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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 13, 2016

The question has been asked, “How do I love unconditionally? Why do I find it so hard?” We would like to address that today.

If you are not loving unconditionally, that means you are loving conditionally. Conditional love is what the vast majority of you have experience with – the idea that if you are good enough the reward is love, and if you are less than good enough love will be withdrawn. This is a system with judgment at its core.

The antidote to judgment is acceptance. You find your way to acceptance by recognizing that each and every person is the expert of their own unique path with their own to-do list of desired experiences. Acceptance acknowledges that each person is divinely capable and loved and guided just as you are, even if they are making choices different than what you would choose for yourself. It also recognizes that you are not qualified to know what others are on the planet to experience.

Dear Ones, if you can come to understand that you are in the body to have the myriad of experiences only a physical incarnation can offer you, and that each of you are adding immeasurably to the whole and are truly incapable of messing things up because all movement is ultimately forward movement, you will find it far easier to love others exactly where they are. You will honour others, however they present, as divinely perfect beings in their own right, and place the focus on the one thing that you do have control over, which is yourselves.

GFP Newsletter - 11/12/2016

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Let me summarize what I am saying. I am saying: religions should not be mixed with the state because there is no religion yet. And whatever exists in the name of religion is not religion. That brings me to a totally different understanding.

Religion is in the process of birth.

Just as it took three hundred years for science to come of age, if humanity survives, then religion will also come of age. That day it will be sheer stupidity to say that state and religion should remain separate, because it will mean that all which is valuable in life and all that is great in existence should remain separate from the state - that the state should not be benefited by the enlightened ones, that the state should continue to exist in its dark world of politics, dirty in every possible way, that it should never see the light.


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The Highest Fruit on the Tree

God said:

Think of all you want to occur. No longer think in terms of what has not yet occurred, as when you see yourself as forlorn and abandoned. What a difference your angle of approach makes. What a difference the door whose knob you turn makes in your life. By all means, enter the Gate of Opportunity. Don't pay any attention to that shadowy door of defeat.

When you see two entrances, choose the one that offers what you want. Don't think of burying your dreams – absolutely not. Open wide all your dreams. Whatever it is you dream of, know that it lies within your reach. Reach for it.

At the same time, be open to even more treasures than you know how to ask for. Desire to receive. Desire to be open to your desires. Your desires come from somewhere. You don't have to know where. Acknowledge that I created you capable of reaching the Highest Fruit on the Tree.

Mind you, this doesn't mean that you are owed all you desire. Deserving and being owed are not the same. You are not being mistreated or underserved by not receiving every desire you hold in the palm of your hand. Remember, there is always more out there waiting for you.

Possibly you have been thinking that the world conspires against you. Earth Life is not out to get you, entrap you, flail you, or deceive you. Earth Life is looking out for you. Tremendous opportunity awaits you. More keys on the piano are playing for you, cheering you on, and embracing you far more than you dare believe. The world amazingly makes connections for you.

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Golden Eagles Back From The Brink As Numbers Soar To 'Historic' Levels! - TruthTheory

by Jess Murray Truth Theory

This week has brought incredible news for the natural world as the population of one of Britain’s most iconic birds has reached more than 500 pairs for the first time since records began.

The numbers of the golden eagles in Scotland were recorded in a country-wide survey which was carried out last year, although conservationists say that numbers are still far below what they should be.

Numbers have increased by 15% since the last census in 2003, which means that numbers rose from 442 to 508 pairs, meaning that the species can now be assessed as having “favourable conservation status”.

The team conducted the survey in areas where there has been evidence of golden eagles in the past, and surveyed a total of 729 ranges.

RSPB Scotland’s head of species and land management Duncan Orr-Ewing believes that Scotland could hold about 800 pairs in total, although current numbers are still substantially below Scotland’s carrying capacity.

Although numbers have risen for Britain’s top avian predator, which has complete protection by UK-wide legislation, numbers are still not as they should be for the area. Orr-Ewing believes that one reason for this may be due to heavily over-grazed areas over the generations caused by deer and sheep, meaning that there are less prey species available for the eagles.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 12, 2016

What one thing that you have always wanted to do but haven't can you commit to finally giving yourself that experience? It could be learning to paint, taking a trip, trying a new restaurant, playing an instrument, or anything else that has interested you but you never gave yourself the chance to try.

You see, it is through new experiences that you discover more about yourself. The experience itself is equally valuable if you enjoy it or if you do not, for whichever the outcome it takes you closer to finding your joy by giving you greater clarity on which direction to take.

Finding your joy is so important because it is through your passions that you both connect with Source and fall in love with the Now moment. It allows your divine presence to shine in your truest expression of self, and that is always the sweetest spot on your soul journey. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 11/11/2016

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Brahmins were very much against Buddha because the warriors are not supposed to be priests; their duty is to fight. And when Buddha started preaching, this was against the whole tradition - he was trying to be a brahmin, and he was born a chhatriya. This is pure and simple rebellion. But Buddha was of great charismatic personality. He managed to influence millions of people, and when the brahmins saw that this man could not be destroyed by easy and ordinary means they started organizing Buddha's teachings. They started organizing Buddhism. And when Buddha died the people who wrote his scriptures were all brahmins.


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"What Am I Waiting for, God?"

God said:

I hear you. I hear you say:

"Beloved God, how tense I am. Please help me to calm down. I am wound tight like a clock. I alarm myself with my intensity. If only I could let go. What do I think I am doing? And for what? It isn't that I have to hold onto this that is called Life forever, yet I do not have to spend my Life in some kind of panic that I don't even know why I have it or what it's about. Unwind me, dear God. Let me be with You, and be a staunch supporter for You and the Kingdom of Heaven that You spread before us.

"I scatter my gift of love from You and replace it with a huge panic. Well, God, this is a far cry from what I ask of myself and of what You ask of me. I say I want to serve You far and wide, yet I seem to serve You one kind of rue or another.

"With all my heart and determination of will, I want to serve You whipped cream and blueberries and strawberries in beautiful glass bowls that extend beyond the Universe. Instead, I am uptight and serve You stiffened unbending tension raucously. Am I really so misbegotten? Am I all bluster without substance?

"What is it I am trying to do? What am I exploding about? Am I to be a firecracker when I desire to be a well-wisher and peacemaker on Earth? God, what is my difficulty here? Is it too much attention on myself? Do I wear clothes that are too tight?

"God, as I appear to myself now, I am a wild card. There is no accounting for me. There is no accounting for my tension. What is so hard about letting bygones be bygones.

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A Simple Guide For How To Realign Your Chakras

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

There’s a system in our body that is very subtle, yet if it’s thrown off you will feel it in many aspects of your life. It’s sometimes tough for people to accept the energetic system of the chakras because it’s not like we can look inside our abdomen and see our third chakra doing its thing in our solar plexus, but there are very real physical manifestations that can play out when a chakra is deficient or excessive. For example, headaches, depression, gut issues, money problems, colds/sicknesses, heart ache, fertility issues, and lots more.

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This Street Grows Its Own Food For The Entire Neighborhood

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

More and more, people are joining an initiative to grow their own food and in turn, are fighting the current corrupt systems. You may have heard of the popular Grow Food Not lawns movement, which has many people turning their front and back yards into gardens for growing food.

I mean when you think about it, it makes a lot more sense: what benefit do lawns provide us with anyways? They don’t attract bees, are a lot of effort to maintain, and generally require a lot of pesticides and fertilizers to keep the pests out and the grass growing lush and green. Surprisingly, in many States in the U.S. it is actually illegal to turn your front yard into a garden.

Two Australians have started the country’s first integrated edible streetscape after being upset over the grocery store price of a single lime. These folks are aiming to live a simple organic lifestyle that includes community and of course, fresh food.

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The Trump Election Will Spark More Individual & Collective Healing

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

This article will not be a pro-Trump or a pro-Hillary piece. It will have little to do with politics and more to do with a much bigger picture. As everyone knows, many people are celebrating the Trump victory and many people are mourning it. What is needed right now is a wider perspective at what is occurring.

With Donald Trump set to take over the Oval Office in late January of 2017, there are many unknowns, just as it would be if Hillary would have won.

What is going to happen with health insurance? What is going to happen with immigration laws? What is going to happen with foreign policy in relation to other nations? More importantly, what is going to happen to us as individuals and humanity as a whole?

GFP Newsletter - 11/10/2016

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Whenever there has been a religious person, soon the pseudo-religious people, politicians with religious masks, gathered around. It is not Jesus who created Christianity. It is not Buddha who created Buddhism. It is not Mahavira who created Jainism.

Very strange, almost unbelievable .... Jesus was crucified by the Romans because Judea was a slave country under the Roman empire and what a strange fate, that Rome became the citadel of Christianity! It still remains the citadel of Christianity.



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