September 21: Largest Global Meditation for Peace

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Organizations from around the world have come together with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history.

There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world,

starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.

There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary

Pulses of Peace.

Lisa Gawlas - The Distorted Field Of Our Memories That Make Up Our Perceived Reality!

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There are two major things I am coming to realize on this grand 2 week adventure; First and foremost, I now completely understand why monks choose to segregate themselves from the world to work on their spiritual journey!  I have been so on the go, so wonderfully interactive with those I am visiting that the way I live my spiritual connections does not even exist right now.  It really is a strange feeling to live like this once again… and that is to say, not a moment in the stillness, just constantly going and going and going!

Secondly, our memories are housed in very murky waters, distorted, if not completely repainted by time and space long separated from actual events.  Even things that have zero emotional charge to them, for me, completely distorted and for the most part, remembered without a whole lot of truth.  A couple of examples from my time with my father.  I knew he had native amercian blood in him, I could have swore over all these decades that I remember his father was full native amercian and raised on a reservation.  Not even close to true.  His grandmother was full Mohawk not his father, his father was english (or something.)  I was also absolutely sure he had like 4 or 5 brothers, one being just a bit older than me… another distortion of my mind.  He had two brothers, neither even close to my age.  I was also sure my two youngest sisters, when I lived with them (in 1976) was 4 and 6 years old.  Not even close!  One wasn’t even walking yet.  I have zero memories of a baby in the house!

I mention these things because not one of them matter to my personal life story.  What about those memories that are affecting me/us today that do matter.  That are still firing emotions from a perception that may be totally inaccurate?

The manuscript of survival – part 197

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The manuscript of survival – part 197


 •September 18, 2012 •

As you have already noticed, things have started to heat up yet again, not only in your mass media, but also inside your own bodies. The energies seem to be almost running rampant at times, but although the respite you had may have been brief, it was enough to make you more than well prepared for what you have coming up. Let us explain. Even if it does not in fact feel like it, your bodies have become so well adapted to all of these surges in the energyfields around you, so now, they are almost instantly up to par no matter how high the voltage of the latest ”bombs” that hit your fields had. In other words, you have become very adept at absorbing and assimilating these new frequencies. And even if your physical and mental bodies still sound off their protests at this, they are in fact much more adaptable than before, and they take a much shorter time in equalizing out the balance as it were and finding a steady stance on the new level it has been hoisted too. In other words, beneath all of these aches and pains, grins and groans, your whole ”machinery” is working super fast to adjust, unperturbed by any superficial irritation. 

Typhoon Sanba batters 2 Koreas after drenching Japan; 2 killed in S. Korea

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The Washington Post - AP, 9/17/12

SEOUL, South Korea — A powerful typhoon lashed North and South Korea with strong wind and heavy rain, killing two people in landslides, leaving hundreds of others homeless and triggering blackouts in the South, officials said Tuesday.

In North Korea, rain drenched parts of the country, including the eastern coastal city of Wonsan, but did not reach the capital, Pyongyang, which was windy Monday but spared the heavy rains that lashed the South Korean capital.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Peregrine Financial Group CEO pleads guilty to cheating investors

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Los Angeles Times - AP,  9/17/12

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Peregrine Financial Group Chief Executive Russ Wasendorf Sr. has pleaded guilty to carrying out a 20-year fraud that duped investors and transformed his image from a highly regarded businessman to one of Iowa's most notorious corporate criminals.

During a court hearing in Cedar Rapids on Monday, Wasendorf, 64, admitted to the $200-million fraud that he first confessed in a note found on him after he made an unsuccessful suicide attempt in July. He pleaded guilty to charges of mail fraud, embezzling customer funds and making false statements to two regulatory agencies.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Two Indonesian Volcanoes Awaken, Rattling Nerves

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Jakarta Globe - Ismira Lutfia, 9/17/12

Smoke and ash billow from North Maluku

Smoke and ash billow from North Maluku's Gamalama on Sunday. (Antara Photo/Rosa Panggabean)

Two of Indonesia’s most active volcanoes erupted on Saturday, prompting the government to issue warnings to populations living near the affected mountains.

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) said on Sunday that new eruption started at Lokon in North Sulawesi and Gamalama at Ternate in North Maluku.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Agartha ~ Inner Earth Entrance~ Requested Repost~

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This is the First Movie ever to be seen of the Polar entrance & the powerful Aurora Borealis like energy field that is occurring at the entrance. This is litterally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking.( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a couragous russian Wistle Blower).

Proof of the Existence of Inner Earth Kingdom:
This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Innner Earth. The Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensionnal inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth. They are the descendants of Lumeria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light.

Transitions – Great Astrological Article By Len Wallick

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Denise Le Fay – Transitions – Great Astrological Article By Len Wallick – 18 September 2012

Astrology by Len Wallick


And how many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?

– Bob Dylan

“The Virgo Sun squares the center of our galaxy at 10 am EDT Wednesday, asking how many times that aspect need repeat before we get it. Square aspects relate objects or points occupying different signs that share the same quality, either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Virgo is mutable, as is Sagittarius, where the Galactic Core is all but stationary. All squares represent a test of some sort, and the tension we feel when being tested.

Mutable squares test whether we are ready to release old patterns and enter a new season. Every time the Sun assumes mutable character, it means a new season is approaching for the whole world at once. Twice a year, when the Sun squares the Galactic Center, it always means the impending new season will begin with an equinox, which implies a test on the subject of equality.

Heavenletter #4316 A Flower Planted in Another Pot, September 18, 2012

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Heavenletter #4316 A Flower Planted in Another Pot, September 18, 2012 


God said: 


It is essential that you remember your worth to yourself, to the world, and to Me. Yet how easily you forget. You who are gold, you who are My gold, too often see only tarnish, and you accept that picture of yourself.

You are True Gold. That can only be soul.

The role you play in the world is the role you play. It is not you.

Of course, bring more of the soulness of you to the fore. Of course, you are more than your presentation to the world and your presentation to yourself. You can fool yourself. You can fool the world, but you cannot fool Me. Beneath the tarnish, I see your Heart of God, and now I commend you to see it.

Let your mind be a sieve. Only what remains in the sieve are the pieces too big to slip through. Let the smaller assessments of yourself fall through the sieve of your mind. Attend to what remains. Let go what needs to let go.

Benjamin Fulford 9-17-12 Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal

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Commentary Thank You to Kauilapele's Blog : That’s not Ben’s original title, but I felt it captured the essence of his latest report. He discusses a lot here, and it certainly appears that “the cabal” are flailing out as much as they can to create havoc where they can. Fortunately, we have information from Ben and others, that point us to what is actually going on. The Libya “event” was likely a non-event (a great game would be, “Where’s Waldo”, or Where’s the ‘Libyan Benghazi Consulate’”? Check it out here. Find one?) From what I’ve seen, every standard media channel drones the same type of story about Libya “event”, and so on. Well, the queen bee does need her drones.

Much of this most of us would be in a tough position to validate all of Ben’s points, although I can say there was no website listed for any Libya Benghazi consulate at the US State Department embassy website (that by itself may not prove that there is no consulate, however; maybe there’s just no website for it).


Given what Ben is going through, perhaps one might consider a donation to his work.

The Galactic Free Press Update: The old is falling, and The Higher Grid is Ready~

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Platja de Sant Salvador, port de Coma-ruga - Ull_Viu - site


Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are currently spiraling around the Planet. The Old is going out and change is inevitable! Yesterday, the consciousness dipped down on the Planet, and as this occurred a Huge Energy of Love came in. These Incoming Energies will Merge with this Weekends Equinox and Some Help from The Sun. As a Result, Many More Awakenings will Occur, which will Really Help Us Light Up this Planet. The Higher Grid is Ready!



Those powers who were are now panicking as they are discovering no matter what attempts are made, they cannot stop or prevent the Lights Divine Events from Manifesting.



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