Valerie Donner ~ The Groundcrew ~ A Message Form Mira From The Pleiadian High Council

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Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, currently on mission with the Earth Council.


As you can well imagine, we are monitoring the Earth’s situation diligently. So much is happening that you don’t know about. You are not being told much of what is actually occurring because those that control the media do not want you to be informed. They continue to want to create a semblance of fear so they can keep you under control. At some point there will be a resounding change in this behavior for what is needed for you to know will be told. They will not be able to prevent the truth from coming out.


In the way of life, truth is a natural outflow of the energies of life. In the third dimension on the Earth these natural energies have been tampered with, however, on an energetic and soul level all is known even if it cannot be expressed. When you are in the higher dimensions you will be telepathic and so your communication will be improved. You will always be tuned into what you need for your life, love, safety and protection. This also explains why you are being gifted with increased empathy. It helps your awareness levels and is teaching you to follow more of the God within.


9-5-12 Bill Ballard ~ Sacred Sex ~ The Merging of the Participant's Chakras & Energy Fields

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This is a subject that can go deep... Ha, Pun Intended! I have heard so many persons lately speaking of relationships and the changes as we are going through our individual ascension processes. Many of the women are discouraged at their male partners and wanting something far different than what we collectively have experienced. Sacred Sex is a totally new way of relationships and Im thankful I have had experiences of this with several different persons now. Nope, Im no hussy, but I am going to attempt to describe my experiences of Sacred Sex to share with you.. This is a touchy subject... Again, Pun Intended! ha! LOVE!


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: Real Sacred sex is with the Twin Flame Only!!

Ascension Diary Wednesday 5th September

Oz Angel's picture



I figure the easiest way to keep a track on the changes I am feeling is to blog them, and share them with everyone so that we may share the load and the experience. I am not saying these are the only 'symptoms' around nor that anyone not experiencing these are somehow behind or lacking.. My personal take on ascension is that it is as much a personal journey as any 'event', so as always, if this resonates with you I am grateful, and if it does not, I understand that too...


So, last night (I live in Brisbane, Australia) I was sitting on my lounge watching some mindless TV winding down from my 9 - 5 day when I got what I can only describe as a 'bolt' of energy surge down my left arm and go through me to the point where I could hear an internal "whooshing" sound (think waves lapping the beach) as the surges continued. This process went on for maybe 5 minutes... At some point I heard a familiar voice (don't know who's... yet) say "Welcome Home".


09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light

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09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light
Mp3 download
Transmission by the Elders

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now call forth to Mother Mary and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the Ascension Seat within Table Mountain,
so I may undergo my ninth initiation as The Servant,
so I may experience passion, purpose, stillness and joy,
so I may experience all my gifts and Highest Potential,
so I may open my heart to my Self and others,
in the knowing of my unique puzzle piece within the collective.

As I enter into this Ascension Seat,
I am surrounded in a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Light,
greeted and welcomed by Mother Mary as a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I am now placed in a Christed Timeline Chamber of Light.
Through the Christed Timelines I am shown the doorways into the parallel realities in which I have been unforgiving and unloving.
As I now forgive and Love all Souls with whom I have experienced karmic ties in these timelines and in this Now,

A Message from Gaia

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Dear Gaia,
Please repeat what you told me last night.

Dear One who has heard me,
I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time.
However, first, I will soften the blow.

As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had vision, dreams and "fantasies" of "little green men", a tittle given to the magestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who are still in denial.

However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and compagnions through the process of transmutation, I speak to YOU, so that you can best speak to others.

Cosmic Weather Report: The Great Initiation by Mark Borax

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September 2012
Westminster West, VT
Pregnant Earth


The plot thickens as Uranus squares Pluto for the second time this summer. This aspect, which is exact on September 18-19, is the main initiation portal of our time, designed to usher us out of the 2,000 year Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age.

It's a cosmic cervix, a birth canal through which civilization must pass in order to shed obsolete ways and enact the real reason why we're here: To be the love that we are. To pass the initiation and enter the new age, everything blocking this reason has to come up and be dealt with until we clear the past. Over and over.

At such a time of global initiation, outbreaks of both paranoia and miracle mark the approach to the gate. The closer we come to finally living up to our inner purpose, the more retrogressive forces yank back in the opposite direction. The result is that humanity is being pushed and pulled like never before. On both a macrocosmic and microcosmic level, in world politics and personal relations, you've just been tossed into the winepress of the gods. Everything that's not love is being squeezed and the pressure's on.

Lauren C Gorgo~ Into the Flow of All Good Things

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The new (universal 5) energies (9/2012: 9+2+0+1+2=14 = 1+4 = 5) of September are finally here, which begins the wrapping-up cycle of all the changes from the entire year. Can you even recognize who you were when the year began? As if you didn’t notice, this 5 year (2+0+1+2) has been all about breaking thru to new ground…to a new paradigm of freedom…which ultimately means moving beyond the karmic (duality) cycles of our 3D past and entering into the 5D, christed (unity consciousness) energies of the present.

There is the usual, almost melancholic feeling of endings in the air as we wrap up a season and prepare to enter a new one, but this year September feels different than all others because we are bringing a very important phase of human life to completion. We only have a few more months to step fully into our authenticity and say our final goodbyes to a life gone by…a past (3D) life that we created from a split mindset and with less than our full connection to universal LOVE. It’s time now to bring our full attention to the 5D energies starting to ground into the physical dimensions as we continue to break thru the old ways and align with the upgraded version of our new selves/lives.

Simultaneously, while the energies of the past recede, we are all…in one way or another…receiving the “new orders” sent forth from our spiritual blueprints…the information that we need/have been waiting for to get our vessels sailing in the right direction after an entire season of wildly flailing around in the open seas of our limitless potential.

President Obama Supports Undoing Citizens United

will's picture

GFP Note: For those that don't know, the Citizens United ruling that recently happened basically meant that the richest people and corporations could spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns without any need to disclose their identities. This represented an enormous step backwards in campaign finance reform and a shift in power away from the people and to the very wealthy. We a very pleased to see Obama talking about overturning the Citizens United ruling.

The movement to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United picked up a big endorsement as President Barack Obama stated his support for a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.

President Obama threw his weight behind the movement to address the decision that granted corporations the ability to spend unlimited dollars in the name of “political speech” in an answer to a constituent question posed to him in a Reddit chat. It was the first time that the president voiced this support himself.

The president’s statement about a potential constitutional amendment was part of a larger answer to a question about the role of money in American politics: “What are you going to do to end the corrupting influence of money in politics during your second term?” Reddit user Suzmerk asked.

CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news

will's picture

Today I reported on the refusal of CNN International (CNNi) to broadcast an award-winning documentary, "iRevolution", that was produced in early 2011 as the Arab Spring engulfed the region and which was highly critical of the regime in Bahrain. The documentary, featuring CNN's on-air correspondent Amber Lyon, viscerally documented the brutality and violence the regime was using against its own citizens who were peacefully protesting for democracy. Commenting on why the documentary did not air on CNNi, CNN's spokesman cited "purely editorial reasons".

Even so, the network's relationships with governments must bear closer examination. CNNi has aggressively pursued a business strategy of extensive, multifaceted financial arrangements between the network and several of the most repressive regimes around the world which the network purports to cover. Its financial dealings with Bahrain are deep and longstanding.

Full Story... (TheGuardian)

The energy and unexpected validation

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Two days ago I was at work and someone who is there briefly once a week and who I had met casually came in and we started chatting. He brought up issues relating to helping others. It evolved quickly into an area I was not expecting and at some point said "You are an enlightened being" This blew me away and we both looked into each others eyes and immediately understood. Not only that but I immediately felt the love there. It was an amazing validation that I was being watched and I am still digesting this. I can't wait til next week. On top of that the energy has been amazing and I am feeling incredible downloads! What a great week. Synchronicities seem to be happening quickly.

Peggy Black: Life Is An Inside Job

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Morning Messages by Peggy Black

September 2012

Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations.

There is usually an old mental program running. When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfaction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within and then projected out.

So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled expectation within.
Life is always an inside job. You are always the key … you are the creator, you are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with yourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins.
At this time it is easy to drop into the mass consciousness grid.

There is much chaos and distress happening everywhere, and it can be a fragile emotional path to walk with all the images and the awareness of the death, destruction, loss, and anguish happening in the collective grid. The responsibility of you and other multidimensional starhumans is to anchor a strong vibration of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation.

Any other emotion only adds to the collective anguish. Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved. Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation.



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