The" Butterfly People" of Joplin Missouri ~09/18/2012

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 by angelicview

I heard a story from a friend of mine who volunteered to help rebuild houses in Joplin, Missouri, about the “Butterfly People” who were seen by children during the storm. These children said that these people saved their lives.

I was interested in what my friend said, so I went online and Googled “Butterfly People”. Take a look at some of these stories… and have kleenex handy!

Donna Provancher ~ Ophiuchus & September Equinox 2012 At Stonehenge

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We have become so accustomed to seeing Constellation Ophiuchus take a prominent place in the sky during Equinox and Solstice that by now we take it for granted.

The truth is that Ophiuchus is caught up in a rare set of Archaeoastronomy alignments to Stonehenge. The sequence began in 2011 and will continue through 2012 and on into 2013 as we shall see when March Equinox rolls around 6 months from now.

Archaeoastronomy (definition): The branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish the seasons or the cycle of the year, especially as evidenced in the construction of megaliths and other ritual structures.

If you know the location of the Milky Way Galaxy Center in relation to Constellation Ophiuchus (shown below) then you can put 2 and 2 together easily enough to see that these appearances of Ophiuchus in the Sacred Circle at Stonehenge are a product of the ongoing alignment-in-process of Earth and our Solar System with Galaxy Center.

The target date for the perfection of this alignment has been given as December 21, 2012.

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday September 18 2012

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by Gillian

Oracle Report | New Moon Phase – Moon in Libra/Scorpio

The energy is quite unique – elegant, regal, and aristocratic (in the highest sense of the word, not the elitist sense). We are securely wrapped in the arms of the goddess today and she is engendering a “knowingness.” You can easily feel this today if you open to it.


Today is the last day of the New Moon phase and Gaia/Sophia has been closeby. In order to fully experience the bounty of the deepening connection with her this month, it is important to intend the stronger connection now, during the New Moon phase. New Moon phases always set the tone for the remainder of the month. Thoughts and intentions carry the power of longevity, so maintain a high degree of integrity and intend to feel her presence.

You anchored, now uplift ~Brian, the dragon

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Hello humanity,

Some, not all, of you may have noticed that as you progressed in understanding who you are inside, that you could not fully shake negative influences and drama around you. You may have thought positive, done affirmations, and all other tools with only marginal success. Some have said that the old energy "dies hard", and that is true. However, there is another factor to consider: For the "bravest" of souls, you actually chose to dig really hard into lower vibrational energy for what really is a short time in order to help uplift everything.

Brave may not be the best word, since your souls know exactly what they are doing. Metaphorically, I have two scenarios to consider:
* If you are trying to clean off a beautiful gem that has been buried in soil. Do you clean off that gem by keeping your own hands clean but leaving the gem alone? Or do you lift that gem up and soak it with energy (water) until it's clean?
* If you are trying to lift a box to the next floor, do you do so by passing your hand over the box and then walking up the stairs without the box?

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Give From A Well That Is Full

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Everyday you honor the world with your prayers, with your words, with your intentions, and yet your personal life is falling apart at the seams.  Your energy is scattered. Your physical body is exhausted, and your sleep patterns are disrupted.  Your life has not been swept, cleaned or dusted because you are so busy giving your light away like a frivolous lighthouse keeper and not honoring your own needs.  Giving yourself as a sacrificial lamb, to every cause will not get you ahead of the game. Like a woman on a desert with a baby, she would automatically give the last water to the child, but she would perish. Who would then save the child? There is no future in giving until you are gone.

The ancient texts and mystery schools spoke of the energy of giving.  Giving from a well that was full, giving from a well that was cleansed and purified.  When you are full of love, and light– it radiates out touching everything in its path 360 degrees.  In this radiating there is a ripple effect, a multiplication of energy, touching everything from the blades of grass to the unfound stars.

When you are personally empty – no matter how many prayers you direct, how much light you radiate, how many affirmations and meditations you speak and pray – it will not reach its desired destination.  You can only truly give when you are full.

Maryland Residents Are Sick Of Being Spied On and Are Tearing Down Police Cameras

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Thank You to 2012thebigpicture


Looks like a few folks in Maryland are awake and active in protecting their sovereign rights. Police have to install cameras to protect their cameras! And did they come out of the tax payers pockets?

Police in Palmer Park, Md., plan to deploy cameras to surveil the other other cameras in their district.

Ari Ash of WTOP talked to police in the area, who said that local people had started targeting the speed cameras police put up in intersections, as well as surveillance cameras. The police said that since April, six people have been involved camera damaging activities.

Ascension Has Been in the Works for a Very Long Time

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 by Steve Beckow

Evidently Ascension has been known and planned for a very long time.  Melchizedek reminds us that the end times are the culmination of an evolutionary life cycle:

“At this juncture of Cosmic events, your World is drawing near to the end of one phase in its evolutionary life wave cycle and into a new beginning filled with hope, peace and harmony.

“These are the end times that have been prophesied many times in many ages past and now these times are upon you. You who read this are Ones who chose to be here in order to anchor the Light upon the Planet in preparation for these times.” (1)

“From the commencement of the last cycle over 12,000 years ago,” SaLuSa said in 2009, “it was known that it would be completed through the process of Ascension.”

Tolec ~ Andromeda Council Update “EARTH CHANGES An Overall Perspective, & the “Cosmic event”

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Tolec ~ Andromeda Council Update 9-17-12“EARTH CHANGES – An Overall Perspective, & the “Cosmic event” in greater context”

Posted on 2012/09/17

Commentary and Highlights from Kauilapele's Blog

Tolec emailed me about this update, which may be read on the Andromeda Coouncil FAQs page. When I saw the 9-17 through 9-22 period, it resonated with a series of dates I’d just seen at Gaiaportal.

I feel an agreement with most of this, although I sense that Earth changes, while they may be significant, and sweeping the planet, will not be “catastrophic” or “cataclysmic”.

How Many Times ~ Sun Square Galactic Center

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And how many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?
– Bob Dylan

The Virgo Sun squares the center of our galaxy at 10 am EDT Wednesday, asking how many times that aspect need repeat before we get it. Square aspects relate objects or points occupying different signs that share the same quality, either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Virgo is mutable, as is Sagittarius, where the Galactic Core is all but stationary. All squares represent a test of some sort, and the tension we feel when being tested.

Mutable squares test whether we are ready to release old patterns and enter a new season. Every time the Sun assumes mutable character, it means a new season is approaching for the whole world at once. Twice a year, when the Sun squares the Galactic Center, it always means the impending new season will begin with an equinox, which implies a test on the subject of equality.

~ Space Weather Update~ 3 Coronal Hole Blasts Incoming~

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CRESCENT MOON: Tonight, the crescent Moon is passing almost directly between Mars and Saturn. A good view of the western horizon is required to see the crossing. If you have one, go outside just after sunnset and take a look. Sky maps: Sept. 18, 19.


AUTUMN LIGHTS: Northern autumn is only days away, and that means aurora season is underway. For reasons researchers don't fully understand, equinoxes are the best times to see Northern Lights--especially around the Arctic Circle. Aurora tour guide Chad Blakley photographed this first sign of autumn from Abisko National Park on Sweden on Sept 14th:

"The auroras were in the sky as soon as the sun went down, and they continued to glow well into the morning," says Blakley. "It was another great night in Abisko."

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

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Mother Jones - David Corn, 9/17/12

During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:

Vatileaks: Pope's butler trial date set

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The Telegraph - AFP, 9/17/12

The Pope's former butler and a Vatican computer technician will go on trial starting September 29 on charges of leaking secret papers that unveiled fraud and intrigue in the Holy See.

Vatileaks: Pope's butler trial date set

Papal butler Paolo Gabriele (left, front) travelling with Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican Photo: EPA

The butler, Paolo Gabriele, has told investigators he was acting as an agent for the Holy Spirit to rid the Catholic Church of "evil and corruption".

He is accused of aggravated theft, which carries a sentence of up to six years in prison, in a scandal dubbed "Vatileaks" by the Italian press.

Bayou Corne residents still evacuated around sink hole

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WAFB - WAFB Staff, 9/17/12

NAPOLEONVILLE, LA (WAFB) -Work at the site of a giant sink hole in southeast Louisiana has once again come to a halt. This time the stoppage was caused by tremors in the area. This is not good news for residents near the sink hole.

It could be months before Bayou Corne residents who were evacuated last month are allowed to return home. The mini earthquakes that came ahead of the sink hole in Assumption Parish are back.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit


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