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CIA Contractor Shares His Unbelievable Story About A UFO Sucking Up Water & Three “Men In Black”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Every single year the topic of UFOs continues to gain traction with regards to credibility and evidence. A lot of information has emerged over the past few years that has taken these subjects out of the ‘conspiracy theory’ realm and into ones of serious inquiry.

This particular story originates from the US governments Stargate Program, which lasted more than two decades. The program studied various topics within the dimensions of parapsychology, such at telepathy, psychokensis, remote viewing and more.

It’s an excellent example of unacknowledged and waived Secret Access Programs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are commonly referred to as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)

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Medical Study Shatters Theory that Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times


Research reveals that cannabis may, in fact, serve as an effective exit drug for persons suffering from alcoholism or addiction to illicit or prescription drugs. A survey conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) found that addicts may benefit from using cannabis as a substitute to more dangerous and health-destroying substances, especially alcohol and prescription drugs. Cannabis may be a step towards fighting addiction.

“Research suggests that people may be using cannabis as an exit drug to reduce use of substances that are potentially more harmful, such as opioid pain medication.” ~ Zach Walsh, Researcher and UBC Associate Professor of Psychology

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15 Profound Awakening Quotes From Alan Watts

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In the middle of yoga class the other day, sweaty, exhausted, and holding a pose for what seemed an eternity, my teacher reminded me of the wisdom of Alan Watts with a single quote that would ultimately make me forget about the physical discomfort I was in, and allow me to fully connect to the beauty of the moment at hand.

“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless,” she said.

The recitation reminded me in that moment that what I was feeling was not permanent, and I was choosing to be there to be enlivened, not lifeless. I wanted to feel, to sweat, to dig deeper mentally and physically. And so I let it happen, and suddenly the moment was exactly what I wanted it to be.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 19, 2016

If you have ever rearranged your cupboards, you know how you will keep going back to the old spot where things were kept until, after enough times of trying to do things the old way to no avail, you remember the changes and eventually become accustomed to the new arrangement.

As it is with your life and what the new energies are supporting. You may try to approach things the old way out of habit, only to realize that really isn't very effective anymore. Before you know it, you will have redirected yourself enough times that you simply go directly to the new ways of doing things.

You didn't have to put vast pressure on yourself to remember the new kitchen arrangement, just as you don't need to pressure yourself about what the energies are supporting now. You understand that through consistent trial, error, and redirection, the new ways will become what is natural to you. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how surrender and flow will replace planning and control. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/18/2016

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When your heart starts beating in harmony with existence, you feel an at-one-ment with the trees, with the rocks, with people, with animals. You start feeling a relatedness. You are part of an organic mystery, and you are so filled with this mystery that whether you are a mayor or governor or a president does not make any difference.

If the president is allowed to breathe, if the president is allowed to live, if he is allowed to have his pulse continue and his heart continue to beat, won't you allow his innermost core, his being to be in tune with existence, to pulsate with existence? In fact that should be the most basic requirement for anybody to be the president of a country.


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Let Ego Play No More Jokes on You.

God said:

You, My beleaguered and heart-sore children, often ask Me for freedom and then beckon dependency to you with all your might.

Once and for all, give up overwhelming dependency upon words and actions from other people in the world. Be a free agent of your Life. Events and other people's responses in the world do not have to bounce you up and down. The world can be your happiness, yet your happiness is not dependent upon the world. Your happiness is dependent upon you. Have more confidence in yourself and Me.

If you believe in the idea that I, God, will provide, then lean back and let go of what seems to be your well-documented desperate reliance on smiles from the world. I smile at you. My eyes look into yours. You and I are all set to flourish.

I am telling you to give yourself freedom and not burden yourself with overblown needs. Get up from the ashes of disappointment, Cinderella.

Life sometimes seems to be biting. Despite all your gratitude for Life, you engage in one-upmanship. One-upmanship is equivalent to ego gratification. Do you really need your ego? Do you really require endless plaudits from the world?

Sometimes you feel chastened by Me. Perhaps every time your beautiful heart gets wounded, the worst is that you may feel that I have let you down. You feel that I use Life in the World and some of the people in it to give you a good whack when you wish I would not allow any such thing.

Hear Me now. Shrug your shoulders. Life is above the world. Say this to yourself:

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New Study Out of Canada Reveals a Direct Link to Fracking & Earthquakes

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as hydrofracturing or fracking, is another method used by the oil and gas industry to release hydrocarbons from deep below the earth’s surface. To fracture rock formations, companies must drill a vertical shaft into the earth, often penetrating some two or three kilometres.

A horizontal well bore is drilled in an area believed to contain trapped natural gas or oil. Under high pressure, a cocktail of chemicals, water, and sand are pumped into the well. This pressure creates fissures/cracks/fractures in the shale formation, from which oil and gas can escape.

Despite the dangers and inefficiency of this process, fracking continues. It wreaks havoc on the environment and has also been linked to earthquakes.

GFP Newsletter - 11/17/2016

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The word "education" means drawing out whatsoever is the potential of the person. Educating means "drawing out," just the way you draw water from a well. The water is there, already there; you have to draw it out, then you can quench your thirst. The word "education" means drawing out.

And drawing out truth from a man - which is there, just laying, it has to be awakened; drawing out love - which is there, it has to be mined; drawing out authenticity, compassion - which are all there; somebody just has to knock at the right door.


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God said:

Perhaps one day you just walk into a department store, and you are handed a piece of paper with a number on it. It is possible you are holding a winning ticket.

How easy it is to win something just like that without effort. You were innocent. You walked into a store. You have a chance to win something, and so nice when you do actually win it. It is a blessing to feel lucky. Just that – lucky! You wear a big smile. The Universe has just blessed you. It blessed you from out of the blue. You are pleased.

This is how I desire you to feel at every turn in the world – favored by the Universe. The Universe looks forward to blessing you. The Universe is all for you.

No need and no way to verify a winning lottery ticket ahead of time. You can't. Who said you have to know ahead of time? No one except you perhaps. Dear One, you don't even have to have a long list of reasons why you should win, deserve to win, or must win. When you win, you win. You got tapped on your shoulder. You just had to be there within reach.

When it comes to Happiness in Life, I most assuredly request that you enter into Life fully with your heart secure.

Without discussion, open up that heart of yours. I never advise that you urge your heart to sulk. There is no way I suggest you discourage yourself from coming out ahead. Never do I want to hear you say or intimate:

"Naw, I'll never win."

Be your own booster.

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Monsanto Desperate to Hide These New Food Safety Test Results

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Mainstream media is completely silent on this story, so it is up to you to share the findings of this important research with everyone you know.

New testing conducted by an FDA-registered food safety lab found alarming levels of the chemical glyphosate (known as Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer) in several very common foods. This independent research reveals that many popular foods have over 1000 times the glyphosate levels that have been established to be harmful.

 “With the widespread increase in glyphosate use over the past 20 years and the fact that independent science has confirmed low level exposure to Roundup causes liver and kidney damage at only 0.05 ppb glyphosate equivalent, as reflected by changes in function of over 4000 genes, the American public should be concerned about glyphosate residues on their food.

Additional research points to harmful impacts at levels between 10 ppb and 700 ppb. Considering these shocking new scientific test results, regulators must take the below findings into account during any reauthorization of glyphosate.” ~ Glyphosate: Unsafe on Any Plate

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Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid of All School Subjects

By Jess Murray, Truth Theory

A revolution is coming for schools in Finland in the form of a destruction of all formal school subjects.

The head of the Department of Education in Helsinki, Marjo Kyllonen, has announced that he believes that the way children are taught now is based of a style that was a benefit to students in the beginnings of the 1900s, but now is no longer relevant and beneficial to our modernised way of learning. He strongly believes that our needs have changed and so we need to adapt our teachings to match with our new way of thinking and developing.

The huge changes will involve the removal of school subjects from the curriculum, as proposed by Finnish officials, which will be replaced by the study of individual events and phenomena.

This means that students will no longer have individual classes on subjects such as maths, geography and history, but will instead study an event, such as the Second World War, from the perspectives of maths, geography and history.

There is even a proposed course called “working in a cafe” which will provide students with skills on the English language, economics and communication.

This new system, which is due to commence in 2020, will be introduced to students at the age of 16, meaning that after completing their initial broad subject studies, they can then choose for themselves which particular event or phenomenon that they wish to study, based on their interests and future prospects.


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