your just deserts. Let yourself off the hook. You have punished yourself enough. Too much. End guilt now. Carry no medals of guilt.

Suffering is not – I repeat – NOT – your payback. Never. Immediately, excuse yourself from punishment. What is a sense of guilt but punishment? Sense of guilt is not a flag to wave. You don't make yourself more holy by lashing yourself.

Take off those thorns. Wear rose-petals instead.

Wear My Crown. My Crown is made of Golden Light. This is the same Light you radiate except you shroud yourself in clouds of self-reproach. You say you do not pass muster. You do not pass muster when you downgrade yourself. Stop this now.

Have you made mistakes? You have made some good ones. Get over them. Be done with them. Mistakes are run of the mill. Do not castigate yourself for mistakes. Reproach for mistakes is not worthy of you. Don't emphasize errors. Let go of them. You can't live your life entirely on the basis of not making errors and/or repenting them as if repentance were holy water.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 22, 2016

There is a flow that is available to you at all times that is incredibly intelligent and knows how to get you to your perfect matches, your best experiences, and exactly what you need at any given time. This is your own personalized flow of Source energy that loves you unconditionally and knows how to bring you to your highest outcomes in the most supported way possible. It is always available to you for you to choose whenever you like.

Surrender is how you enter that flow, and faith and trust is how you stay there until the magic happens. Isn'€™t it time to finally accept the endless supports that are waiting for you, right now, and allow yourself to be led and nurtured into your greatest expression of you? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Scientists: Earth’s Magnetic Fields Carry Biologically Relevant Information That ‘Connects All Living Systems’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real. All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, and this fact plays a very important role far beyond what is commonly known when it comes to understanding our biology, and the interconnectedness we share with all life.

For example, did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on. The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. As Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, and director of research at The HeartMath institute tell us, “we are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.”

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Not Just Bees, Trees Are Dying Off at an Alarming Rate With Little Public Attention

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

In the background of modern life, as people go on debating politics and working for a living, something dreadful is happening to the eco-systems which support us. Major disasters like the ongoing radioactive leak at Fukushima, the apocalyptic fires burning throughout Indonesia, even bee colony collapse disorder, seem to fall out of view in day-to-day life, as we seem to have lost our power and will to directly participate in the stewardship of planet earth.

A new crisis is now happening all around us affecting trees. It appears that millions, hundreds of millions even, of trees are dying in North America and around the world from a basket of reasons, promising to completely and permanently alter the landscape and environment around us.


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