The Oracle Report 9~5~12

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Disseminating Moon Phase ~ Moon in Taurus

Today involves a certain level of distortion in matters.  There is a broad range to this, so you may experience it in a small way or in a bigger way.  Some will present an image or attitude that is superficial or in some way not honest, so don’t automatically take things at face value.  Uranus and the astrological body known as Pallas Athena meet up in the sky today.  Interestingly, Venus, which spends its last full day in Cancer today, is located at the degree known as “a Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales.”  So there is a lot of Greek goddess energy today and what it is saying is that new situations are being divinely directed and created.  (Remember that this month is the month where things take a different form.)  It also says that if you are facing some kind of choice or decision, ask yourself if the choices are really the same thing.  Do the alternatives actually lead to the same outcome?  This energy causes us to make comparisons with all types of things, but what we don’t tend to see are the similarities.  If you need to do something important, it’s better to wait until things become clearer because of the distortions that are present.  Keep this in mind if something is stressing or pressing you.


~Love Energy is HIGH Join US Live NOW~

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 Love Party is ON, and We are Getting It DONE!


The Intense Energy is Coming In and We are Arriving at Victory for the Light In ALL WAYS! Join US for an Intense Energy Family Reunion today!! BYOB, Bring Your Own Being!

Beginning at 10:30am Pacific


LOVE WINS IN ALL WAYS! Thank You for Participating In Your Part of The Divine Plan. The More who Gather The Higher The Planet Raises in Frequency!!!


Be Aware Upon Entering You Will recieve a Blast of Love!!! Our Gift from us to YOU!


Saul: You are on the Edge of a Massive Disruption to Normal Life

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John Smallman

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you. You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you. You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you. What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

The Light that you are bearing before you with such forbearance and determination is a beacon to many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that all is not as it seems. Your constancy and imperturbability are amazingly effective stabilizing influences on all in your vicinity, and on all who know you, even though you yourselves are mostly unaware of the powerful and supportive presence that your loving behavior constantly demonstrates.

Love is the power, the energy, the creative potential that gives life its spark. Life and Love are one — a divine dependency that is infinitely fertile and infinitely abundant. Within the illusion, you experience only the smallest intimation of what this means. You have writers, painters, poets, composers, and performers who manage to pass on to you a mere inkling of the fantastic possibilities that life offers you, but until you dissolve your illusory reality and awaken fully, your understanding of what this truly means will continue to escape you.

By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival 191

Lia's picture

Today will be an interesting day in many ways, and you will soon start to see things so much clearer. Not only in your personal life, but also in many things concerning the outside world. You see, the wheels have started to turn in earnest now, and as such, old modalities will be starting to chug along slower and slower. So, the differences will only start to magnify as the time seems to fly by faster and faster, while at the same time, people seem to be stuck in the same rut forever. So expect polarities of different wavelengths if you will, coexisting on the same plane, yet literally worlds apart, as the magnification of the differences between them crystalizes even further. So sit back and watch as the world starts to spin on its axis yet again, but this time, in a slightly different pattern that will have many interesting consequences.

Lisa Gawlas ~ Moving Into Uncharted Territory ~ Best To Go Here With The Wind At Your Back!! – 5 September 2012

Lia's picture

There is absolutely nothing usual about these energies I call September, which is making readings highly unusual too.  I have never seen your spiritual team’s so adamant about keeping me/us from seeing the whole story happening within you and thru you.   It started on day one of September when I was reading for the lady who had the glass door completely shatter.  I did everything I knew how to do to tap into what the experience may be, but as I kept trying and spirit kept pushing me out of that view, suddenly she ended up with four “guards of the gate,” two on each side of the smashed glass door, all shining and glowing but with their arms crossed to show you “you ain’t getting thru,” and trust me, I didn’t.

Well the same thing has been happening thru almost every single reading since then.  What surprised me was when I couldn’t bring a lady into my kitchen to see inside her body.  I figured if spirit is going to hold out information that will take us each individually and collectively to the Equinox, I might as well scope out the energy inside her body to get a view from there.  Not.   The first time this happened I could almost understand why.

Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Brotherhood Of The Star ~ 5 September 2012

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This blog post will be about the second positive group that has been working secretly behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity and liberation of the planet.

I have gained access to one of esoteric texts that was written by a member of that group and I am publishing it now in its entirety with full permission of that group.
»Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command.  The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara. The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet.  The outer circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached the seventh subdegree  of the third Initiation. The physical anchor of the Brotherhood of the Star is a vast subterranean kingdom of Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its antechamber.

Massive M7.9 Earthquake off Coast Costa Rica + Tsunami Warning

Lia's picture

Perhaps this is related to the CME energies bathing the planet now?

Photo courtesy of CNN


Costa Rica Earthquake 2012 Today Felt in San Jose

Massive earthquake occurred off the coast of Hojancha, Coasta Rica on September 5, 2012.

A M7.9 earthquake just occurred below the coastal area of Costa Rica.

This earthquake can be called extremely dangerous for everybody living in a radius of 40 km around the epicenter.

The earthquake occurred on top of the North American plate which is subdected by an oceanic plate. Powerful earthquakes in the area are mostly very deep and less dangerous.

Tsunami Warning:



TIME IS 0243 PM HST WED 05 SEP 2012

We will have to wait until recalculated numbers are coming in.

Real Time Earthquake Map

View Location in Google Maps

Source + Source

Thank You to Biggerpicture2012

UFOs are Gateway man's passion

Rain's picture
Dayna Harpster, 9/4/12

Study of the phenomenon is serious science to Fla. director of the Mutual UFO Network.

Morgan Beall, the new state director of Mutual UFO Network for Florida, recommends Leslie Kean's book 'UFOs: Generals; Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record' for anyone interested in unidentified flying objects.
Morgan Beall, the new state director of Mutual UFO Network for Florida, recommends Leslie Kean's book 'UFOs: Generals; Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record' for anyone interested in unidentified flying objects. / Kharli Rose/

Morgan Beall knows what reaction his interest in UFOs can provoke. He’s heard it all: “So you’re one of those wack-jobs,” “I heard you chase little green men.” Most TV shows and media reports contain what he calls “the giggle factor.”

Did anyone else feel that shift just now? Incredible energy today!

Madame Butterfly's picture

I just had to write this to let you know what amazing energies are coming in right now - two incredibly wonderful things just happened to people I know - and I just felt a shift in the grid - did anyone else feel that in the last hour?


After a day of rain yesterday, the morning has slowly gone from hazy to sunny, and outside my porch door the birds are actually calling to me to come to the garden.  All the flowers are bursting with colour and blooms and dewdrops are glistening in the sunlight.


But it is the news that is coming in from people that is astounding - huge relief after worry and strife.  Has a cloud larger than these rainclouds just been lifted?  


It sure feels that way!


oh and it's 11:11 a.m. right now as I go to hit save!  wow! 


more love and light!


Madame Butterfly

FBI denies claims of Apple ID hack

Rain's picture

CNN - Doug Gross, 9/5/12

  • Hackers post 1 million iPhone, iPad IDs they say are from FBI
  • Antisec is a politically minded branch of the activist collective Anonymous
  • The group's claim has not been independently confirmed
  • FBI: There's no evidence that the claims are true
Protesters in
Protesters in "Guy Fawkes" masks favored by the Anonymous hackers group pose at a demonstration in February.

Supporters of WikiLeaks' Assange lose $320K in bail money

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NBC News - By Isolde Raftery, 9/5/12

Suzanne Plunkett / Reuters

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks to the media outside the High Court in London in this December 5, 2011 file photo.

Supporters who put up nearly $320,000 to bail out WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange have lost their money, the Guardian of London reported.

Assange’s backers -- who include Jemima Khan, a writer, movie directors Ken Loach and Michael Moore and publisher Felix Dennis – had to forfeit their money because Assange skipped bail in June to avoid being extradited to Sweden where he is wanted on rape charges.


DNC protesters stop blocking intersection and are allowed to continue walking on sidewalk

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The Washington Post, 9/5/12

(Patrick Semansky/ Associated Press ) - A demonstrator known only as the Captain is detained by police during an unscheduled protest march,Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012, in Charlotte, N.C. The Democratic National Convention begins today.

  • CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Dozens of protesters clogged streets and blocked traffic Tuesday outside the Democratic National Convention on its opening day, making for some tense moments that ultimately brought more theater than violence.

Apple patent could remotely disable protesters' phone cameras

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By for Zero Day

September 4, 2012

Summary: A new patent, granted to Apple, could prevent academic cheating, cinema interruptions, but also see areas of political protest activity 'ring-fenced' disabling phone and tablet cameras.

Don't you just hate it when there's someone in the cinema taking photos, or talking on their phone? How unfair is it that 'they' cheated on their test because they could access the Web, and yet you only got half their marks?

Isn't it a shame you can't take a photo of the police officer beating a man in the street because your oppressive government remotely disabled your smartphone camera?

A new patent granted to Apple could do all of the above.

NAM leaves US, Israel with black eyes: Stephen Lendman

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Published on Sep 3, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has said that the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran was a great achievement for Iran.
Interview with Stephen Lendman, writer and radio host, from Chicago



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