Cobra Fall of the Reptilian Empire Video Format

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Fall of the Reptilian Empire - Infos and relax...

September 9th 2012.
We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.

Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.

Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

More infos:

Kauilapele's Blog:A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran

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Posted on 2012/09/12

“Hold the Light” (click to enlarge)


This is not a political post, of any kind. I will not post details here. I simply point to this message posted by jhaines6. You may read this if you wish. And follow Higher Guidance.

The essence of the recent trip which we all took to Kauai, was to open new, and/or expand existing, Portals of Light in Hawaii, yes, and around the world. This was accomplished.

White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM

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News Release
September 14, 2012 

White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM

Washington, DC -- A petition calling for the reinvestigation of an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947 has been posted on the White House website.  It is part of the White House's "We the People" project and resides at: 

The petition reads as follows:

Power Path ~ New Moon Update Sep/15/2012 with Pat Liles

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Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Saturday, September 15 at 8:11PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a great time to work with the themes of the month and to commit to a new action plan, set some new goals and then show the universe you are serious by taking one little baby action step towards something on your list. Actions speak louder than words and certainly louder than anything written. So do something to show that you serious about what you have chosen and where you are headed. Some of what is on this new action plan may be a bit surprising to you,but if you have had a clear message from spirit to do something even if it was "not in your plan", you better listen.
Written by Patricia Liles
Contact her at

New Moon
Sun and Moon in Virgo – 23º
Saturday, September 15, 2012 – 8:11 PM MDT
(September 16, 2:11 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Patrick Sullivan: Agartha For the Equinox Group

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Hello we are Lona and Rai of the inner Earth, we are from what is termed Agartha. We have been communicating with all of you for eons and like any communication it is important to listen and discern for yourselves if the information coming through is a truth for you. You all have the ability to measure what is a truth for your selves and what may not be a truth. We have chosen Patrick to communicate our messages outwardly and allow him to post these messages, these communications with brothers and sisters you have been acquainted for from millennia and beyond. We use his blue beam of light sent within the inner planet so he may feel grounded to the earth and also so that we may send our love and strength to him and those that are willing to receive that love and wisdom. Through his third eye Patrick sends his blue beam into the sun for his own balancing of being in these moments of communication.


Laughing Buddha(s) 2

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After the warm welcome to our first LAUGHING BUDDHA video, it would have been a shame not to pursue with sharing those amazing moments of liberating laughter... They were quite frequent during satsang with Papaji, and so are they with dear Moojiji.

This is an extract from:
Be the Buddha with No Bliss

31st May 2010 (Session 2), Brixton, London.

Instead of reading the Avadhuta Gita only, Mooji starts with an unusually detailed commentary on its verses: You are the one Purity, you are not the mind, not the body... but the conscious presence, 'I AM' has become distorted through identification with the body and mind phenomena. A questioner relates his path of 'issues and tissues' until Mooji interrupts and sent all of it into 'the land of was'. Even if we don't feel bliss, we are still the choiceless self... we don't need any 'Buddha Certificate'. Even if we see the world as a movie, there is still a subtle form of 'me'-self. What is aware of it?
Another questioner triggers uproars of laughter in the room, as his question crumbles each time he attempts to present it as, "The question was..." After the laughter settles, Mooji emphasises: "The question WAS!" ...

To read more and find the Full DVD, go to:

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Unleash Your Creative Power ~

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 Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 13, 2012


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress.


Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.

My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late. 

Behold the Lightness of your Being. Behold the Joy within your hearts. Hold on to that and do not identify with the energies that are releasing, which are immense and can sometimes trick you into believing that this is still your reality. But, alas, it is not.

Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete

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Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete…


Full portal opening in Éire and expansion of existing Éire Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Full portal opening in Gizeh and expansion of existing Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Connection of Éire Stargate and Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Mirror Stargates in Hawaii, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Texas (US), have connected with these via 5D-7D conduits.

Antonio Urzi: Another UFO recorded over Cinisello Balsamo, Italy 8-Sep-2012

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Antonio Urzi: Another UFO recorded over Cinisello Balsamo, Italy 8-Sep-2012

UFO videos 2012 - This daytime unidentified flying object was recorded by UFO contactee Antonio Urzi over his hometown Cinisello Balsamo, a comune in the Province of Milan in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 10 km northeast of Milan downtown. This was taken on Saturday, 8th September 2012.


Be The Peace: a global meditation and prayer for Peace

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Global Coherence Initiative 
Be The Peace: a global meditation and prayer for Peace
Dear People of the Planet

We invite you to participate by joining with the Global Coherence Initiative for the inaugural Be The Peace observance, which we hope will be one of the largest globally synchronized meditation and prayer events ever. GCI is collaborating with organizations worldwide that are coming together to make this international observance happen. 

Be The Peace will be held, on the International Day of Peace, Friday, Sept. 21, the date designated 30 years ago by the United Nations General Assembly for an annual commemoration and commitment to the ideals of peace between and among all nations and peoples. 

Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step

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Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

September 13, 2012 


Spanish        Portuguese

We begin today’s message by noting with chagrin the current squabbles about different channels.  We see no positive potential in such conflict.  Channels receive information from whomever they resonate with.  Readers choose which to read or not read.  The ultimate choice is with the individual reader.  Discernment is urged when reading all channels.  At this point in your journey, you should be able to make such distinctions for yourselves, either between channels, or even between concepts from the same channel.  Please see that, in the developing conversation between our dimension and yours, you are growing and progressing daily.  It is not that we are coming to your rescue, dear ones.  It is that you are approaching the dimensional awareness which you have been estranged from.  You are, of course, free to hold whatever opinions you choose.  We ask, however that you not indulge in conflict between lightworkers.  This is not productive, and in many cases is taken advantage of by negative energies, if not indeed instigated by them.

Petitioning United Nations : Support the Keshe Foundation technologies

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Petitioning United Nations



United Nations: Support the Keshe Foundation' technologies for power, water, food, space





link for the petition:


Your Excellency,

We, the inhabitants of the planet Earth, ask you urgently, but respectfully to use your prestige, knowledge, experience and the UN-network to support and promote the space technology, water technology, power generation technology, environmental systems (direct CO2/CH4 capturing, nuclear waste cleaning), protein and food production systems, all technologies of the Keshe Foundation, developed by Nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli KESHE ( It has been proven safe, clean, productive and virtually an unlimited source of energy.

With this technology we will be able to reverse the damage done to our planet Earth and replace the environmentally harmful energy systems we have so long depended on.

In addition to this, it is our opinion the Keshe power technology is the only independent point-of-demand technology that is able to give rapidly electricity to the 1,5 Billion people, our brothers and sisters, which lack electrical power today. Within 15 years that number will grow and become 1,6 Billion (because the new grid infrastructure is too expensive).


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