There Shall be No More Death ~ Part 2/3

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 by Steve Beckow

Let’s continue our discussion of the new health conditions that will occur near and after Ascension. In this article we look at new healing technologies and the fate of diseases and pests. In the article after this, which will conclude this series, we’ll look at our new bodies in depth.

Self-Healing and New Healing Techniques

On the subject of self-healing, SaLuSa said recently:

“You have untold powers that will come to you as you approach the end time, and you will take these with you and advance them to even higher levels. Healing for example would become instantaneous by the power of thought.” (1)

In July of this year, he offered a substantial discussion of the way to approach self-healing.

~Space Weather Update~ Pair of Coronal Holes, Missle Show, and Polar Lights

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MORNING MISSILE SHOW: This morning in Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada, early risers witnessed a plume of iridescent gas twisting in the dawn sky. It was the icy exhaust of a Juno rocket launched from Fort Wingate in Gallup, New Mexico. The Juno was a target for another missile, a Patriot interceptor, launched shortly thereafter. This military test was conducted by the White Sands Missile Range. Images: #1, #2, #3, #4

POLAR LIGHTS: In the Arctic, springtime ended months ago. Nevertheless, butterflies have been sighted. This one appeared last night over Grøtfjord, Norway:

Helge Mortensen took the picture on Sept. 12th. "The auroras were not a strong as some I've seen, but it was still nice to be outside and watch such a beautiful apparition," he says.

Konstantinos: Jesus Sananda and Mikos-’About Awakening’

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Konstantinos: Jesus Sananda and Mikos-’About Awakening’

Posted by kp40

Hello dear friends. As the time passes, I can feel more the connection between me and other entities of the Light. I have learned that I share a past life relationship with Mikos and Inner Earth, which got ensured when I recalled my astral experience of being there. The landscape was full of pure light.

Recently, on September 9th 2012, I received a telepathic picture of energetic crystal patterns from Mikos, the Lemurian guardian of Porthologos Library in the city of Catharia under the Aegean Sea.

NDAA Blocked By Federal Judge

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Citing the "chilling effect" the act has on free speech, a federal judge on Wednesday permanently blocked the military from enforcing the National Defense Authorization Act.

The NDAA allows the federal government to indefinitely detain anyone, including American citizens, accused of aiding or participating in terrorism.

The act sparked an avalanche of criticism from journalists and professors alike who claimed it hampered their professions and left them in fear of prosecution.

And on Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest — who issued a preliminary injunction against the act in May — sided with NDAA opponents, saying the act was too vague and violates the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, Courthouse News Service reported yesterday.

12 Healthiest Food in Brazil’s Daily Life

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12 Healthiest Food in Brazil’s Daily Life

14th Septemeber 2012

By Angela Corrias

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Traveling around the world shows that the presence of fast-foods is increasing at a worryingly large scale. However, while eateries of the likes of McDonalds are scattered almost everywhere, it’s impossible not to notice how locals of every country are proud of their native gastronomic traditions.

Brazil is one of the fastest developing countries and, inevitably, with wealth came consumerism. At first sight, fast-foods and soft drinks seem way too popular, but we shall not forget that the country has a glorious indigenous food routine natives are proud of and is a big producer of many types of foods with precious health benefits.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~Comfort Comfort and joy are always available

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Thursday, September 13, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~Comfort

Comfort and joy are always available


Everyone needs to feel love and that they are supported. Everyone needs to feel they are not alone at times on their journey. If you are feeling along, afraid, in pain, loss, or any other challenge or difficulty, sit quietly and call upon your angels to surround you in their love and light. You will feel their energy when you relax and let go and just feel the love offered to you. Ask them to soothe away your worries or sadness and transform it with love.

As summer fades away

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As summer fades away…

Posted on September 13, 2012

The evenings are growing cool now, cool enough that I should bring the potted plants indoors but I just can’t quite give up the delight of being outdoors. One can see the stray maple tree on the hillsides beginning to turn colors. Fall is upon us and winter is close enough to hear it breathing at the back door. Harvest time! I finally had to give in and buy a small freezer. I have so much to freeze but no space. It will make up for itself quickly when I can cut down on trips into town. It feels really nice to see all the goodies lined up on the freezer shelves. A productive summer harvest. These are the simplicities of life that give it meaning that we have grown away from. The grocery stores replaced the family farms and over time the packaged foods have replaced the home-grown vegetables and our health began to take a nose dive. Tending to ourselves, our health, our food, our homes gives a huge boost to our self-worth, that in today’s world is so sorely lacking.

Lady Portia ~~ The possibility of the impossible ~

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Lady Portia ~~ The possibility of the "impossible" ~~ 13/09/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont

My precious Hearts. I greet you lovingly from the bottom of my heart. What we are witnessing now on your world is truly wonderful! That what you cannot see, that what is really unfolding is unimaginable. Countless souls are converting to the Light ; countless souls return to their original Light. And this is so breathtakingly beautiful to behold, my dear Hearts.That conversion and the rebirth into the Light suit you well. I am truly amazed by the gradation of the Light that you have been able to allow into your hearts and, up until now,  this really is a lot. It appears that you have found the appropriate norm in this and more Light is now arriving in your world. This makes my heart jump for joy and this applies to you also.

The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “Rest And Relax. Live As We Live.” By Bella Capozzi. September

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The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “Rest And Relax. Live As We Live.” By Bella Capozzi. September 13, 2012.


♥ Hello again, Sweet Cousins.  We feel such joy and elation to once again be able to share with you, and on this day we wish to hold discourse on the topics of rest and relaxation.   Oh, but yes, we sense your immediate reactions to those two words and how clearly do we hear your incredulous gasps.  “Rest and relax“, you ask?  “However might I do that whilst I have so very many important commitments?  Others depend on me for their very survival, thus I cannot leave them unattended.   I must study, I must conduct my meditations and my clearing, I must keep house, I must work hard to keep myself afloat-oh, Dear Dolphin Brethren, the list I keep is many pages long!  Your lives are quite enviable, but I cannot live as you do.

♥ We fully and compassionately comprehend the enormous pressures placed upon yourselves, both in service to your own and Gaia’s Ascension timeline, and also in devoted love and service to others.  How wondrous we find you to be, that you are able to wear so many hats and still remain sane, intact and unsullied by the chaos which swirls about you.  It is commendable, to be sure.  It is why you were selected to lead.  Yet in your dedication we also observe that far too many of you have become neglectful of your own self-care.  You are are worn to the bone; tired, both physically and energetically.  Whilst healers in your own right, it is clear to us that a great many of you are in need of healing yourselves.  You have taken on the burdens of those whom you serve so faithfully, yet without sufficiently clearing from your field all residual energy.  A weary body shall not be able to receive the full benefits offered by the consistent flow of powerful incoming activations, which are permeating the Earth’s atmosphere at this time.  We lovingly advise that you try to add an hour or two to your present sleep-schedule, as these energies are only going to increase in intensity, and your evolving bodies must be primed and ready to receive them.

Emotional Arrows

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Emotional Arrows




Our greatest and darkest moments are now readily available.  It is a time of choosing.  We are entering a period when all will be laid before us.  The best of us.  The not so stellar.

Assistance is available within.  We know when a thought, word or action does not coincide with the opinion of our greater self, by how we feel when it shows up.  If it feels bad then it is not in concert with your plan before you got here.

The manuscript of survival – part 195

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The manuscript of survival – part 195


 •September 13, 2012 • 

As we have so often touched upon earlier, the upheavals and changes you all perceive inside yourselves may not always be apparent on the outside. So the seeming discrepancy between what you experience in your physical body and what you see in the world around you seems to be great indeed. In other words, why do not the rest of the world notice what is going on? In fact, they do, but as they do not have any reference points or vocabulary that can help to make things clear to them, much will be stored under the label of ”confusing feelings and happenings.” So yes, they are not totally unaware of what is going on around them, but they have either surpressed it all, or they are too uncertain or afraid to voice it out loud, even to themselves.

Lisa Gawlas - Living In The Moment – Together – Without Yesterday In Tow!

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I am truly relearning so much about life, about the excitement of being IN life true my grandson.  This morning tho, I am realizing how much more I am learning in Being here and why.  Even with the absolute synchronicity of having just written about the various functions of the brain, which is still very fresh in my own brain of understanding. We are wired, energetically, to be together.  To live together, to feel each others needs and to thrive together in the Wholeness of Love.

For now the whole world is too large a landscape to think about, instead, the world at large is so incredibly reflecting all of our own dysfunctions, our own fears of separation back to us.  But if we scale this all down to a community.  But, I am ahead of myself in this sharing, let me back up for a moment. 


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