How to Raise Your Frequency (Ask Teal Episode on Increasing Your Vibration)

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The topic for today's Ask Teal episode is: How to Raise Your Frequency
Consciousness and vibrational frequency go hand in hand. When you're in a low frequency, you're in a decreased state of consciousness-your perception is limited. When you're in a high frequency, you're in an increased state of consciousness and your perception is heightened. The lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend because your ego is restricting the Flow of Life Force/source Energy and Intuition/Love through your mind and body. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to comprehend because you are allowing a greater Flow of Life Force through your mind and body.
In this episode, Teal explains that raising your frequency means move to a better feeling more positive emotion. She also explains that the trump card of all things that raise frequency is focus... nothing is more important than the thoughts you are thinking and whatever you're paying attention to/focusing on. You can not focus on things that cause you to feel bad, and hold a high vibration. Teal then goes on to describe eleven more steps that you can take to increase your frequency.

10-9-12 Bill Ballard ~ Seeing What All Is Going On From The Various Dimensional Levels

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Seeing what all is going on from each of the dimensional levels it can be viewed from draws a simply amazing picture of this shift we are experiencing. There are sooo many different levels people are experiencing. Observations of the details of each level is certainly one of the greatest things we can witness and understand while incarnate at this time. Too Coo! Thank you all for being YOU! LOVE!

Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You ~ Part 1/2

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2012 October 8

 by Steve Beckow

The actual airing of this episode of An Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael this week, was interrupted by technical difficulties so, thanks to Ellen’s skill and speed, we have the transcript available now for listeners and readers. In this episode, Archangel Michael looks at the many instances interference with lightwork from Yahoo and YouTube/Google, the impact of the video I Know Our Galactic Family is Here, the extent and nature of containment, the latest on NESARA, who the masters are who are really returning (you), and much, much more.

We apologize for the interruptions in service. Since this has happened before with Blogtalk Radio, we are looking into migrating to another radio host.

An Hour with an Angel, October 8, 2012, with Archangel Michael

What Will Ascension be Like? ~ Part 2/2

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 by Steve Beckow

Depiction of Archangel Michael

(Continued from Part 1.)

What Dimension Will We Go to?

S: And on one side [of Ascension] we’re in 3D or 4D, and on the other side we’re in 5D?

AAM: Or higher. (1)

It is the elevator to the Fifth. And further, there will be some who simply choose to keep going [to dimensions higher than the Fifth]. But as a collective, that is the plan. (2)

11:11 ~ Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

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By Linda Lubin | Wake Up World


How many of you have had the 11:11 experience: Hands up. Ah, I’m seeing a sea of hands waving out there. In case you have not, let me tell you of my own 11:11 initiations.

Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, or The Shift, or the Mayan calendar and other prophesies about December 21, 2012.

For weeks, and eventually months, I found myself just happening to glance at the clock at 11:11 a.m. or p.m. Also 1:11. I’m not a clock-watcher, so this struck me as an odd coincidence. Time rolled on and it began happening with increasing frequency. Finally, it had my full attention. What the heck was going on? I decided to look to numerology (about which I knew nada), and the meaning of 1, or 11 was interesting, but nothing to shout about.

Then it occurred to me to Google 11:11. Go ahead and try it, if you haven’t already. Pretty impressive. Turns out I was hardly alone in this experience. For example: here’s what Uri Geller has to say:

Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables & Fruits

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By Dr. Mercola

Howard Garrett, also known as The Dirt Doctor, has compiled a number of uses for vinegar, including recipes for both internal use and use in your organic garden, which I will share with you here.

"Vinegar is a wonderful organic tool that was discovered by accident 10,000 years ago when wine was accidentally allowed to ferment too long and turned sour," he writes.

"It can be made from many products, including beer, apples, berries, beets, corn, fruits, grains, honey, malt, maple syrup, melons, molasses, potatoes, rice, sorghum, and other foods containing sugar.

Natural sugars from these food products are fermented into alcohol, which is then fermented into vinegar."

... The product label will identify the starting ingredients, such as 'apple cider vinegar' or 'wine vinegar.' Malt vinegar is made from the fermentation of barley malt or other cereal grains. Sugar vinegar is made from sugar, syrup, or molasses.

The Keepers On The Astro-Cosmic “Sea Change” of October 2012

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a message from Rev. Irma Kaye-Sawyer


Question: We are in the midst of a big “sea change” astrologically and energetically with so many planets moving or preparing to move into different signs. What guidance can you give at this time on this? Thank you.

Answer: Beloveds, thank you for your question. The one thing we feel is important to share is the natural or organic nature of change. We liken it to the growth of a baby to an adult human being. There is nothing that the child has to “do” to grow besides take care of the vehicle, feed it, and so forth for physical growth to occur. It is the same for you. You are in a natural process of spiritual expansion and growth. There is a belief that you must “do” many things, and for some even “wake up” others. The amount of Light being directed at Gaia is and will continue to have a profound impact. Yes there are some that are a bit more attached to the 3D conflicts and dramas than others, but ultimately this will not impact the process which is ongoing. There are things that may do to support this process such as service, meditation, light work and so forth, but the process is well underway. It is also important to note that when a human being is participating in healing, it is often the physical/3D level that experiences it last as this plane is of a denser nature.

The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All 2012 OCTOBER 9

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The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All

2012 OCTOBER 9

Posted by Stephen Cook


This image was captured by NASA’s EPOXI mission between Nov. 3 and 4, 2010, during the spacecraft’s flyby of comet Hartley 2. It was captured using the spacecraft’s Medium-Resolution Instrument.

The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All

Stephen: Something just tells me this comet is much more than any normal comet. In fact, I feel it possibly might not be a comet at all.

We all know how NASA has lied about the moon, it’s real place in our galaxy and what it is  – and who is really there.

So, if you wanted to cover-up a miraculous, Universal or Galactic event or presence that was imminent, what would be the best – or the most 3D – way to do it?

Lisa Gawlas - Like A Kid In A Candy Store

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Sometimes, ok, quite often (smile) I feel like a little girl in the greatest candy store on earth.  Like a child who just doesn’t have the built-in restraint not to sample every single thing in the store (of course, the store clerk said she could) I run around sampling as much as I can until I develop a belly ache and somewhere a mother must be near and takes me out of the candy store for a moment.  I do believe I woke up with that proverbial belly ache yesterday.  Of course, YOU are my candy pieces  and oh my god are you yummy to taste!!

Something surely happened to the candy store while I was off hugging my loved ones for 2 weeks… you became richer, sweeter and more filling than I could have even imagined you would be… or could be!  As my day progressed (which I really want to say, digressed) yesterday, both the store clerk and that mother took me by the arms and eventually put me outside of the candy store in time out!

I knew something was going awry within me yesterday with my first reading.  The visuals were crisp, clear and detailed yet I had the hardest time opening to understanding what we were seeing.  I have a feeling I hit a codec (thanks to you) that is now opened and still very much assimilating within my consciousness for understanding and eventual use.  Obviously it has everything to do with the addition of Sirian energy these days… and then some!

But I do want to share some important things that we did get together.  She appeared on her acceleration point carrying a freshly baked cake.  The cake was still in the pan and she was preparing for this global acceleration time to fully infuse her cake with as much energy as she could integrate (I just call it icing on the cake.)  What caught me as a bit odd, she was energetic.  Her form shaped like a human, but deep golden energy.  Her cake, so flipping real… tangible, eatable even.  As she emerged thru the downpour of energy icing her cake, I watched as she cut a really large piece of cake at the edge of her acceleration point before it went downwards to her next creation, and simply held it outwards.  It was so real I could see the crumbs from having cut it.  I looked out over her landscape that is the remaining months of this year and man oh man there was a line of people, all single file, spread completely across her timeline.  I could not, for the life of me, identity these folks or even why they are lined up in her reading.  There were mostly kept in shadow energy, meaning I could not see them clearly… very much like the way I see my own divine counterpart in meditation… blotchy at best and no connection (consciousness) of the energy they represent.  At least not yet!!  They have to represent the Sirian side of life… and I don’t even know what that really means!!

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intuition Follow your intuition

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intuition

Follow your intuition


As you learn to follow and trust yourself and your feelings, your material needs are provided for. Cultivate this sense within yourself as it is one of the greatest tools you have. It, like any other muscle needs to be used and worked to stay strong. Take time each day to check in with yourself and ask that your intuition be 'on' throughout the day and whenever you need to make a choice, take a few moments and tune in.


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