The manuscript of survival – part 205

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The manuscript of survival – part 205



 •October 8, 2012 •

Mankind as a species have for too been long been harbouring the thought that they are unable to do anything but follow in the footsteps of their forefathers. In other words, for many, the thought of opening up to the idea of not being the sole living sentient beings in the known universe is to them mere fantasy, as they consider themselves to be the pinnacle of creation. And as such, nothing can be done without them being the instigator for it. And they also see that as their entitled right, as they see the rest of the world surrounding them as their domain. But now, as more and more of you are starting to wake up to the fact that mankind is not alone in this vast space, the idea of sovereignty over other living beings is also starting to fall apart, and rightly so, as you are no more overlords over anything than anyone else. You are a mere speck in creation, but together with all of those countless other ”specks” that exists everywhere else, you constitute a vast tapestry, woven together like silken threads into something so beautiful it will literally take your breath away the first time you see it in all of it’s complexity.

Heavenletter #4336 Give Like God, October 8, 2012

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Heavenletter #4336 Give Like God, October 8, 2012 

God said: 


Whatever gifts you have been given, whatever gifts I have given to you, whatever discoveries I have placed before you, whatever talent you have been given, whatever work you have been given is yours to bestow. Everything you have found within yourself is God-given. There is One Giver, and I AM the Giver.

Therefore, all your talent is not yours. It is Mine. I have given My light to you so that you may shine My light upon the Earth and the inhabitants of the Earth. If your talent is to manifest wealth, then your wealth is to be shared.. Nothing is to be kept to yourself. No one is to live for himself and live for himself alone.

SpaceX Dragon Capsule Launched Sunday

Rain's picture - Marcia Dunn, 10/7/12

Space X

The SpaceX mission is the first under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA that calls for a dozen resupply flights by SpaceX, essential in the post-shuttle era. (AP Photo/NASA)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- A commercial cargo ship rocketed into orbit Sunday in pursuit of the International Space Station, the first of a dozen supply runs under a mega-contract with NASA.

It was the second launch of a Dragon capsule to the orbiting lab by the California-based SpaceX company. The first was last spring.This time was no test flight, however, and the spacecraft carried 1,000 pounds of key science experiments and other precious gear. There was also a personal touch: chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream tucked in a freezer for the three station residents.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit

Study: Warm N. Atlantic Causing U.K.'s Wet Summers

Rain's picture - Damien Carrington, The Guardian, 10/7/12

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives in the rain at Eton Dorney for the rowing on day 4 of the London 2012 Paralympic Games at Eton Dorney on Sept. 2 in Windsor, England. (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

The United Kingdom's dismal recent summers can be blamed on a substantial warming of the North Atlantic ocean in the late 1990s, according to new scientific research.

The shift has resulted in rain-soaked weather systems being driven into northern Europe, increasing summer rainfall by about a third.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Fire Continues to Smolder in Minnesota

Rain's picture - AP, 10/7/12

AP Photo/The Grand Forks Herald, Eric Hylden

A fire consumes a house in Karlstad, Minn., Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, 2012, after wildfires spread fueled by high winds and dry conditions.

RED LAKE, Minn. -- A wildfire is still burning near Red Lake in northern Minnesota, fire management officials said Sunday.

The North Minnie fire has burned more than 38 square miles. The fire, the largest of several burning in northwestern Minnesota, threatens private land, timber resources, a major power line and a few private hunting cabins in Beltrami Island State Forest. Fire information officer Gill Knight told Minnesota Public Radio that the North Minnie fire is 30 percent contained.

6.0 earthquake strikes off northwest Mexico: USGS

Rain's picture

Reuters - 10/8/12

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck in the Gulf of California off the Mexican coast early on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, with initial reports suggesting it caused no casualties or significant damage.

The quake was centered 57 miles southwest of Los Mochis in Sinaloa, Mexico, at a depth of 6.3 miles, USGS estimates showed.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Jennifer Hoffman – The Power Is In Realization – 8 October 2012

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Jennifer Hoffman – The Power Is In Realization – 8 October 2012

At times it feels like I’m inching forward on this journey when I really want to take it in leaps and bounds. There are times when I find myself asking the question ‘Haven’t I learned this yet?’ and then I have to laugh because I realize the purpose of that experience and then everything falls into place. Although it seems like the farther we get on our spiritual path the harder and more complicated things become as we try to fit all of the pieces together, the truth is the journey is easier and faster when we simplify, ask and receive. The power is in realizing that this is how powerful and connected we really are. Sometimes we try so hard that we make the process much more difficult than it really is.

I believe we can create change. I believe in the power of sending light, of peace and prayer.

Rosangel's picture
I believe we can create change.  I believe in the power of sending light, of peace, and prayer.
  I believe our path is an enlightened one.
There is something happening…
When was the last time you really looked around you?  I ask you this question with urgency…
Have you looked at our sky lately?  Have you seen how different the clouds look?  Have you seen or felt our Sun?  If  you haven’t, please do… Please spend as much time as you can outside…especially in the day time.
Many people are feeling it.  The earth is changing and so are we.
Independent sources all over the internet are also hinting at changes and announcements regarding Disclosure, NESARA, A Positive Change in our American Financial System, and more.
It is such an important time to be alive.  Please slow down… Please don’t miss this.
Our lives are meant to be much more than getting up every morning and going to work environments where we play roles and wear masks that don’t fulfill us.  We come home exhausted and stressed, enjoy little sleep, only to get up in the morning and repeat the same cycle over and over again.  This type of lifestyle contributes to our high rates of Depression, Anxiety, Rage, Heart Disease, Obsesity, Cancers, etc…
Don’t you think we deserve more than this?  Humans are not meant to live like this.

David Wilcock 10-7-12…”Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?”

Lia's picture

Posted on 2012/10/07


Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?

Are we about to see incredible changes for the positive? Will the end of the Mayan Calendar bring triumph rather than disaster? It’s time to share the information I’ve been hearing about major changes we may be about to see. I hope you enjoy it!


Many people have complained about how long it has been since I wrote the last piece – and I do apologize for that.

There are times where quality is vastly more important than quantity. This was one of them. I did not know I was going to get pulled into such an extended “meditation retreat” when this all started.


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