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Keep God by Your Side

God said:

A great part of being yourself in all your glory is to love all those you come across or who come across you.

There are no accidental meetings. You already know that.

There is a shared history. There is a shared past, and there is a shared present. At the very least, you are passing images. All those you cross paths with – whether physically or more subtly – you are on your way to Enlightenment together.

You don't have to know your past history or the meaning of a current meeting. You can know that there is purpose. If you really want to get on a fast path to Enlightenment, remind yourself that you are meeting everyone you come across with a Divine Purpose on Earth as it is in Heaven.

No one meets by accident, no matter how accidental or incidental or insignificant a meeting may seem. There is a purpose. Be glad you are meeting again. There is something for you to see, to do, or not to do, and to elevate. A meeting today no matter how by chance-seeming, no matter if for half a moment, perhaps holding a door open, perhaps someone who asks you where the library is – it doesn't matter -- you can know this is a great moment. Chance-seeming meetings today are meetings of friends to enjoy, or friends to make, or maybe meetings for repairs. Whether you meet once and never again, or whether it is your one-hundredth meeting, the purpose is to elevate each other.

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The Interior Life


Kingsley L. Dennis, Guest
Waking Times

“We are dreaming a symbolic world, only briefly waking to what is real.” ~Arthur Deikman, M.D.

“He not busy being born, is busy dying.” ~Bob Dylan

Something is not quite right…you feel it…you may have experienced this feeling, this nagging, for a long time. So you most probably just try to ignore it and hope that it goes away; but sooner or later the persistent nagging finally brings an idea to your mind – there’s something very odd about the way the world is. Maybe you feel like you are at the cinema watching a film and yet you sense there must be something wrong about the film you are seeing. The images are all there, but there’s a feeling that something is out of sequence, or the frames are running out of ‘normal’ time. However, after a while you get used to the style of the film, and your senses adjust to its rhythm and you lose the sense of strangeness and you get pulled into the show and you go along with the ride…

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 21, 2016

When you see someone making a choice that is contrary to what you would choose for yourself, instead of deeming it to be right or wrong, good or bad, why not see them as choosing to have an experience – an experience that will have great value to them, that it is a demonstration of free will that will lead to growth and expansion, otherwise, it simply wouldn’t be occurring.

You have been conditioned to evaluate based on success or failure. But you see, having experiences, whatever the outcome, is the goal, for you are on the planet, in the physical body, to have a full range of experiences, all designed for the evolution of the soul. If you can see it that way, you can see that the experience itself is the success.

When you choose to see the value of experience, you are able to move beyond judgment or attachment to outcome. You become a safe and supportive person that encourages self expression and learning. You will see others in their mastery which further empowers them to truly live without fear, self-governing based on what is right for their own soul and their particular soul path. You will support freedom and embody unconditional love by celebrating the divine perfection of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/20/2016

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You are shattered only when you are living in a glass house. Then anybody can throw a stone and that's enough. But I am not living in a glass house. The ego is a glass house: it is continuously afraid of being shattered. Somebody does not say "Hello" to you on the road, and that's enough. He has not done anything, he has not even said "Hello" - but this man used to say "Hello" every day.

It pinches, it hurts: "What happened? Have I fallen in his eyes, or what?" He will disturb your sleep because he has not said "Hello" to you.

Expectations always lead to frustrations.

Expectations are the seeds, and frustration is the crop that sooner or later you will have to reap. It is your own doing.


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God, Teach Me How to Be Love.

God said:

You have begged Me to help you be the love that I tell you that you are. Again and again you ask Me to help you be love. You plead to Me that you carry non-love, that you are filled with dislike more than you are filled with love. You, My children, may beg:

"God, tell me how to love. Tell me until I can see love flowing from me. You tell us how to love, yet what you say runs through my fingers. Once and for all, teach me how to feel love and to be love. I am tired of the bitterness and ill-feeling in my heart."

Dear Unseeing Children, your love is inviolable regardless of what you think and what you yearn for. It is like you wrap a rubber band tightly around your heart. You keep your heart tightly wound.

No matter what you seem to feel, no matter what you say and what you do, your heart is full of love. You tie knots in your recognition of love. You hammer nails into your Heart of Love, yet I maintain that you are love. Without exception, you are love.

Your perception is misguided. It is almost as if you are bound and determined to affirm that you are not love. You are certain that you star in being unloving, as if being unloving is some kind of perverse bonus. You are blinded. You focus on irritation.

I tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. You are the Son or Daughter of the King of Heaven. You deny that which has been bestowed upon you from the very moment I first thought of you.

Here's the thing to do: Accept that I have freely given you My Heart of Love.

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An Elementary School Has Kids Meditate Instead Of Punishing Them and the Results are Profound

by John Vibes , The Free Thought Project

Baltimore, MD – It was recently reported that Robert W. Coleman Elementary in West Baltimore will be taking a new and holistic approach to disciplining students. Instead of punishing them or sending them to the principal’s office, administrators will now be sending children to “the mindful moment room” where they will be able to meditate and wind down.

The new policy has been in place for over a year, and in the time that the meditation room has been set up, there has actually been no suspensions throughout the entire year.

The program is an initiative organized by the Holistic Life Foundation, a Baltimore-based nonprofit organization committed to nurturing the wellness of children and adults in underserved communities.

Andres Gonzalez, one of the organizers of the project, says that children are even bringing home what they are learning to their families.

“That’s how you stop the trickle-down effect, when Mom or Pops has a hard day and yells at the kids, and then the kids go to school and yell at their friends,” he says. “We’ve had parents tell us, ‘I came home the other day stressed out, and my daughter said, Hey, Mom, you need to sit down. I need to teach you how to breathe,‘” Gonzalez said.

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4 Ways to Detox the Neurotoxin Fluoride From Your Body

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Used as a rat poison for decades, sodium fluoride has been being added into the U.S. public water supply since 1961 as a means for improving dental health. Now, more than 60% of Americans consume it. But that’s not necessarily a good thing.

A plethora of studies have shown that the negative health implications of fluoride in the water far outweigh the benefits of decreasing tooth decay. For instance, prestigious medical journal The Lancet noted that the additive is actually a neurotoxin and is classified in the same category as arsenic, lead, and mercury.

Researchers believe that, as a result of fluoride most commonly being ingested through water consumption, certain foods, and toothpastes, it is contributing to a worldwide “pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity” that is leading to disabilities like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments.

A 2012 study by the National Institutes of Health even found a link between children’s IQ scores and fluoride exposure:

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The Intrepid Explorer

With each new shift and wave of energy, you are being given the chance to start over.  You are like the intrepid explorer with choices of how you approach each particular mountain.  Whether it be around, over or through….each offers its own set of challenges and rewards.  Do not be daunted, my dearest, be in joy and revel in the new experience! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 20, 2016

Dear Ones, we know that in turbulent energies it can be difficult to know how to proceed. There is wisdom in waiting before you do anything until you have more clarity.

We understand that you may wish to do something definitive in order to find some measure of control. But deciding to wait until things settle and you have a better sense of what is the right direction for you, is still making a decision, and it is one that will serve you well.

The fact that you are unclear, is telling you that you are not far enough into what the energies are supporting for you. Times of energetic intensity are meant for self care, for pausing, for integrating.

The optimal time to make choices is once you have reached the new vista that exists on the other side of the intense energies you have been in. To decide then means you are making a decision based on what is a match to the newest version of you. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/19/2016

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The original face is not lost by going on a certain way. It is lost by children being forced, forced against their will.

Love and respect can sweetly help them to be more understanding about the world, can help them to be more alert, aware, careful - because life is precious, and it is a gift from existence. We should not waste it.

At the moment of death we should be able to say that we are leaving the world better, more beautiful, more graceful.

But this is possible only if we leave this world with our original face, the same face with which we have come into it.


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What Would You Like Your Life to Be?

God said:

Let go of that whole idea of tit for tat, for this gets you nowhere.

Of course, if someone is wonderful to you, you want to reciprocate in kind. Loving is a goal you set for yourself yet not for anyone else. Be the love you long to receive. In love, you do not take offense.

If someone offends you, there is no need for you to give back in kind. You retaliate only when you feel resentment or outright anger.

The question to ask yourself is what do you gain from this anger? Smugness, perhaps. The last word, perhaps. An impasse, perhaps. What would you want those for?

What do you want your life this round to offer you?

If you would like expansion, expand.

If you would like friendship, be a friend.

If you would like respect, be respectful.

If you would like good manners, give good manners.

If you would like to be loved, then love yourself first.

If you would like to be begrudged, then begrudge others.

If you would like to be nagged, then nag.

If you would like to be unappreciated, then don't appreciate.

If you would like to be discounted, then discount others.

If you would like an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, count offenses. There is no need for you to specialize in being offended. It is not recommended.

Live that which you desire.

By and large, you give what you get. With exceptions, of course. And here's the thing:

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Why Was This Natural Medicinal Substance Banned by the DEA?

By Wes Annac, Editor-in-Chief, Culture of Awareness & Openhearted Rebel

I wrote the following for the 215th issue of the Weekly Awareness Guide, a weekly document offered here on the blog for $11.11 a month.

Income from the newsletter helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. The option to subscribe via PayPal is given at the bottom of this post (head here to learn about sending cash/check)

If you’ve been keeping up with alternative media outlets the past couple weeks, you probably know that the DEA just classified kratom, a tropical deciduous tree with leaves used for various medicinal purposes (1), a Schedule 1 substance.

This puts it in the same class as heroin (2).

Vendors are already struggling to import it, and some have gone into hiding (2).

Kratom has been called a lifesaver for sufferers of mental or physical conditions made worse by pharmaceutical drugs.

Despite this (and despite the harms caused by opiates), the scandal-ridden DEA has set its sights on fighting yet another helpful natural substance proven to work better for the treatment of various conditions than its pharmaceutical counterparts.

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Reaching A Goal

There may be times where you put a great deal of effort into a person, place or thing.  You seem to be doing everything ‘right’ but, somehow, things are not coming together.  Do not lose heart!  You may be so focused on one way of doing things that you failed to notice The Universe pointing you to a solution that will work.  Today, you are invited to take a step back, look at the infinite picture!  There are many ways of reaching the same goal, you just need to keep an open mind! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 19, 2016

Dear Ones, the dark night of the soul is a period of cocooning – of deep introspection, of learning, of healing, and of transformation. It serves a tremendous purpose on your spiritual journey. It is marked with reevaluating everything, with the change of relationships, careers, and friendships, and can be a very solitary somber period. While it can seem long and arduous, it is an energetic corridor that does come to an end, and for many of you that time is now.

One of the biggest challenges is accepting that the phase is truly actually over when it comes to an end. You have become so used to looking for things to heal in yourself, to being serious, to being alone, that shifting into wholeness, into joy, into connecting with others can seem foreign. But that is what you have been working towards, and you have done the work and it is time to start to reap the rewards of your efforts.

A key component to coming out of this phase is learning how to navigate in new, more empowered ways. Rather than constantly looking for things to heal, you embrace wholeness and wellness and know that if there is something you need to address it will come into your awareness. Rather than being affected by other people’s energies, you bring the light. Rather than doing, you embrace BEing and know that is more than enough. It is a path of greater ease, of energetic competence and embracing being a creator and experiencer of life.


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