GFP Newsletter - 9/18/2016

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Respect the children, make them fearless.

But if you are yourself full of fear, how can you make them fearless?

Don't force respect on them towards you because you are their father, you are their daddy, their mom, this and that.

Change this attitude and see what transformation respect can bring to your children.

They will listen to you more carefully if you respect them. They will try to understand you and your mind more carefully if you respect them. They have to. And in no way are you imposing anything; so if by understanding they feel you are right and they go on that way, they will not lose their original face.


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Victory! California Bans Orca Theatrical Shows And Breeding

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

California just became the first state to ban both the breeding of orcas and using them in theatrical shows for entertainment purposes. Starting in June 2017, they will only be allowed to participate in “educational presentations,” much to the chagrin of SeaWorld in San Diego.

Governor Jerry Brown signed the Orca Protection and Safety Act into law on Tuesday, making history and setting a precedent for killer whales and their treatment in the rest of the 49 states. The new law comes after many years of controversy regarding the capture, breeding, and use of the large, majestic creatures by humans for entertainment.

Though SeaWorld has already committed to making similar changes to their policies, the state law has solidified those commitments by ensuring that the theme park can’t change their mind or tweak their changes.

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God said:

Every adult is responsible for himself or herself. Someone who is addicted says that he can't help it. Addiction is a great excuse for not taking responsibility.

Don't get addicted. If someone wants to fall into a quagmire, he will find a way. If someone wants to be excused from self-responsibility, he can excuse himself directly.

There is also no one who is not capable of receiving help and leaving the practice of addiction behind. Everyone is capable of it. Don't blame the addiction. Helplessness, as considered in this venue of addiction, is not true. It is a fall-back excusal from responsibility.

If there is a way to addiction, there is a way to get out of it as well. Choose.

It could be said that addiction is the lazy man's way.

Of course, there are those who are forced into addiction to the advantage of a third party. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the person who is addicted to get off the addiction. When you need help, ask for it. Yet it is yourself you ultimately have to depend on. Getting off an addiction is something you choose. You do have say.

Is it easy to stop being a patsy to any addiction? No.

Necessary? Yes.

Impossible? No.

Possible? Yes. That you have responsibility equates to opportunity.

Look, if you fall out of bed, you climb back in.

If anyone has gotten away from an addiction, so can you. So must you.

Find reverence for life.

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Former Enemy Tribe Unifies in Peace With Standing Rock - Orgonlight Health

by Lance Schuttler, Orgonlight Health

 “This is something unbelievable. This display of unity and the power of  coming together is unbelievable. No words can properly describe the  feeling. For example just this morning our traditional enemies the  Crow came to the camp here to stand in solidarity with us. And we  welcomed them with Open Hearts. That was a power that brought tears  to many people’s eyes. The Oceti Sakowin stand strong and committed  to stopping this pipeline.” – Dave Archambault Jr., Chairman of the  Standing Rock Sioux Nation. 

This quote, along with the picture was posted this morning, September  18th 2016. We are seeing the power of love in action. We are seeing the awakening spread and magnify. And because we live in a  holofractographic reality, we will see unification continue to occur  more and more. Prayers are being answered. Calls for peace are being heard and actions are now being implemented.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 18, 2016

If you have an area in your life that continues to be what you consider to be problematic, we encourage you to ask the following:

What belief systems do I have around this issue?
Are they true?
Have I surrendered this issue and allowed myself to be led?
What new beliefs can I create around this?
Am I practicing gratitude?
What blessings are in the right now moment?
How does this serve me?
Do I believe there is a solution?
Do I believe I can live with grace and ease?
Have I asked my guides and helpers for assistance and stayed in surrender and flow and gratitude long enough to get results?
Do I really surrender or am I playing tug of war, giving it to spirit and then taking it back to be resistant and try to control things?
Am I negatively or positively focused?
Am I actively doing things to keep me in a higher vibrational state?
Am I actively embracing growth and expansion?
If after all of these things there is no movement, am I in faith, trust, and acceptance (faith + trust + acceptance = non-resistance) that it is all serving a purpose, which will keep me poised for movement as soon as it is supported and allow me to experience peace in the meantime?

GFP Newsletter - 9/17/2016

will's picture

I would like you to be respectful to the children.

The children deserve all the respect you can manage, because they are so fresh, so innocent, so close to godliness. It is time to pay respect to them, not to force them to pay respect to all kinds of corrupted people - cunning, crooked, full of shit - just because they are old.



The GFP is back up after being offline for the better part of 2 days! Funny coincidence there, our site went offline right when an article we posted about the recent DNC leaks started to go viral on Facebook...

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 17, 2016

Dear Ones, every time you release you make room for new creations. Isn’t that wondrous? Can you feel the potentials available now that you are not dragging the energies of your past with you? Every day is a brand new energetic space with a brand new platform to create from. We invite you to feel into the magnitude of what this means for you, and to get excited about how you wish to express your glorious selves, for you are the artist, the paint, and the canvas, all in one. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Your Power

Some of you spend a great deal of time searching for the future; asking when your soul mate/true love will come, divining your ‘future’ or any other number of questions regarding things that may or may not happen.  It is time to open your mind to the fact that you are solely responsible for the co-creation of your world!  In laying those questions at another person’s feet, you relinquish your power and, in essence, making excuses for why something is not happening in your life.  You, and you alone, must take the initiative and action to move forward.  No one else can do that for you.  It is time, dear one, to take back your power, work on your own healing and grow in a way that is best for you. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 16, 2016

When you are in resistance, you are choosing to energetically align with what is unwanted. Why not surrender it to Source? Why not pass it off to your guides and helpers to take care of for you and then place your focus on forward movement into a new energetic layer that contains what you truly wish to experience?

Resistance is like fighting against quicksand. It only digs you deeper, and gets you more frustrated, and ultimately exhausted. When you stop fighting is when you are finally able to be extricated from that energy. Isn’t it time to reach for the rope that pulls you to freedom?

Isn’t it time to surrender into new possibilities that better match what you really want and who you really are? Isn’t it time to use your wonderful focus for creation and the experience of what you desire and deserve? Isn’t it time to thrive in new and empowered ways? ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/15/2016

will's picture

So much attachment to names, titles, professions, religions - and this is all your identity. And behind all this brown bag is lost your original face.

You are asking me how, in our commune, we can save the original face of our children.

You don't have to do anything directly.

Anything done directly will be a disturbance.

You have to learn the art of non-doing.


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Documents Reveal Sugar Industry Paid Off Scientists, Shaping Mass Perception Of Nutrition For Money

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

According to newly uncovered documents, in the 1960s the sugar industry began funding research to cast doubt on sugar’s role in heart disease, mainly by pointing the finger at fat instead.

A recently published analysis based on correspondence between a sugar trade group and researchers from Harvard University clearly demonstrates how food and beverage makers actively shape the public’s understanding of nutrition for their own financial gain.

The Evidence

In 1964 a group known as The Sugar Association went over a campaign to address any “negative attitudes toward sugar” after studies linking sugar with heart disease began to emerge, according to documents that were dug up from the now public archives. The following year the group approved a project called “Project 226,” which involved paying researchers from Harvard the equivalent of todays $48,900 USD for an article reviewing scientific literature, supplying the materials they wanted reviewed and reviewing drafts of the article prior to publication.

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Lunar Eclipse In Pisces: Releasing Inhibitions

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 16th in the West and in the early morning of September 17th in the East. It will be visible throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The exact time for this Full Moon will be at 7:05pm Universal Time, but the Eclipse will start 2 hours before. (Click here for your time zone.)

Like last month’s Lunar Eclipse, this one is penumbral, which is when the Moon is just outside of the Earth’s shadow (umbra). This causes a subtle dimming. However, this particular one is stronger than last month’s, as it will be much closer to the umbra and will be be more noticeable visually.

This is the third of three eclipses occurring in the last month, with the Solar Eclipse in Virgo (two weeks prior) being the strongest. Eclipse season happens every six months and signifies a period when certain aspects of our lives experience changes to serve our evolution.

Themes and circumstances related to these changes sometimes begin to unfold in the month leading up and could still play out over the following three to six months. To add to the mix, we are also having Mercury Retrograde, which really reinforces the need to make adjustments.

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This Photo is the Perfect Metaphor for How the Resistance Will be Won

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A photo taken in Santiago, Chile freezes an intense moment between a riot policeman and a protester, capturing the compelling power dynamics at play right in the world at large and revealing how these dynamics will ultimately be defeated.

Worldwide resistance to the destructive paradigm of state/corporate dominion over all life on planet earth is taking many forms, simultaneously happening on many battlefields both macro and micro, both outside and inside of the self.

Many of us understand how power can be and is derived from violence, and how thoroughly the present paradigm has seized upon this script to relentlessly control us. But do we understand the nature of our own power? Do we understand how violence can be overcome without brute force?


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