GFP Newsletter - 10/7/2016

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I have never tried in my life to become anybody. I have simply allowed life to take me wherever it wanted. One thing I can say to you, I have not been a loser; it was a great joy to be taken over by nature. I have not at all interfered. I have not even been swimming, because in swimming you are at least throwing your hands about. I have been just going with the stream, floating with wherever the stream is going.

Fortunately all streams reach finally to the ocean. The small, the big, somehow or other they all find their way to the oceanic. And the oceanic feeling I call the religious feeling.

When your small drop drops into the ocean ....

In one sense you are no more.

In one sense you are for the first time.

On one hand there is death, and on the other hand there is rebirth.


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Nestlé Taking 3.6 Million Liters of Precious Groundwater A Day From Small Town In Severe Drought

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The repercussions of Nestlé’s controversial decisions continue to surface. Most recently the bottled water giant outbid a small town in Canada pushing to secure long-term water supply through a local well. The outcome caused a national boycott of Nestlé as a result.

Activist group, The Council of Canadians, launched the boycott on Thursday shortly following the news that Nestlé outbid the Township of Centre Wellington, Ont. for the well that has the potential to give it a new water supply.

The activist group stressed the critical need for bottled water industry reform given the fact that the country continues to battle drought and depletion of ground water reserves.

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Just Love

God said:

What is there for you to do but to love? What else is there that can equal giving love from your heart? Love is worth all the jewels in the world. What reaches so far as the giving of love upon Earth? Love alone reaches to all the Far-Reaches of Existence.

The Earth soaks up love like the rain that falls from above. What enchantment! What resolution! What art! What transformation! What an Earth human hearts reach!

Earth is good, and your heart is good. In one fell swoop, you give and receive love. You have noble work to do to hold the Universe together. You hold everything together. You are the connector between Earth and Heaven. You perform miracles upon Earth. You come from Heaven to uplift Earth to the High Heavens. What a privilege. What a gift you are from the Universe to the Universe.

Is not love a miracle? Is not one apple seed a miracle? Are you not a miracle upon Earth? Your very existence is a Grand Miracle. All of Earth is a miracle of Great Majesty.

Everything you do or don't do is a miracle. Opening and closing your eyes is a miracle. Swallowing is a miracle. Digestion -- a miracle. Physical life is a miracle. There is nothing that is not a miracle. One miracle begets another.

It is one kind of miracle that in the midst of splendor, you may pout!

The interconnectedness of all life is a miracle of supreme proportions.

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 7, 2016

Dear Ones, the universe is always conspiring to assist you with all your desires. All that is required is that you stay out of resistance to allow that to happen. Your acceptance, faith, trust, and appreciation is your part of the co-creation process and makes it possible for us to help you and lovingly lead you to your next perfect match. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Do Not Feed The….

How often do you ‘feed’ your fears and insecurities?  With a word, thought or deed you can actually help these things grow.  As challenging as it may be, it is up to you to make a conscious decision to move toward the positive.  It does not matter if you start big, just start!  The difference it makes in your world is amazing! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/6/2016

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Don't run away from yourself whatever the case may be. A man's mettle is judged by his entering into his own inner chaos. You are worthy to call yourself human beings when you have reached to the center, and you can see from the center, around yourself. You are blissful - not only are you blissful, from the center the whole existence is blissful too.

Agony and ecstasy are two sides of your being. They both make you one organic unity, one whole.

So I am not telling you how to get rid of agony.

That's what pseudo-religions have been telling you for centuries.

I am telling you how to befriend agony, how to be in love with the chaos.

Once you are in love with the chaos, the freedom that chaos brings, the unbounded space that chaos brings, enter into it till you reach the center.

To find oneself is to find all.

Then there is nothing missing, then there is no question left. Then for the first time you have the answer. Although you cannot convey the answer to anybody else, you can convey the way you found it.

That's what the function of a Master is.

He does not give you the answer.

He does not make you more knowledgeable.

He simply shows you the method, how he found himself. He encourages you to take a jump into your chaos, into your agony.

The Master is simply a proof that you don't need to be afraid. If this man can find his center, passing through all the agony, there is no reason why you cannot do it too. And once you know the taste of ecstasy, your whole life, for the first time, has something that can be called godliness. A new quality arises in you, a new flare, a new flame. But that is our nature, everybody's nature.


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The Hour Is Getting Late

by Julian Rose

There is a very real drama unfolding all around us, and also within each one of us.  The intensity of this drama is without recent precedent and is now being realized on a stage spanning the length and breadth of the planet and beyond.

It's a race against time, played-out within a gathering storm of conflicting energies. Human aspiration and inspiration clashing head-on with inhuman domination and destruction. And we are all caught in the gathering turbulence, witnessing the rapid dissolution of  props and and pillars we once took to be secure and dependable fixtures of our daily lives.

Our home, this planet, is in deep crisis, raped, polluted and torn by war, she is on the edge of collapse. While human society carries on as though there was no crisis at all; just a number of disturbances, inconveniences and maybe a slight feeling of insecurity creeping in at the edges.

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Grace the World

God said:

Add grace to your life. Give grace to the world. You know better than to give disturbance to the world.

You are here to grace the world and no less.

This means you are here on Earth to bless the Earth.

You don't have to be a firecracker on Earth. You don't have to blaze great trails. Blaze little trails. Be the Joy to the World you so crave. Give what you want to receive. This is how you become Great right before your eyes. Lift your eyes up to Mine.

Be the Ocean Waters that lap the shores.

Be the Reflection of the Sun.

Be the Grace you give.

Open doors for others. Hold them open.

You come from God.

You are a gift from God to the world.

I give you the world for its fulfillment and for yours.

You are Light I send to light the world.

You may have thought that the world was supposed to light you up when it is the other way around.

In the olden days, there were lamplighters who climbed up ladders to light street lights by hand. It is for you to light the way. Light up the eyes of all who walk on Earth. This is how you inspire the world and yourself.

You are the Lighter of Hearts.

You give water to the thirsty.

You are the Yeast of Love. Love swells in your heart and blesses the passing world. Smiles work their wonders.

You are the host who sends out invitations. You invite guests to happiness. You welcome them. You share liberally. You have more and more to give. You give an unending party. You receive all comers.

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Honoring Pain

One of the most beautiful things of your Earth plane existence is being able to experience pain.  I can hear you saying, “Are you kidding?!” (Smiling)  Yes, it is true.  How many times have you come out of a painful period with a sigh of relief and a sense of gratitude?  Do you see what I mean?  Without pain and the release of pain, whether it be emotional, mental or physical…you would not know peace, quiet and what a true health feels like.  Pain is a guidepost, it is a marker and a starting point from which you can mark your growth.  Just like anything else in your life is it something to recognize and honor rather than deny. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 6, 2016

Fear and doubt are normal to experience as you face expansion as a human being. This is a pattern that has been well established from childhood. When you first started to separate from the parent into a further expansion of yourself, you often would need to return, over and again, to the safety of the parent’s energy before you were reassured enough to move forward into that further expression of self.

So it is with enlightening human beings. When you recognize you can move back into the safety of Source whenever you need it, you feel more competent, more secure, more encouraged to expand. Moving beyond that fear and doubt facilitates growth, giving you the opportunity to experience yourself in your divine capability, and as a beloved aspect of Source energy, always welcomed back with open arms into the energy of Home. From that space you will embrace your freedom to co-create, to dance with the universe as a valued and integral part of the whole, and to truly experience unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/5/2016

will's picture

Look into the chaos that is there, into the agony that is there. And if it is your nature, then howsoever painful it is, we have to become acquainted with it. And the miracle is, it is painful to pass through it but it is just the greatest bliss when you have passed and reached the center of your being.

Agony is all around the center, and the ecstasy is just in the center. Perhaps agony is just a protective shell - ecstasy is so valuable it needs protection. And nature has created such a protective wall, what to say of others? - even you start running away from it. Who is going to enter into your agony if you yourself are running away?


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Deeper Than the Deep

God said:

As a Godwriter, you experience not being able to remember or write down a message from Me from the level on which you received it. You don't step in the exact same stream twice. This experience may tell you that time, as you know time, does not exist. In your terms, it seems you are given a one shot at a specific Heavenletter.

You would think that, in Infinity, specific thoughts of Mine exist Eternally, and that you could always find, not only many received Heavenletters endlessly, yet every single one.

Certainly, you pick up thoughts out of the ether. They are not written down until you write them down, yet We could say that they are always present and ever-present for posterity.

My thoughts are permanent. They are all given and all available, yet My thoughts are something like a catch of fish. You can go to the same fishing spot where the Stream of Infinity flows. I am Stillness and always reachable, yet there is no map of Infinity for you to follow.

Nor are there place cards in Infinity. There are no places to point arrows to.

On any day that you sit to receive My thoughts, at any time of day in the world, you catch what you catch. You take pot luck, as it were. You do not order a rerun of a specific Heavenletter. You receive with an open mind.

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Here's the Company Who Fought for Our Privacy as Yahoo Sold Us Out to the NSA

by Josie Wales, The Anti-Media

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Give Them Time

During this next wave of growth, there will be many, many people who will arrive in your life looking for assistance.  They may give the appearance of needing it, ask for it and begin the process of receiving but, at the last minute, will turn away.  It is important for you to remember that they are not turning away from you, but the healing that is being offered.  It can be disheartening when this happens, however, it is their choice.  They need the practice of requesting and this is the precursor of true healing.  The best thing to do in these instance is to send Unconditional Love.  Not everyone is prepared and it is best to give them time. ~ Creator


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