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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 15, 2016

The greatest place to practice moving from a conditional love model (if you are good enough you get approval and the reward of love) into an unconditional love model (you are loved, constantly and consistently, exactly as you are), is with yourself, for once you accept your own divine imperfection it becomes much easier to embrace in everyone else. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 11/14/2016

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My effort here is to create an unorganized religion.

Hence, I call it religionless religion to emphasize the fact that it is not an organized religion; that I am not your leader, your messiah, your prophet; that I do not bring to you the word of God; that I am not in any way special.

These are the ways of the old pseudo-religions.


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You Are My Beloved

God said:

Life is out of sight. Dimensions of Life are out of sight. Unless you see all, you see only part. Nevertheless, even if you can't see all, you can know all. There is within you a talisman that goes far beyond your intellect. You can accept all I say. You can believe all I say.

You can believe that you live in a Universe vaster than you have any idea of. You can outdo all your past knowing and all your past ignorance and return to your original innocence that is wise beyond intellect. Intellect can scoff even at a wonder.

You are a wonder. Everyone on Earth is a wonder. You are wondrous. You are a Masterpiece of My Art that I created free-form. There is no one else on Earth like you. There is no one person in all the world like you. There never was another one just like you, and there will never be again. Think of it, no two snowflakes are alike. What Wondrousness then, can you not be?

Neither individuality nor universality is to be taken as so-so. If there is more than mortar and tendon that go into the making of a building, there is greater that goes into the making of a new human Being. No matter how many babies are born in a day, there are no assembly lines. There is uniqueness innumerable times a day. This is not new. This has never been otherwise.

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Neil Young Celebrates His 71st Birthday By Performing At Standing Rock [Watch]

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Since Donald Trump won the presidential election last week, the media has been fixated on his every move and statement. This has had negative reprecussions for activists near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, where development of the four-state Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) continues, despite federal orders mandating for it to be stopped.

Activists and “water protectors” who have been camped out and protesting since Spring have gone to extreme lengths to halt its construction. Supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe believe that the DAPL’s development will not only contaminate the Missouri river, but will uproot sacred burial ground. With Donald Trump in the spotlight, the threat to the activists’ movement has never been greater.

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On the Brink

by Julian Rose

Note: the author commenced the writing of this essay prior to the US elections.

I feel uneasy. Like I'm bracing for something. As if something devious and illusive is being hatched behind my back by unseen forces of a distinctly untrustworthy nature. That's what it feels like.

The uneasiness is not entirely negative, as it seems to be gearing me up to be prepared for something, something big. Some 'event' which could be surprisingly close at hand.

Now upon further scrutiny, I recognize that this isn't purely something personal. It's something 'in the air', as they say. It's a state of tension; something like the way atmospheric pressure builds-up just before a thunderstorm.

It's as though some warning system is engaging itself at the gut level. Is the species called 'human' about to undergo some big upheaval? Something that takes us all to the brink? Are we approaching the end point of our long engagement with this profligate, insupportable materialistic life style to which much of humanity has been wedded for so long?

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It Can Be Changed!

My beautiful light, I have a gentle reminder for you; expressing a negative emotion changes that emotion.  If you express fear, it changes fear.  If you express sadness, it changes sadness.  If you express anger, it changes anger.  The issue is not in the expressing, dear one, but in the “holding” of the emotion.  If it is expressed, it can be changed! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 14, 2016

What if the only thing that was perpetuating your victim consciousness was your expectations and the way you speak to yourself? What if shifting your focus and turning your own wonderful love and support onto yourself is the game changer you've been seeking all along? ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 11/13/2016

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When religion comes of age - religion in the singular, just as science is singular - then it will be simply stupid to keep state and religion separate.

Then you have to translate religion into what it actually is: then it is love, then it is understanding, then it is silence, peace. Then it is wisdom, meditativeness; then it is intelligence, pure intelligence.

All these qualities, values, enrich life; they will enrich the state. By the sheer presence of an authentic religion the politicians will start dropping their dirty ways, their cunning policies. They will start feeling ashamed. Religion will function like a mirror, and politicians seeing their own faces - which they have never seen, because to see your face your need a mirror...


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BREAKING: White House Abandons TPP & TTIP

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

In a major victory for several nations and millions of people around the world, the White House has announced moments ago that Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress has said that they won’t try to advance the Trans Pacific Partnership as they know a Trump administration will be completely opposed to it. This makes the TPP, a trade agreement that has been protested on a global scale, now effectively dead in the water. As the Wall Street Journal reports:

The failure to pass what is by far the biggest trade agreement in more than a decade is abitter defeat for Mr. Obama, whose belated but fervent support for freer trade divided his party and complicated the campaign of Mrs. Clinton. The TPP’s collapse also dents American prestige in the region at a time when China is flexing its economic and military muscle.

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Ride the Waves

God said:

When you live every moment of your life as the moment it is, you know every moment that occurs as precious. Otherwise, there is a tendency for you to dally with your take on Life – a tendency to, in effect, take a slow-motion picture of Life.

When you analyze excerpts of Life backwards and forwards, when you analyze what occurs, you are not experiencing Life any longer, for then you experience Life on pause. You have put Life aside, so to speak. You experience your preoccupation with Life. You may be fraught with Paraphernalia of Life at a distance from Life itself. Analyzing Life is not the same as living Life.

If you just lived Life as it comes, you would not have irritation, annoyance, franticness, being out of sorts, etc. nor would you have the need to defend your displeasure. You would be Pure Being in love with Life as it flows to and fro. You would live the Truth of Who You Are. You would not contemplate yourself as if you are only an Object of Life when you are Life Itself. You wouldn't be caught up in the throes of anxiety. You wouldn't wonder what is the matter and what you must do about it. If you were not trammeled with your simulated dissection of your Life, you would adore Life as it delivers itself. You would not be so puzzled by it. You would live Life on Earth more in Living Color. There would be no more dirges.

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Super Moon In Taurus: Unleashing Our Gifts

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Taurus on November 14th and in the early hours of the 15th in eastern Australia and New Zealand. In the Western part of the Americas, it will appear the most Full on the night of the 13th.

Like last month, it will be another ‘Super Moon’, which is when it is closest to Earth and appears larger. This one is the largest since 1948. Considering that it is also in Taurus, a sign that the Moon is ‘exalted’ in,  this Full Moon is a special one.

The effects of a Full Moon become more noticeable in the 3 days leading up to it, and still present during the 3 days following, but is stronger when it is closer to the exact moment. The exact time of the Full Moon will be 1:52 pm Universal Time (Click here for your time zone)

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Company Behind DAPL Rounds Up Wild Buffaloes, Keeps Them Without Food Or Water [Watch]

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Wild Buffaloes in North Dakota have been corralled without access to food or water to “protect” the construction site of the Dakota Access pipeline.

Though the recent protests in the US would have you think that the biggest crisis facing the United States is Donald Trump’s surprise win, Native Americans have gathered in historic numbers to defend native territory from the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline, if completed, will span 1,170 miles at a cost of approximately $3.7 billion. The company behind the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, has pushed on with the project, despite covering up its dangers and circumventing the law.

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Millions Around The World Are Watching..

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

The North Dakota Access Pipeline protests rage on. The latest comes today when a Dakota Access company resumed construction of its pipeline that is said to run under the Missouri River after requests from Army Corps were ignored to wait as they assess re-route options.

The protesters call themselves water protectors. The Missouri is their main source of water and they are protecting the land, water, and air of ancient native burial grounds. Camps formed back in April and protests began in August. Members of the Sioux Indigenous tribe of Standing Rock are going up against Energy Transfer Partners, the oil company looking to finally complete the last 2000km of a pipeline running through 4 different states (Illinois, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota). This whole project has $3.8B invested in it from 17 national banks and a host of other investors.

But, there seems to be a bigger issue at stake here, one we’ve seen many times in the past but never confronted head on. That is, corporate interests and profits taking precedence over the health and well-being of the people and the land.

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7.5 Billion Ways

During this time of healing and awakening, it is very important that you respect the processes of your brothers and sisters.  That does not mean to support when your view is counter to theirs.  It means letting them move through whatever they need to move through in their own way.  Some of you may feel fine while others need to embrace their darkness, be angry about it and then move back toward the light.  Keep this in mine, dear child…..there are 7.5 billion ways of dealing with a situation.  Not one is completely right or wrong, it just is.  Give each the room to negotiate emotions as they see fit. ~ Creator


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