Meredith Murphy – Septemeber Equinox 2012 – Message From Archangel Michael

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Meredith Murphy – Septemeber Equinox 2012 – Message From Archangel Michael – 20 September 2012

The bell rings.  The tide turns and the wave begins to draw back, all the while in anticipation of the cresting.  The cycles of expansion and return are repeating, but with great emphasis now, and with massive implication.

The dawning of the new.~

Greetings My Beloved Family in Form,

The Earth has already established new resonance in the 5D sphere of expression, and this expression is now more expanded and you are experiencing it more.  As a result, you will notice that your heart’s desires seem more supported than before.  That you mysteriously are drawn to the right article, the right person, the right insight at the right time to help you move things forward more easily, more quickly.  Things will appear that you thought wouldn’t show up for some time and you’ll realize you’re enjoying something that you let go of even trying to manifest.  In the combination of your letting go and these expanding realms of 5D energy on Earth, many convergences are beginning to take place and acceleration and manifestation is and will continue to increase in availability and experience.

Heavenletter #4318 How Do You Count Vastness?, September 20, 2012

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 Heavenletter #4318 How Do You Count Vastness?, September 20, 2012 


God said: 

The Earth revolves around the Sun. In the world, these revolutions are counted, yet the Earth itself and the Sun that shines do not count. The sun beholds the Earth but does not count its revolutions. The Sun is so full, what would it count, and what would be the point of it? The Sun knows its prominence in Eternity. Swept up in Eternity, what on earth would the Sun count? Nor does the Earth itself count, for the Earth is bigger than that.

And yet My children count and get caught up in details when there is Wholeness to get caught up in.

My children count sheep. They count on their fingers. Numbers are counted, and yet I say that the digits called fingers count more than the numbers that represent them. Numbers are interesting, yet counting is not all it is purports to represent. And yet in the world, counting takes place, and counting has a prominence. How much money do you make? How many acres do you own? How many rooms in your house? How many trees? How many wives does a King have?

How do you count Vastness? Even in world terms, there is much that is uncountable. And yet My children count how many loves they have had when love is Oneness.

Cards are dealt and counted. Money is counted. There is some energy from dealing cards and counting money. There is some energy from the fingers that count. And yet love can not be counted, and love counts more than anything else.

We can say that love is the summit. It is the apex of life. Numbers are not. Oneness is.

Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies

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Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies


Gaia has called. Hue-manity answers.

Release points designated for the 2012 period remaining have been identified and energetic healing teams contacted.

Messages were received by all Gaia Ground level operatives on these teams.

Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies to occur after 9-22-12. Stargate Gaia transmits all such lower energies to Galactic Sol.

New Gaia energetic grids appear as connected golden pyramids that channel and intensify 5D-7D Cosmic Sol energies and reflect back only those to Gaia Inner. All lower energies are released via this grid, through Gaia Stargate, to Galactic Sol.

~ We Have alot Going On and Much To Discuss~ Join US~

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Join us Live at 10:30am Pacific for Our Council Meeting and Love Party.


We will be discussing our current energies, the Next Step for All of US, the disinformation which is coming out, many old channelers who have not jumped onto the One time line and what is Happening with Our Current events and Much More. 

Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific The Earth Allies will be coming on Camera Live to Discuss Current events.

Join us at this Link:


Planet wide Peace Here we come! Excitement is In the Air!


As Always when We come together Like this, We Produce a High Amount of Love Energy on The Planet. Join us to Ask your questions, Get a Lift Up In Vibrational Frequency, JOY, Laughter and Blasts of Love. AS everyone who enters does recieve this if they are ready!


Neil Keenan’s response to some of the statements made by a recent article

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Neil Keenan’s response to some of the statements made by a recent article

Posted on September 19, 2012 

Thank you to one of my readers, NT, who picked this up at Removing the Shackles. I don’t know who it was who sent the article there to Neil, but here is his response. (You don’t need to have read the article to understand his words.) He sets the facts straight. ~J

There was a Link in the Poof report yesterday titled Removing the Shackles here——>    I sent this to Neil Keenen and here is his response to that article.

[3:34:22 AM] Neil Keenan: You can answer Removing the Shackles with this JJ and say it is from me. No problem.

[3:36:14 AM] Neil Keenan: NEIL kEENAN said…

Genii Townsend: Planetary Make~Over Impact!

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With the intensity of the unseen but surly felt energies waving across the planet, it would be wise to recognize that what is unseen is truly in process and one must be aware lest, they suffer from the impact of unknowing cause severe mental and physical harm to themselves or others.

This is not to say that Love is not important as, it is the very being of the new coming into effect. This is pre-word to the wise. We give you this incite now due, to what may take place over the next few months on your planet.

Elevation of the planet ‘movements’ are possible. People being extra emotional is part of this. Even the animals need to be reassured that all is well for them. This is the time to go within to feel the presence of being safe and loved as scattered minds develop unsettlement easily.

Expect the government to have to make large changes due to peoples frustrations as stemming from the continual set of Light/love Waves flowing, which is picked up by the body power centers. Each moment is precious and should be lived as such with love and appreciation for anything to develop that gives you a lift. People will begin to join more together as in groups even from countries far away.

The people of your world today go what is called ‘off the deep end’ from not knowing why they do what they do, especially when the mind is unsettled.

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents... 


The Rites of Passage 2012 

Begins this Sunday, September 23

12 Week Program  






All Planetary Light Servers are Invited


In this moment of human history, it is incredible to behold the awe-inspiring power of Divine Remembrance springing forth from within the awakening hearts and minds of the masses. We are bearing witness to the global revelation that not only is God present within us but also that WE are the physical reflection of the supreme Divine Presence upon the Earth. 

After years of successfully navigating the narrow road of self mastery fraught with extraordinary challenges, the actualization of our true nature is finally upon us. This inner realization of our union with Source is rippling out to include all life as we come to understand on a tangible level that every atom in creation is a part of the interconnected whole.  


Randomly Scattered or a Divine Plan?

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a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Tuesday, 18 September, 2012  (posted 19 September, 2012)

For many fellow travellers riding the waves of shift and change, this seems to be a time of disquiet and uncertainty, confusion and angst. There is a sense of the blurring of boundaries and the merging of consciousness between different levels of awareness, and this is creating feelings of disconnection from both the Self and the Whole. Discord is emerging from within, creating storylines and patterns that feel incongruent and overwhelming, and despite intuitively sensing the ‘bigger picture’, it is hard not to feel isolated and alone, cut off and disconnected.

Emotions begin to surface from anger to ecstasy, but they have no clear source or direction. They can be present one moment and gone the next, and the roller coaster can twist and turn in a flash. Trying to understand such shifts is understandable, but it can make the confusion even more intense as there seems to be little logic to the situation.

A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife

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A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife


‘The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ A historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a papyrus fragment in the Coptic language that she says contains the first known statement saying that Jesus was married. The fragment also refers to a female disciple.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Abundant Energy Cultivate playful, joyous energy

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Abundant Energy

Cultivate playful, joyous energy

It is so very easy to get caught up in the mental energy that prevails all around you now, however the best way for you to make use of all this excess energy right now is to take a few deep breaths and release it, then channel it into joyous energy like taking the time to be creative or play. This helps you create miracles and manifestations, and takes a time out from any heavy thoughts that have been weighting you down. Do your best to find a way to take a mini vacation from any strife or worry and just have some fun.


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