Reminder - Mission Statement for 2012

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Calling All Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers:


A Mission Statement for 2012




I am coming to life. I am waking up. I am awakening to my True Self. I am! I am! I am!


I am coming out to greet the world, to share my story, to be a man/woman, to be a contributor, to be a helper, caregiver, supporter and guide. I am a guide to the New Age. I have been here before. I know the way. I can retrace my steps. I can be who I came here to be.


I am coming out of my shell. Sometimes I take action. Sometimes I can’t do anything but wait and pray; then it’s time to just listen. I can only move when I am being urged to move. Some days I am half asleep, groggy, stumbling around, unsure of what to do, unsure of where to go, within that fog so to speak. I appear to be stumbling around between worlds.


I am releasing my hold on 3D and have already planted one foot in 5D. I have just lifted my other foot off 3D and am about to plant it as well on the 5D landscape. That makes me nervous. Because when I do plant that second foot, I say goodbye to 3D forever.



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The following is excerpted from Solar Revolution: Why Mankind Is on the Cusp of an Evolutionary Leap, recently published by Evolver Editions/North Atlantic Books.

Until recently astrophysicists believed that solar flares were a completely random phenomenon. But in recent years, patterns of solar flare cycles have been discovered using supercomputers.
And what's amazing about these cycles is that they coincide with the periods in the Mayan calendar.

In addition to the Tzolkin calendar, which consisted of 260 days, the Mayans also had the Haab, whose 360 days and 5 so-called "nameless" days make it essentially the same as the modern lunar calendar. The Haab was mainly used to determine the most propitious time for planting and harvesting. Another Mayan calendar, known as the Long Count, is based on astronomical calculations of the solar year, and in terms of our calendar extends from 3114 BC to December 21, 2012 -- which is also the end date of the Tzolkin calendar.

Close asteroid encounter tonight exposes potential hazard

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A newly discovered asteroid - called 2012 QG42 - approaching the Earth will reach its minimum distance from our planet tonight (Sept. 13-14). However, be assured there is no reason to panic, at least this time.

This relatively large 625 feet to 1,400 feet wide body will zip by no closer than about 7.5 times the distance to the moon (1.8 million miles).Officially, it has been designated a “potentially hazardous asteroid” (PHA) by the Minor Planet Center, applied to any asteroid (or comet) which may pose a threat (though this one does not).

During its passage 2012 QG42 will be opposite the sun from the Earth and therefore relatively bright, but not bright enough for viewing by the small telescopes typically used by amateur astronomers (like myself).

Love is the Right and Only Decision

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~From Lisa Blackman~

 ~Only love will heal our world. Only love will make us expand. Only love will open the heart and heal the soul. Only love will get us through the darkness. Only love creates the light. Only love can generate the heat of the night. Only love is real,… the rest is just the past that needs to be healed. It’s just an illusion to keep you in seclusion. It’s the ego fighting with the soul. Only love can make everything all right. Only love can slay the dragons that lay within the mind. Only love can replace pain with passion. Only love will heal the wounding of our world. Only love will come to you when your heart is open. Only love will heal your heart when it’s been broken. Only love will open all the doors. It evens all the scores. Only love will see you through it all, and make all your dreams come true. Only love is real. Only love can turn make believe into reality. Only love can turn the water into wine. Only love can make all of your work worthwhile. Only love can make you feel really good inside. Only love creates the divine within your soul. Only love can turn the illusion of our separateness into The truth of our oneness. ~


It’s OK to Mope ~Steve Beckow~

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A lot of people these days are saying they are moping, kind of dragged out, not inspired, etc.

I was this morning. In the bath, moping, wondering when the party would start.  Even though I know that arrangements are going ahead behind the scenes, I still wanted things to go faster and get more exciting. And my friends overseas were in the same boat and others in the East, etc.

I described it to a friend as being like standing outside the gates of a New Year’s Eve public bash that said it would open at 7:00. And then they said 8:00. And then 9:00. And finally at 10:00 they opened but by then I had lost a lot of my enthusiasm.

Over the course of the day, as more and more exciting things were discussed, I emerged from my down space. But even if I hadn’t, what a friend in Europe told me was very deeply interesting. Just unto itself.

She pointed to all the messages that said that we’d need to go down into the depths of despair before we emerged on the other side. She cited the latest message from Kryon on the matter, some things that Adamu said, and even Archangel Michael the other day saying all our “what ifs” are emerging.

Commitment to Positivity~ by Wes Annac

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Fill yourselves with everything that makes your heart sing out in joy.

Joyful, happy and celebratory emotions are natural and they allow our chakras to open up clearly and to funnel-through the energy we bring through ourselves by expressing joy, happiness and celebration.

Allow yourselves to feel and literally be all that makes you happy.

Throughout every single day of your Lives, notice only that which makes you happy and turn away from all that doesn’t. You are not being naïve or even ignoring a prevalent aspect of Life by doing so as some may suggest, because our reality is truly what we make of it and what we Create in any given moment. Darkness and density have been prevalent on this world for so long because the darkness has been instilled unto the people who have fed it!

Once we learn to break through the matrix of density, we can quite literally eliminate the negative from our Lives. It first takes garnering the positive perspective that, rather than seeing you hide away from the lower aspects of Life, literally helps you to get past those lower aspects and find a prevalent happiness at all times – no matter the circumstances.

~a Short story about Father and Mother God~

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~a short story about Father and Mother God~


When I met them I did not know that I was going to be able to improve in many things; especially in writing. Of course I have done this, but not in the way I do it now. Inspiration started to come into my heart, for their love for humanity and this earth is so grand, that it’s really contagious.


Before I met them, I was in my search for the truth, that truth that all of us look when we try to understand who we really are. So in my search there they were. Radiant and sprinkling love to all of us and to make it clear that we are magnificent human angels full of love and that we had to understand this and wake up to enjoy the truth about who we really are.


There Shall be No More Death ~ Part 3/3

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2012 September 13

 by Steve Beckow

We conclude our series on health and longevity near and after Ascension by looking in more depth at what our new bodies and our experience in them will be like.

More on Our New Bodies

Some people believe that we will simply have bodies of light in the Fifth Dimension. Matthew Ward tells us that is not so. In his answer he goes into the history of the changes to our physical form.

“Yes, in fifth density you will have bodies, you won’t be ‘light beings without form.’ This is an excellent question as it begs clarification of how your current bodies can function along Earth’s ascension pathway. Souls that absorb the light, which is constantly available to all, are changing at cellular level from carbon-based third density bodies to crystalline-based bodies that can survive in the higher frequencies.

US Ambassador Killed in Libya: Yemeni Protesters Storm US Embassy

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Killed in Libya: Ambassador Chris Stevens.

US Ambassador Killed in Libya: Yemeni Protesters Storm US Embassy

 Commentary by Stephen Cook: You can call me a sceptic, but I’d much prefer you call me an optimist. I am a Lightworker, after all.

Something just isn’t sitting comfortably for me with regards this sudden anti-US feeling in both Libya and Yemen – and oh, so close to being 11 years since 9/11.

If the ‘dark’ could do what they did on September 11, 2001 – killing thousands, creating panic and fear, and receding basic freedom and human rights throughout the world – why wouldn’t they sacrifice one man to start a new ‘religious’ frenzy of fear and xenophobia? 

This is all too predictable for me. Tragic, but predictable.


Selacia~ Prepare for the Equinox Energy Gateway

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Preparing for an energy gateway like the September Equinox is less about doing and more about being still. For the most benefit, find a quiet place without distractions, stilling your mind long enough to hear your inner voice about this juncture. Connect with your heart, emptying your mind of thoughts and simply breathe. When you are still long enough, letting go of agendas and concerns, the voice of your inner wisdom can get your attention. The quieter you allow yourself to become, the more you can hear.

There is a place deep within your being that remembers why you came to Earth and why these moments in time are so precious and vital to the progression of your soul. You want to access this wisdom now, as you prepare for the new energy threshold of Equinox.
Invite your inner wisdom to come into your conscious awareness, intersecting with your present energy and your intentions for the next phase. Ask for a multidimensional perspective.

This larger picture from spirit will help you to adjust your thinking, balance your emotions, and update your view of yourself. Chances are, you are not dreaming big enough and you discount your progress to date. Having a distorted view of your own progress can go hand in hand with doubting that the world is becoming a more loving place. While this is normal thinking for so many people today, you must not settle for normal. 

The Emergence

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"The Emergence" has begun.

The prophecy says, 'Let the dawn come.
Let all the people and all the creatures have peace,
let all things live happily, for love must not only be
between humans, but between all living things.

They said, 'We are the Children of the Sun,'
and we are... Awakening As One.


Children of the Sun Take to the World Stage.
Children of the Sun Foundation

Cosmic Awareness: Nibiru is Approaching ~ The Effects Are Being Felt

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Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff

Joan Mills, Questioner and Energizer


Cosmic Awareness

That the Law of Love has been received, that this Awareness is prepared at this time to offer this message. That it is a message of urgency for those who at this time are experiencing difficult times. It is a message to help many understand that
the final months of these “end times” are indeed underway and that many individuals are experiencing at this time extreme difficulty mentally, emotionally and physically.

That part of what this is to do with is the energies of the planet Nibiru that is accelerating now toward Mother Earth . It has been proceeding towards the planet for some time now and there are many sites on the internet that are showing
pictures of the winged disk, for that is how Nibiru is presenting itself: a disk-like object with two streaming wings of light and energy streaming outwards from it and backwards from it.


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