Heavenletter #4337 Your Thoughts Can Do Anything, October 9, 2012

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Heavenletter #4337 Your Thoughts Can Do Anything, October 9, 2012 


God said: 


When antagonism is stuck in your heart, you stuck it there. You are responsible for your own. That may not seem right to you, but that is how it is. You are responsible for yourself. You are the chooser of your own antagonism.

To know this is a very freeing thing. That you are responsible means that you can do something about it. You are not helpless. You are not a victim, or, if you are a victim, you are a victim of your own chicanery. You are the culprit.

When you feel happiness, you deliver it to yourself. You are the one who blesses yourself with happiness.

Outside does not exist. Inside you, everything exists.

Knowing this, you have a beautiful opportunity to change what you may see as fate. You are your own Fairy Godmother or otherwise.

To proclaim yourself innocent in all situations is to cast off your own freedom and sense of self. You are not a pawn in life. If it seems that way, then you are your own pawn.

11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

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11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

9th October 2012

By Linda Lubin

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

How many of you have had the 11:11 experience: Hands up. Ah, I’m seeing a sea of hands waving out there. In case you have not, let me tell you of my own 11:11 initiations.

Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, or The Shift, or the Mayan calendar and other prophesies about December 21, 2012.


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)  

My dear friends,

while seeing and experiencing the opening, the message started to unfold ....

"You are not the body.
The chains which artificially have been tying up your free and radiant consciousness with the physical body, are being dissolved as the powers of the  controllers are fading.
The clouds of darkness are vanishing which kept you in the illusion of limitations and the identification with the body-mind.
You are not the mind.
Mind is an appearance that comes with embodiment, no matter how dense or subtle, how dark or how full of light.
The Grace of your True State is body- and mindless.
Even mind is a function only to navigate in creation, which is of the mind itself.
If you go beyond body and beyond mind there is unlimited feeling, it is free of emotion. IT IS. IT IS Radiant. IT IS Freedom.
Allow this freedom to rise “above” the body, above in the sense of releasing the body out of sight as you more and more are centering at the core and essence of what you truly Are: Divine Consciousness, Radiant and Ever-Blissful. IT is not “in” the body. The body is IN IT!
IN IT Itself nothing arises, as soon as you withdraw even your subtle mind and your subtle senses, the senses which perceive the higher worlds and  dimensions, from what they perceive.

Cobra Update~MAKE THIS VIRAL! DAY OF DECISION The Event Expect US~

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Monday, October 8, 2012



It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on the Day of Decision at the beginning of the second Window of Opportunity:

Bitter Herbs For Improved Health and Liver Function

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Bitter Herbs For Improved Health and Liver Function

Posted by admin on October 8, 2012 

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Four bitter herbs heal the liver, gall bladder, and other ailments

by Brad Chase | Natural News

(NaturalNews) Certain bitter herbs are considered liver herbs because they stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver and gall bladder. While Western palates are not fond of bitter tasting foods, they do stimulate and support digestion. German research shows that bitter tonic herbs stimulate bile and hydrochloric acid production. They stimulate nervous system and immune system function, as well as combat fatigue and exhaustion.

Four commonly used bitter herbs which are used traditionally and in the medical community to support the liver, gall bladder, and other ailments are milk thistle, dandelion, Oregon grape root, and gentian root, from which gentian violet is manufactured.

Archangel Michael: The Declaration of World Peace

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By Steve Beckow

Oct. 8, 2012

Peace is the cry of the soul, the song of the spirit. Peace is the natural condition of the world, the place to which all things return. Everything yearns for peace and everything rests in peace. Peace is the place to which this world journeys. Nothing can stop it from reaching and realizing peace.

There comes a time in the affairs of worlds when the forces of disintegration can no longer resist the forces of attraction, when hatred and division can no longer overpower love and peace. There comes a rebound in the councils of worlds, a pushing back from the people which none can stand against or fail to honor.

At this time, the people of Earth will see an outbreak of peace, overpowering all that divided, wounded, and killed. It has been decreed by the Highest that the Earth, after eons of wandering in the ways of havoc and war, shall once again return to the ways of peace. Against the wave of love that is sweeping the Earth, political and military leaders will prove powerless.

Forgiveness—Freedom of Letting Go...Moving Forward!

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Pubblicato in data 08/ott/2012 da Kemetprince1

Don't Forgive Someone For His or Her Sake—Forgive Them For Your Sake!

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, nor does it mean that you've given the message that what someone did was okay. It just means that you've let go of the anger or guilt towards someone, or towards yourself. But that can be easier said than done. If forgiveness was easy, everyone would be doing it.


Natalie Glasson – Mother Mary – Angelic Healing Contract – 8 October 2012

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Natalie Glasson – Mother Mary – Angelic Healing Contract – 8 October 2012

In a space and time when so many energies, perspectives, beliefs and past pain are coming to thesurface to be eternally released it is important to focus upon healing and purifying your beingcompletely. This time of self-challenge and self-discovery is the most sacred time of all as it allowsyou to heal yourself in a new and deep level therefore awakening the most sacred and divine truthwithin your being.

SanJAsKa: Your Physical Realities Reflect Your Inner-Feelings (Part 1/2)

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-through Wes Annac-


Note: I will have to post this message in two parts because it is very long; even longer than usual! Part two will be given on Wednesday.


I am a Representative of our High Council and our Council of Nine, and I am coming to you with the melded-together energies of all within these councils and within our General Council as well. The ‘hierarchies’ of the Galactic Federation are based upon the soul growth of each collective and race who form the various hierarchies and are not based upon a judgment or worth. We all exist quite harmoniously together and the harmony that we share between us despite our perceived outer differences is what we wish to share with you dear souls.

You are going to find and realize in the time ahead how so very distorted many of your prevalent mindsets have been as a planet, as you have split and divided yourselves into different countries, different religious beliefs and different ways of Living, being and perceiving your outer world. Doing so has Created mass rifts within your planetary collective consciousness, as by nature you are all united and there is nothing in the higher dimensions that can keep you dear souls from realizing your inherent unity and Oneness as a collective.


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