Update by Sheldan Nidle A key item on the agenda is disclosure

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10 Eb, 0 Zip, 9 Eb


Dratzo! We return with much to discuss. A great change in your banking system is getting ready to appear. As you know, a dark cabal runs your world by maintaining a tight grip on the global banking system, which in turn controls everything else. This grip has been loosened recently by the inflationary nature of its fiat currencies. Added to which, it is impossible to perpetuate a system based on debt and expect to simply add to the debt indefinitely, but this is precisely how your present financial system is expected to operate. In fact the true extent of the hidden debt accrued by this cabal is staggering. On another front, these ones sincerely believed that the block placed by Heaven on your reduced genetics long ago to prevent further tampering by the dark could actually be breached by using the alien genetic technology which had fallen into their hands around the end of WWII. This mistaken belief now forms the basis of their defeat and is leading to the restoration of the Light on planet Earth. Heaven knew this was happening and in the early 1990s requested us in the Galactic Federation to set up a first contact mission for Gaia. This mission is to make known to you the truth about many things, including the major reasons for the coming of your new reality.


Thoughts on Channelings

will's picture

I'd like to share my observations about channelers and channeling, as there has been much controversy surrounding them. Channeling allows for some very wonderful information to come through, and it has assisted millions of people with their own evolution. For many readers, and the channelers themselves, it is the easiest way they have to connect in with the Higher Realms. It gives people inspiration, drive and direction and encourages people to go beyond their boundaries. While channeling has many beautiful aspects, it also has some limitations that people would do well to be aware of.


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Pubblicato in data 04/set/2012 da GalacticCentral

As the Ground Crew, The Company of Heaven, it is Our Decrees that have been the Set-ups for Humanity's Graduation Events, All of Our Decrees are Heard Across the Universe's and ALL Galaxies, as well as to the StarShips Surrounding Planet Earth=Heart, And they are assisting in energy with Responding Immediately for manifestation.

To read the full message:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/divine-intervention-divine-...

Wes Annac~ Solara: You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth

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The realms of our beautiful Sun are brimming with the energy that is being gifted to your beautiful world in increasingly pure doses. We notice many of you beginning to assimilate these energies and it is wonderful for us to perceive of you finding the resulting higher dimensional perceptions which the delivering of such energy has always been meant to help you to gain.


You are working to assimilate this energy in every moment and while this energy is being sent through your bodies and while you find the resulting expansions, many events of a turbulent nature seem to manifest that are meant to act as catalysts for your immediate growth.


No frustrating events that occur in your Lives happen by coincidence, and we ask you to understand the hollow nature of even the assumption of seemingly random events occurring on your world being coincidences. Everything that happens which seems to rub you dear souls the wrong way, is meant to see you understand the reasons why such things hurt you so and the reasons why you take to feeling frustration upon the manifestation of such things in your Lives.


Interview with Mehran Keshe of Keshe Space

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Source: 2012 The Big Picture - 9/3/12

Mr. Keshe did a 2.5 hour interview on the Smart Scarecrow Show Sept. 2 and shared a lot of great information.

He explains how much of his technology can be used to improve the lives of Humanity and hopefully bring peace, safety and good health to the people of our planet.

He mentioned that Africa wants to put in a rail system—but they won’t need rails!

10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake

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Thank You to The BiggerPicture2012


It’s not easy being fully awake, but if I slept through it all I’d be kicking myself afterward for missing all this “soul growth”!


Some are unwaveringly convinced that there is nothing beyond the life they witness each day. They would rather label us fear-mongers and conspiracy theorists than explore it for themselves. Unfortunately, denying it doesn’t make it go away.


We can’t see thoughts, and they’re real. We can’t see the wind, but there’s no doubt about what it can do. Few of us can see what’s beyond the veil, but those of us who are awake just know through those messages we’re getting via the channels, our nudges from the Universe, and through the results we experience in the physical that something very powerful is running things that we just can’t see… yet.  The more we know, the more we know we don’t know. The fun has just begun!


NaturalNews ~ Ethan A. Huff ~ Vitamin B3 May Be The Cure For Drug-Resistant Superbug Infections

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(NaturalNews) While the pharmaceutical industry is busy trying to conjure up new drugs to tackle the antibiotic-resistant “superbug” epidemic, a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation explains how simple vitamin B3, also known as nicotinamide (NAM), taken in high doses may effectively thwart staph and other potentially life-threatening infections without the need for drugs.


Researchers from both Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California and the Linus Pauling Institute (LPI) at Oregon State University (OSU) collaborated with one another to test the effects of high doses of NAM administered to both live mice and human blood infected with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). What they found was that vitamin B3 significantly boosts the number and effectiveness of neutrophils, or white blood cells that target infections.


It turns out that, when taken in doses far higher than those recommended by the federal government, vitamin B3 is capable of significantly boosting the body’s own natural immune system to the point where many diseases simply cannot survive. According to the study, vitamin B3 is capable of increasing immune capacity by 1,000 times, allowing the body to naturally fight MRSA and other deadly pathogens.

CME shock from solar filament hit Earth

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CME shock from solar filament on August 31 hit Earth, geomagnetic storming in progress...

WEBSITE: thewatchers.com
by: Chillymanjaro


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Ascension of the Sun: Solar flares and activity explained

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Published on Sep 4, 2012 by ASCENSIONPIONEERS

Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Everything in Creation is always ascending to a higher vibration, and all the levels are always connected! The Ascension of the Sun is causing physical solar activity!

The energies of yesterday were pretty intense, and this usually causes some sort of physical cleansing, like it did with me yesterday! I guess the Solar explosion which occurred on August 31st has reached the Earth and some of us can feel these effects pretty intensely. There was great releasing of these flares onto the Earth's atmosphere today, as they hit our planet exactly on September 3rd.

This usually triggers digestive issues for me, because it's how my physical body releases the old that was previously processed through the emotional and mental. Like I always say, the physical aspect always follows last. First there are changes in our spiritual awareness, then the mental and emotional, followed by the physical. There is such great Divine order in this and how it's all happening in layers and stages. It could not have been more amazing ... especially when we understand this process and flow with it through this higher awareness.

Resting, taking it easy and nurturing yourself ... these are key things when such energies are circling around in our atmosphere!

Within Divine Love, Polona


Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…

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Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.


Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously “released” dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.


Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.


Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.


Kauilapele's Blog: Multi-Dimensional Operations… Say What??

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Honestly, I have no idea what this post will be about exactly, only that something said to start moving my fingers and hitting the keys here, and the message would come out. So here we are…


I can only say that, at the moment, it feels like I am being involved in operations on a multitude of levels. Some of them are right here on the surface of this planet, with people living on the surface of this planet. Another is in the “mental” type level. Using the Brain-iac (that means, my Higher Brain, I suppose) to do stuff that I’ve never done before. Like fix my “return” (enter) key which had got so it only worked when I hit it right at this one spot, and no other. I had to pop out the key, and then figure out how to put it back, so the “return” would really, “return”. And it did!


Warnings from Former Presidents re: the “Invisible Government” Running the U.S.

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Thank You to The biggerpicture2012


So, if it’s been going on for so long, how could we sleep through it? Why didn’t we respond sooner? Sheeple, we did it to ourselves. We may have finally learned the lesson.



Verified Warnings From Former U.S. Presidents About the “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People”

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”   ~ George Santayana

Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”


Connections by Suzi Shift Changes

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Connections by Suzi

I don’t have an email address or phone number for either of these parties, so I’m writing these open letters on behalf of myself and those of the Earth Collective who stand with me.


Dearest Galactic Family,

Please know that your presence in our skies and your loving assistance in helping us through this shift is greatly and sincerely appreciated. I commit to helping in every way that I can in establishing a peaceful first contact and subsequent welcoming of our Star Family to Earth. I know there are many who stand with me on that.


As you may know, there are also many readers writing in to express their disappointment and frustration that we aren’t yet face to face and working together.

If the ones who continue with dark purposes are the only thing keeping world leaders from making a series of announcements that will transform collective understanding, I imagine we can help by surrounding those very persons and situations with golden light and love. Please know that there are plenty of us who will welcome you and help others not to be afraid.


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